I am reading a book called Women Rowing North by Mary Pipher. I
even liked the introduction. I have finished one chapter and am interested in
reading more. Now, if I can just convince someone that old age is a good place
to be it will be well. It says, according to polls, that women between the ages
of 65 and 80 are some of the happiest people in the country. In many ways I do
feel more comfortable with myself than I did in an earlier phase of life. The real
trick is to adapt and adjust to changes that come in life. Apparently we
acquire and retain more skills for the journey as life progresses.
For a book club, I read The Wedding Gift by Marlen Suyapa
Bodden. It is set before the Civil War and involves life among the slaves as
well as the owners of such human property. I do know something about that piece
of history, but this told the story from several female points of view.
I was fine with learning history when
is school, but it is only the last few years that I have been reading much
historical fiction. It seems to be my preferred method of absorbing more than I
did with just the facts. Many of the books involve sights from the woman’s
point of view or are even about real woman in history who got no mention in the
school books. A theme seems to be that life is not so clearly mapped when it
comes to making choices that might change history. Many women have lived perilous
lives, especially if they lived in a manner that is true to their convictions.
As I “travel north” will I live more true to my convictions?
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Fall, Fall, Fall
Yesterday we helped clean out of the community garden, all the plants that could not handle the cold which has moved into our territory. It is so satisfying to get this done and on a beautiful day even if a bit cool. There are three types of kale left in the garden along with broccoli, Brussels sprouts (tiny pea sized sprouts, sigh), red cabbage, and some Swiss chard. We also cleared out all tomato cages, fencing, stakes, and posts which hold up various vines.
This afternoon we went to a friend’s house to help her gather pine needles for protecting her roses through the winter. She has had shoulder replacement surgery and cannot do the job. Her husband does not like to do this job so we really helped him. He does do much work in the garden. All we did was rake them piles and fill bags with them. It was a nice to time visit and take in nature. We went to a college campus that is close to their house so it was quite close to us and them. She uses the needles on the roses then in the spring they are used as mulch between their raised beds in the garden. I was happy to hear that they are so useful. It gives them two uses beyond what nature would do.
She also showed us how she uses them to clean hoes, etc. Those needles are a nice resource indeed. I have not been around pine trees much so I did not realize that they lose some needles in the fall. I have seen needles on the ground, but did not know of any cycle fro them. I could see the yellow needles in the trees after she showed me. The peak of the fall color is just about over. It has been a spectacular show this year.
Yesterday we helped clean out of the community garden, all the plants that could not handle the cold which has moved into our territory. It is so satisfying to get this done and on a beautiful day even if a bit cool. There are three types of kale left in the garden along with broccoli, Brussels sprouts (tiny pea sized sprouts, sigh), red cabbage, and some Swiss chard. We also cleared out all tomato cages, fencing, stakes, and posts which hold up various vines.
This afternoon we went to a friend’s house to help her gather pine needles for protecting her roses through the winter. She has had shoulder replacement surgery and cannot do the job. Her husband does not like to do this job so we really helped him. He does do much work in the garden. All we did was rake them piles and fill bags with them. It was a nice to time visit and take in nature. We went to a college campus that is close to their house so it was quite close to us and them. She uses the needles on the roses then in the spring they are used as mulch between their raised beds in the garden. I was happy to hear that they are so useful. It gives them two uses beyond what nature would do.
She also showed us how she uses them to clean hoes, etc. Those needles are a nice resource indeed. I have not been around pine trees much so I did not realize that they lose some needles in the fall. I have seen needles on the ground, but did not know of any cycle fro them. I could see the yellow needles in the trees after she showed me. The peak of the fall color is just about over. It has been a spectacular show this year.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Shopping Changes
Leroy has seldom gone shopping in the last 10 years. Now, however, he is on the team. I have to get used to that as I have my routines and they do not include another person, consequently, I keep coming home without things that I meant to get, but were not on the list. Today I forgot to look at the ads before going. This will definitely take an adjustment.
On the other hand Leroy helps carry groceries. He also looks at the price of this or that and thinks it is too much. I just say, “That is the way it is. We have the money and we are not feeding a number of people, just us.”
On the way home today he started adding, in his head, the approximate monthly amount which also surprised him. I do keep track of what I spend, but do not discuss it, because it is mostly not a negotiable item. He was not aware of what it adds up to. I shop for specials and seasonal items so I do not think I overspend. Although, I am switching to organic so that makes it higher. Some things are better that way, especially the dirty dozen. Often the clean fifteen is not organic.
