Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fall, Fall, Fall


Yesterday we helped clean out of the community garden, all the plants that could not handle the cold which has moved into our territory. It is so satisfying to get this done and on a beautiful day even if a bit cool. There are three types of kale left in the garden along with broccoli, Brussels sprouts (tiny pea sized sprouts, sigh), red cabbage, and some Swiss chard. We also cleared out all tomato cages, fencing, stakes, and posts which hold up various vines.

 This afternoon we went to a friend’s house to help her gather pine needles for protecting her roses through the winter. She has had shoulder replacement surgery and cannot do the job. Her husband does not like to do this job so we really helped him. He does do much work in the garden. All we did was rake them piles and fill bags with them. It was a nice to time visit and take in nature. We went to a college campus that is close to their house so it was quite close to us and them. She uses the needles on the roses then in the spring they are used as mulch between their raised beds in the garden. I was happy to hear that they are so useful. It gives them two uses beyond what nature would do.

She also showed us how she uses them to clean hoes, etc. Those needles are a nice resource indeed. I have not been around pine trees much so I did not realize that they lose some needles in the fall. I have seen needles on the ground, but did not know of any cycle fro them. I could see the yellow needles in the trees after she showed me. The peak of the fall color is just about over. It has been a spectacular show this year.


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