Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Phone Fussing


One of my friends had an older model IPhone that I could acquire, she said for nothing, but I am contemplating solutions that we could both feel good about. I had it in hand when I chatted with a guy at my current provider. He wanted to know the serial number of that phone, but I did not have a clue where that info might be. He was not bothered when I told him the name of the carrier for the phone when it had belonged to her.

Yesterday I learned, from my friend, where to find that information. As all things technical it is not so hard once you know how to do it. Today when I chatted with a representative of the company I was prepared to give her that number. However, she was insistent that the previous carrier did make a difference and it would not work. She was not interested in learning the serial number. Now I wonder was one of them wrong and if so which one? I have ten months of time left on that lost phone. Months that could be transferred to a compatible phone.

My friend also told me about another company that is pay as you go. With a quick check they learned that the phone is compatible if I buy a new SIM card. Now the question is, should I just assume that is money lost on my lost phone or should I buy a cheap flip phone and use that time? Or should I just go with this new company and stop thinking about it? It is one of those gray areas of life with no clear answer coming to me. I have to say that I am becoming much more comfortable living without a mobile phone.

 I certainly do not understand the compatibility of phones and companies. I am grateful that I better understand the compatibility of friends. What a gift friends are in life where compatibility and flexibility mesh.


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