Monday, April 9, 2018

Snow and Flowers


I hear many complaints about the cold and the snow that we have been experiencing in April. For some reason it does not bother me so much. Again I think about how little I really have to experience it as I have a warm house, warm car, and warm clothes. There was not so much wind so even walking to church was quite comfortable. One thing is for sure with these temperatures I do not have to fight for my space on the sidewalk as others avoid the outdoors.

On the way home from church I walked by a house where many interesting things grow. Sure enough some brave yellow buds were coming up close to the ground. They were far enough from the sidewalk that I was not sure if they were crocus or not, but it seemed likely.

Sunday afternoon it started to snow. Because the street and sidewalk had retained some of the heat from yesterday’s sun the snow did not pile up there even though the grass and trees collected quite a lot. One thing nice about the spring snows is that we do not have to shovel. Although I like to shovel so I do miss it a little. It is so satisfying to see the clear space open up behind me when I look back.

The pink Christmas cactus is once again starting to bloom. There are at least five buds opening and perhaps ten more on the way to becoming real. One bud is on the white cactus. It can’t keep up, but needs to feel worthy of its existence.


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