This morning Leroy had mostly a froggy
voice along with a cough. I convinced him, with little effort, to stay home. He
wondered, “I did not know if I could handle the walk to church.”
I did go out about an hour before my
leaving time to shovel the bit of snow that had fallen since we last shoveled
yesterday. This was to test my ability to handle the walk in the sub zero
temperatures. It was a low wind day and the sun was starting to come out so I
thought it would be fine.
I will admit that when it is so cold I
would like company just in case. The main streets with a few open gas stations
seemed like a good choice. It was a fast walk even though many people had not
gotten up that last bit of snow. Because of the cold it was not slippery.
I was warmly dressed with a t-neck
shirt, sweater, wool socks, wind breaker pants over my fairly warm slacks, a
hat, three scarves along with a warm coat and gloves. My face was the only
exposed part of my body. I was even so warm that when I got to church I had to
remove my sweater which I might have normally worn indoors.
We are pleased with our weather
station even if we have not figured out how to connect to our mobile devices. The
directions stated that we could include family and friends. Our downstairs
friends also could not get it connected for themselves. Maybe on a business day
we can finish the job with assistance from a human being. As it is it seems to
be connected to some unknown network because it is giving us the forecast, we
just do not know what network it found. I like being able to see the outdoor
temperature while indoors. Yeah for technology!