We use an electric toothbrush. We have two units and one of them died. We have been looking for a new one. It was probably good that Leroy was with me today because we spotted one on sale. He remembered what the price was in another store. Plus this one had an offer with it to get brushes at the same time of purchase and save another $20. We thought that was a great deal as brushes were also on sale. Then when we got it home we found a coupon for three dollars off more brushes and they would send another ten dollar coupon if we registered the unit. All in all am glad we did this. I might not have decided so fast had I been alone.
Leroy has seldom gone shopping in the last 10 years. Now, however, he is on the team. I have to get used to that as I have my routines and they do not include another person, consequently, I keep coming home without things that I meant to get, but were not on the list. Today I forgot to look at the ads before going. This will definitely take an adjustment.
On the other hand Leroy helps carry groceries. He also looks at the price of this or that and thinks it is too much. I just say, “That is the way it is. We have the money and we are not feeding a number of people, just us.”
On the way home today he started adding, in his head, the approximate monthly amount which also surprised him. I do keep track of what I spend, but do not discuss it, because it is mostly not a negotiable item. He was not aware of what it adds up to. I shop for specials and seasonal items so I do not think I overspend. Although, I am switching to organic so that makes it higher. Some things are better that way, especially the dirty dozen. Often the clean fifteen is not organic.
We use an electric toothbrush. We have two units and one of them died. We have been looking for a new one. It was probably good that Leroy was with me today because we spotted one on sale. He remembered what the price was in another store. Plus this one had an offer with it to get brushes at the same time of purchase and save another $20. We thought that was a great deal as brushes were also on sale. Then when we got it home we found a coupon for three dollars off more brushes and they would send another ten dollar coupon if we registered the unit. All in all am glad we did this. I might not have decided so fast had I been alone.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
On vacation, while we were riding in the car to take our recycle to the proper place, we all heard a ping as something hit the side of the car on the inside. Leroy said, “One of the lens fell out of my glasses.” Luckily he had not been driving.
When we got to the place, I got out to depositing the recycle. Sarah opened the door where Leroy was sitting. Nothing fell on the tarmac. Leroy and Sarah looked carefully in the car for that lens. They searched and searched without seeing it.
In a bit it became necessary to drive on to that waterfall place which was across the road. Once again we all looked very carefully and felt with hands in many places just in case it blended in and we could not see it. Our three other friends came over to help as well. They looked in many of the same places to no avail. Finally we even took out the umbrellas that were in the seat back. Unopened they gave up nothing.
It is so frustrating, bizarre, and amazing because it never fell out of the car so it has to be in there. However, only so much time can be spent looking for the unfindable. In spite of knowing that we already looked there when we were at the car we looked again from time to time.
Leroy even stripped off all his clothes, behind closed doors, of course, but it did not appear.
We drove into Galena and got a glasses screwdriver so he could replace the screw on the glasses frame so it would not bother him so much flopping around. He got an eye patch as he had before. This one was too tight so he did not wear it long.
He called the glasses place. We went there as soon as we got home. Leroy found his old lens which had just about a month ago been removed from those frames. They put the old lens back in much to his relief and ordered one new lens to replace the missing. They put a rush on it. It will take a week, but he is not complaining because it is so much better than one lens in the glasses. The woman there remarked, “The missing one will turn up about a week after you get the new lens.”
On vacation, while we were riding in the car to take our recycle to the proper place, we all heard a ping as something hit the side of the car on the inside. Leroy said, “One of the lens fell out of my glasses.” Luckily he had not been driving.
When we got to the place, I got out to depositing the recycle. Sarah opened the door where Leroy was sitting. Nothing fell on the tarmac. Leroy and Sarah looked carefully in the car for that lens. They searched and searched without seeing it.
In a bit it became necessary to drive on to that waterfall place which was across the road. Once again we all looked very carefully and felt with hands in many places just in case it blended in and we could not see it. Our three other friends came over to help as well. They looked in many of the same places to no avail. Finally we even took out the umbrellas that were in the seat back. Unopened they gave up nothing.
It is so frustrating, bizarre, and amazing because it never fell out of the car so it has to be in there. However, only so much time can be spent looking for the unfindable. In spite of knowing that we already looked there when we were at the car we looked again from time to time.
Leroy even stripped off all his clothes, behind closed doors, of course, but it did not appear.
We drove into Galena and got a glasses screwdriver so he could replace the screw on the glasses frame so it would not bother him so much flopping around. He got an eye patch as he had before. This one was too tight so he did not wear it long.
He called the glasses place. We went there as soon as we got home. Leroy found his old lens which had just about a month ago been removed from those frames. They put the old lens back in much to his relief and ordered one new lens to replace the missing. They put a rush on it. It will take a week, but he is not complaining because it is so much better than one lens in the glasses. The woman there remarked, “The missing one will turn up about a week after you get the new lens.”
