Sunday, March 3, 2019

Flowers in Winter


I know I keep talking about the flowers, but they do add a lot of beauty to my life. Yesterday Leroy said, “Those amaryllis are certainly beautiful.”

They are in the living room where we sit to read or possibly watch TV. Because they need support holding up their heavy blossoms I have them leaning against the rocking chair across from our reading chairs, consequently we can look at them often without trying.

We walked to church this morning. The temp was 3 degrees F. with a feels like -10 with the wind chill. We were grateful that many of the sidewalks were clear. If not we used the streets. Usually Sunday morning there are not many cars out. We are grateful that the college campus sidewalks are cleared with such regularity.

We walked right along to get the mile done before we felt too cold. I should take a picture of Leroy when he is all bundled. There is no skin to be seen. He got a pair of ski goggles at a garage sale and they have become his good friend. His nose can be covered and his glasses to not fog up. I on the other hand, have to keep my nose exposed so I can still see to walk. I rushed along and Leroy whose coat is more bulky complained, “I cannot walk so fast because I am so bulky and bundled.”

I showed no mercy and kept up the pace with a comment and a little laugh, “That is too bad.”

My nose wanted to be indoors. Leroy did manage to stay with me, course it helped if I had to wait to cross a street.


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