Friday, July 6, 2018



I have been so busy, both at home and at work. We had 1000 more people come in the library in June than came in last year. Each day/night when I came home I was worn out. Guess that would be a good reason why. Nice to have such a good patronage, but we really could use a larger library and a larger staff. Probably that will happen in the future as the town continues to grow.

I am not sure what has occupied me so much at home, but some of that would be the berry picking, washing and storing. I have spent a little time in the community garden, but not so much this year. There is good mulch in it so the weeding chores are way down.

I will have to say that in the excitement of that camping trip, Brian kept calm. He questions seemed to be just the right ones. I believe he would be very good in an emergency room; however he has said that it is not a place with good family hours. He is now working at a college in their health department.

One day when shopping I could not use my credit card. At the second store I once again could not use it. I called the company and learned that my information was ok, but they needed more from Leroy. Leroy uses his middle name with the first initial. That no longer works in this computer driven world. Personally I find this annoying. I wish he would just use his first name and be done with it. Course then I would not know who he is. I believe all his official documents now use his first name. It occurs to me that if he were injured they would call him Harold. Would he even respond as he is not called that on a daily basis? Certainly it would take me some time to consider who they were talking about. As it was, it took two days to straighten this all out. At least we had not been hacked which is what I first thought had happened.


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