Friday, October 18, 2019
People Talking
People who have not seen each other for forty-nine years can talk for hours. I was the only one who had seen all of the friends in the years since we had graduated. Granted in some cases, it had been a long time, but I had actually spent some time with them. The rest had not been in the same area during those many years. There were some phone calls and Christmas cards, but not always.
It was like pulling a plug on silence. Words just flowed. We will get together again next year at our 50th reunion/homecoming. Rooms have been booked so it is a fairly sure thing. One of our group was not there, but she will be there next year. I am pleased that when we were in the same room we were able to make plans together.
We spent much time in the house or in that area just visiting. One outing included a trolley ride in Galena, IL. Even though I had grown up quite close to this area, I thoroughly enjoyed that ride with all of the information it included.
I had hoped the trees would be at their peak, but it was not quite there even though there was some beauty to be seen.
Here is a picture of the four of us and the second picture includes two spouses.
It was a wonderful time to reconnect.

People who have not seen each other for forty-nine years can talk for hours. I was the only one who had seen all of the friends in the years since we had graduated. Granted in some cases, it had been a long time, but I had actually spent some time with them. The rest had not been in the same area during those many years. There were some phone calls and Christmas cards, but not always.
It was like pulling a plug on silence. Words just flowed. We will get together again next year at our 50th reunion/homecoming. Rooms have been booked so it is a fairly sure thing. One of our group was not there, but she will be there next year. I am pleased that when we were in the same room we were able to make plans together.
We spent much time in the house or in that area just visiting. One outing included a trolley ride in Galena, IL. Even though I had grown up quite close to this area, I thoroughly enjoyed that ride with all of the information it included.
I had hoped the trees would be at their peak, but it was not quite there even though there was some beauty to be seen.
Here is a picture of the four of us and the second picture includes two spouses.
It was a wonderful time to reconnect.

Saturday, October 12, 2019
My college friends are getting together tomorrow. My roommate will be with us this afternoon and evening. Another roommate is now in Iowa going to visit her sister. She will join us tomorrow in Galena. My other friend lives within driving distance so she will also meet us at the destination. One of these people I have not seen in years, maybe even forty. One it has perhaps been ten years. One of them I saw last summer. That makes for a real mix.
I am excited. It is all coming together just fine. Hoping for some beauty in the trees and crisp air. We have rented a house so we can all be together as much as we would like. Next year is our 50th college reunion so we are really speeding up the visiting. This time we can just visit with each other and not a lot of other people that we know will be at the 50th.
Leroy and one other guy will be there so they might have to entertain themselves from time to time. We are just going to go expecting the best possible time for all.
It did not freeze last night, but it was predicted. Our thermometer registered 32 degrees F. To stop the growth of much, it has to get a bit lower.
At least I know not to pack summer clothes.
My college friends are getting together tomorrow. My roommate will be with us this afternoon and evening. Another roommate is now in Iowa going to visit her sister. She will join us tomorrow in Galena. My other friend lives within driving distance so she will also meet us at the destination. One of these people I have not seen in years, maybe even forty. One it has perhaps been ten years. One of them I saw last summer. That makes for a real mix.
I am excited. It is all coming together just fine. Hoping for some beauty in the trees and crisp air. We have rented a house so we can all be together as much as we would like. Next year is our 50th college reunion so we are really speeding up the visiting. This time we can just visit with each other and not a lot of other people that we know will be at the 50th.
Leroy and one other guy will be there so they might have to entertain themselves from time to time. We are just going to go expecting the best possible time for all.
It did not freeze last night, but it was predicted. Our thermometer registered 32 degrees F. To stop the growth of much, it has to get a bit lower.
At least I know not to pack summer clothes.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
I went to the community garden this morning. It had been a long time since I had been there. The yellow tomatoes are just not so popular and several were on the ground. Inspection revealed that they were not good enough to keep because bugs were munching away with pleasure. Still there were two small bags when I got done picking.
Even though it seemed they maybe should stay on the vine longer two small butternut squash went in my bag because they had developed some odd spots on their skins. It seems that bugs might move in there too.
There were several broccoli sprouts that will make a good meal when put all together. I am pleased to report that there are not so many worms on it in this cooler season.
