Saturday, June 17, 2017



Leroy and I got up early and headed off to the garden to arrive there at 7:45 before the heat and any possible rain came. The garden was a bit wet. As a result when we went home we weighed slightly more from the mud caked to the soles of our shoes. In spite of poking at that mud with a stick, wiping my shoes sideways in the grass, and dragging my feet from time to time, I still carried a load of earth with me. I felt well connected to the soil, does that enrich the soul?

We do benefit much from the garden in produce, connections, and a sense of contributing to the community. We are always glad when someone else comes to help out. Leroy is learning that his Monday evening time is conflicting with schedules of two people who used to come frequently. He certainly misses them.

I feel we do not volunteer has much as we used to in other areas, but this garden takes a big chunk of time when it is summer so we do not take on much more.

Someone came to help this morning and she brought a number of replacement plants as well as those wonderful bug chasers, marigolds. These plants are half price at one of the grocery stores. Leroy and I went there this afternoon and bought marigolds of our own because somehow I had failed to buy any when I got the other plants. Bugs have done some feasting in the meantime. We also bought another tomato plant because the two survivors that we have, struggled to just be here. We also washed my car. It has been a long time since that has happened so I was happy about. Hopefully it has not been too bad with winter salt on the underside.

We did find time this afternoon to read and enjoy being lazy until I remembered that I wanted to wash the kitchen and bathroom floors. That is done now so we are resting until evening so we can plant our new purchases.


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