Monday, December 23, 2019

Picking up Trash


I work this afternoon, but still wanted to get it a bit of a walk. I noticed the last two times that I walked that I should once again pick up litter in the neighborhood. I told Leroy that my plan was to clean up the block we live on and get a walk as well. He said, “I will help with that.”

I am certainly glad that he helped. He took the street side and the gutter had plenty of refuse. It also makes it a much shorter trip. We did stop about three fourths of the way to empty our bags. I am thinking of making a new year’s resolution of picking up trash once a month for the year. I am not sure that I can manage, but surely I will do more than have for the past year.

One of the neighbors thanked us for cleaning up. It is great to get some thanks for this. We get bags from the city that we can fill so we do not have too much trash in our containers. This bag that I have had for several months is almost full now. Getting another bag from the city will not be as easy since we do not have neighborhood meetings in the winter.

Leroy is reading a book that I read first. I smiled some as I read it, but at the last short story I did laugh. That Leroy has been cackling for some time. It is great to hear him enjoy it so much, but then I wonder, “Why didn’t I get so much laughter?” it is certainly good for the soul. The book I am reading for the church book club has had me laughing a couple times. It is not often that I read books that cause me to laugh out loud, smile maybe.


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