Sunday, November 5, 2017



I am so blessed with blooming things in my house. The impatients that I cut before the frost are rooting in water and blooming in the office. Then the Christmas cactus, both white and pink, are putting on buds that are now large enough that I can see them as I walk in the bedroom. The pink one is especially loaded. I am looking forward to their full glory. Then in the spare bedroom, the cyclamen is blooming with one flower open and more to come. The living room violet has put up one flower stalk which now has three beautiful purple flowers open. I feel a little bad I looking at it because when I acquired this plant it was loaded with flowers that lasted quite some time. It had nothing more on it until just recently. I see no more buds anywhere. Maybe violets are not my specialty. I left the four amaryllis bulbs in the garage because I feel they need to experience a lot of cold to reach their full potential, however when I brought them in to put on the steps to the attic for more sheltered resting time, I thought two of them felt a bit of softness on the outer part of the bulbs. I told Leroy, “If I have killed them, you will have to buy me one or more for Christmas.”

He was pleased as he has a hard time thinking of things to gift me with.

Also about growing things, I went to the community garden this afternoon to pick what others had not. There was a nice amount of chard, but it is a bit stressed. One bag I gave to a neighbor and I will try to take two more to a food pantry that is close. There was also some arugula that I picked, however I am being selfish with that especially since no one else seems to be picking it.

All of the things in the cabbage family I left in their places, knowing that they can tolerate plenty of cold. The winter onions are also quite strong, but I had intended to bring some home. My backpack was full as well as a bag hanging from my hand. I had forgotten gloves so I did not want to burden myself anymore than that.


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