When I was looking at the zucchini in my own garden I felt a tickle in the corner of my eye. I rubbed it, but it still bothered me. Then I wondered if a bug had gotten in my eye. I tried to cry, but I am no good at producing tears for “no reason”. I rubbed some more going from the outside to inner the corner hoping to help any interloper get out of there. Finally I went in and looked in the mirror. I could see nothing. Perhaps it was just a spider web tickling the skin in that area. Spiders and their webs seem to be in great supply at this time of year. Walking though them is not my favorite thing to do. I have to work hard not to imagine spiders crawling on me afterwards. It is also necessary to create self talk to remind me about the good that spiders do in our world.
I went to the community garden this morning. It had been a long time since I had been there. The yellow tomatoes are just not so popular and several were on the ground. Inspection revealed that they were not good enough to keep because bugs were munching away with pleasure. Still there were two small bags when I got done picking.
Even though it seemed they maybe should stay on the vine longer two small butternut squash went in my bag because they had developed some odd spots on their skins. It seems that bugs might move in there too.
There were several broccoli sprouts that will make a good meal when put all together. I am pleased to report that there are not so many worms on it in this cooler season.
When I was looking at the zucchini in my own garden I felt a tickle in the corner of my eye. I rubbed it, but it still bothered me. Then I wondered if a bug had gotten in my eye. I tried to cry, but I am no good at producing tears for “no reason”. I rubbed some more going from the outside to inner the corner hoping to help any interloper get out of there. Finally I went in and looked in the mirror. I could see nothing. Perhaps it was just a spider web tickling the skin in that area. Spiders and their webs seem to be in great supply at this time of year. Walking though them is not my favorite thing to do. I have to work hard not to imagine spiders crawling on me afterwards. It is also necessary to create self talk to remind me about the good that spiders do in our world.
Monday, October 7, 2019
In the past, when Leroy worked 40 plus hours per week, I did almost all of the neighborhood newsletter delivery by myself. He would help with about a half hour of this task. Now that he is retired from one job, he has helped deliver those newsletters. Part of me likes it that he is contributing so much. In fact I had a little of the martyr complex about doing so much. Another part of me is sorry that I am not getting so much walking in. One of my feel good ideas about walking is that it is the best when my steps have another purpose than just walking to be walking. So I am conflicted between appreciating the help and missing my additional walking the solo task required.
In the same territory I got many steps when I hung out clothes. I considered that one of the benefits of hanging clothes, besides a good excuse to be outside. Now Leroy has been helping me which essentially cuts the work and the steps in half. Again it is both positive and negative. Sigh!
When I mentioned it to wise Leroy he said, “There are always tradeoffs.”
Leroy is the guy who sees the gray in life while I am more to the black or white side of things. Living with Leroy for 48 years or perhaps just living longer has opened up more of the gray sight for me, but Leroy still has the greater vision.
Leroy is starting to make a list so he remembers what he had thought to do on his days off. Some learning goes the other way as I am the family list maker.
In the past, when Leroy worked 40 plus hours per week, I did almost all of the neighborhood newsletter delivery by myself. He would help with about a half hour of this task. Now that he is retired from one job, he has helped deliver those newsletters. Part of me likes it that he is contributing so much. In fact I had a little of the martyr complex about doing so much. Another part of me is sorry that I am not getting so much walking in. One of my feel good ideas about walking is that it is the best when my steps have another purpose than just walking to be walking. So I am conflicted between appreciating the help and missing my additional walking the solo task required.
In the same territory I got many steps when I hung out clothes. I considered that one of the benefits of hanging clothes, besides a good excuse to be outside. Now Leroy has been helping me which essentially cuts the work and the steps in half. Again it is both positive and negative. Sigh!
When I mentioned it to wise Leroy he said, “There are always tradeoffs.”
Leroy is the guy who sees the gray in life while I am more to the black or white side of things. Living with Leroy for 48 years or perhaps just living longer has opened up more of the gray sight for me, but Leroy still has the greater vision.
Leroy is starting to make a list so he remembers what he had thought to do on his days off. Some learning goes the other way as I am the family list maker.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
In the early mornings I have been waking up to try to figure out where the instructions for the WI-FI access are hidden. The email page is now quite vivid in my mind; either a “photo” of the real page or a figment of my imagination. The instructions were that I must keep track of the information. They sent this soon after I received the rental confirmation. We were leaving home at the time and then we had guests. So it just sat there until I forgot about it. I had even looked at the email more than once, but it is now buried on the computer or the internet or even farther away.
The worst thing about all this is that it robs me of energy and confidence along with sleep. Leroy catches some of the edge of my anxiety and unease.
I keep trying to convince myself that it is not such a big deal. Maybe they will not give me a repeat email, but surely if I paid them more money they would hand it over.
