Saturday, October 6, 2018

Leroy’s Phone


Last night Leroy came home with a little tale of woe. He was charging the phone battery in the car by using an adapter that goes in the cigarette lighter, when he heard a pop, saw and smelled smoke, and realized that his phone was in trouble. When he disconnected it he got no response from his now black screen phone. Also the cord that he had used to make this connection was bent and twisted from this surge that went through it.

He had purchased this refurbished phone in January, bought a new battery in September, and gradually gotten dependant on it for his GPS as well as his calendar.

After he got done mourning the loss of this item he considered the next move. He did learn that one of the local stores was a place to take your IPhones for service. He will do that today.

From their diagnosis he will make his next moves. I did want to call him today and realized I could not do that. How did we manage before the advent of these movable devices that have almost become a body part?

Leroy just came home with the knowledge that the phone is dead. Not surprising but sad none-the-less. Now he must ponder what path to take.


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