Monday, April 10, 2017

Feeling Better


I am feeling much peppier today, even though I still cough some and I can feel the post nasal drip. Yesterday I went out and delivered some of the neighborhood newsletters. Leroy did not want me to go alone so he gurglingly went with me. I told him I would be fine, but he could not handle the idea that I was going to do lots of walking and hill/step climbing. It was great to be out in the warm sun. I was tired by the time we got done. Leroy did one side of the street so we got more done than if I had been alone. I was quite annoyed with myself when I discovered that I had left the Fitbit home in my “round home” pants pocket. I wish there were a way to alter the output of this thing, but I suppose it keeps us from cheating when we are stuck with what is there. I suspect I walked about 2000 steps. Leroy thought it might be even more.

I am going to work today. That seemed easy to handle until I noticed on the calendar that we are having a team meeting so I need to work an extra hour. Today is not the day I want to do that. I am, however, happy to see that I need to go early, because sometimes I forget and they have to call me and almost wait for me to appear.

I am not sure why, but recently I have been thinking of the color of Jesus’ skin. It is most likely much much darker than we see in many pictures in this country. I wonder if it had been depicted more accurately would Europe have accepted him as their God. How would a photo have changed people’s relationship? After all he was born in the Middle East and no one said, “Look at that weird white baby.” The family also went to Egypt as refugees. There is no record of them having any trouble there. It seems that they just blended in with the rest of the population.


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