On the other hand, there was a time when we were in a time and place with no connection with the outside world except the phone. Life was just fine then. Because this seems so necessary, now I wonder, “What will my friends think of me and my incompetence?”
I am so relieved! I looked at my email today to find a final instruction letter about the house my college friends and I are renting for our get together. The user name and password were in those instructions. If I were more emotional I would have wept. I had Leroy come help me get it printed on our new printer which I am not all knowing, yet. Leroy knows the printer or almost all. I now have the papers printed so if that email becomes elusive I can still get on WI-FI. Maybe I should write the information in a few more places, just in case.
Such unnecessary fussing!
In the early mornings I have been waking up to try to figure out where the instructions for the WI-FI access are hidden. The email page is now quite vivid in my mind; either a “photo” of the real page or a figment of my imagination. The instructions were that I must keep track of the information. They sent this soon after I received the rental confirmation. We were leaving home at the time and then we had guests. So it just sat there until I forgot about it. I had even looked at the email more than once, but it is now buried on the computer or the internet or even farther away.
The worst thing about all this is that it robs me of energy and confidence along with sleep. Leroy catches some of the edge of my anxiety and unease.
I keep trying to convince myself that it is not such a big deal. Maybe they will not give me a repeat email, but surely if I paid them more money they would hand it over.
On the other hand, there was a time when we were in a time and place with no connection with the outside world except the phone. Life was just fine then. Because this seems so necessary, now I wonder, “What will my friends think of me and my incompetence?”
I am so relieved! I looked at my email today to find a final instruction letter about the house my college friends and I are renting for our get together. The user name and password were in those instructions. If I were more emotional I would have wept. I had Leroy come help me get it printed on our new printer which I am not all knowing, yet. Leroy knows the printer or almost all. I now have the papers printed so if that email becomes elusive I can still get on WI-FI. Maybe I should write the information in a few more places, just in case.
Such unnecessary fussing!
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
One Odd or End
One of the odds and ends has been taken care of. There is a pharmacy in town that will compound the cream and it will be at one sixth of the cost. That is so good to know. Tomorrow it will be ready to pick up. If it were a nice day, I could walk there. Because I will be coming from work the car will be my method of getting around.
There is colder weather predicted for the next few days. My house plants are all still outside. This morning I cleaned up about four of them. That means getting rid of spiders and bugs that might have moved in during the summer. I am not sure why the spiders like many of the plants, but they are quite settled in. The pots are also rather dirty from being close to the ground. I have decided not to save my large fern that has been divided a few times. Instead I will keep one of the smaller parts that has not gotten big. The big one is out in front of the house with a free sign on it. If no one takes it, it will be composted. It is nice to make some decisions on the number of plants in the house.
There are some coleus and a begonia that I want to bring in but I might not get that done as that requires taking some slips from them. Right now it is more work than I want to do.
Leroy rode his bike to work today in spite of the rain prediction for this afternoon. Even though our new car is a bit larger, it will not accommodate a bike without taking off one wheel. Leroy does not like to do that, but he is coming to the conclusion that it is better than riding home in the rain. The rain might not come so soon. It is quite cloudy. It will probably rain here, but not just yet. Although better to start before he leaves work than in the middle of his ride. He just called and he wants the ride as it is raining lightly at work and he did not bring his rain gear.
One of the odds and ends has been taken care of. There is a pharmacy in town that will compound the cream and it will be at one sixth of the cost. That is so good to know. Tomorrow it will be ready to pick up. If it were a nice day, I could walk there. Because I will be coming from work the car will be my method of getting around.
There is colder weather predicted for the next few days. My house plants are all still outside. This morning I cleaned up about four of them. That means getting rid of spiders and bugs that might have moved in during the summer. I am not sure why the spiders like many of the plants, but they are quite settled in. The pots are also rather dirty from being close to the ground. I have decided not to save my large fern that has been divided a few times. Instead I will keep one of the smaller parts that has not gotten big. The big one is out in front of the house with a free sign on it. If no one takes it, it will be composted. It is nice to make some decisions on the number of plants in the house.
There are some coleus and a begonia that I want to bring in but I might not get that done as that requires taking some slips from them. Right now it is more work than I want to do.
Leroy rode his bike to work today in spite of the rain prediction for this afternoon. Even though our new car is a bit larger, it will not accommodate a bike without taking off one wheel. Leroy does not like to do that, but he is coming to the conclusion that it is better than riding home in the rain. The rain might not come so soon. It is quite cloudy. It will probably rain here, but not just yet. Although better to start before he leaves work than in the middle of his ride. He just called and he wants the ride as it is raining lightly at work and he did not bring his rain gear.
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