Sunday, December 17, 2017

My Haircut

My Haircut

December 17, 2017


Some of you asked to see my haircut. This morning Leroy took two pictures one of which I posted on FB. I did not post the second picture because it was mostly a duplicate, but it was closer to me and showed more wrinkles and cords in my neck.  I chose the vanity shot because of course, I look better. Here is the picture so you can also check it out.

I decided to include both because if you were to see me in person you could note all details, so no hiding.

Two more people complimented me on my hair this morning in church. One of them talked at length about how lucky I was to get a haircut and just have almost the same look because of my curly hair. I did not tell her about how few times I comb my hair. Also a hairdresser once told me that if I forgot a comb I could just bend over, run my fingers through my hair, stand up and it would almost fall into place. I have been known to do that more than one time in my life and I bless that woman for her good advice.

The adult choir sang quite a lot in church this morning. There were only six sopranos and the two strongest voices were missing. We had a hard time singing over the 25-30 others who were all singing enthusiastically.

This afternoon Leroy and I will once again walk to church, easy 10,000 step day, to sing with the children for their program. This will be the first time we have been to the children’s program since we have joined this church. I guess both of us have enjoyed not needing to go to all church activities which was not the case for the 30 years Leroy was the solo pastor. Generally we did like attending everything, We probably would have been there anyway, but once in a while it would have been nice to stay home or do something else.


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