Saturday, April 29, 2017

Where to put bookmarks


When Leroy and I do devotions in the morning we always have a bookmark in the bibles as well as the devotion booklet. In the devotion booklet Leroy always leaves the bookmark on the day that it is. I thought he might do that just so I could find the page when doing my writing. That page listed the verses that we read. Sometimes I do not get this done immediately so I do not remember what they are.

“Where do you put a bookmark when you are reading a book just for you?” I asked Leroy.

“In the spot where I finished,” he replied.

I always put the bookmark in the spot where I will read next. I could not imagine anyone putting it where I finished unless it was on the same page. What could be a reason to do that?

It seems as I go through life that everyone is doing things in the same way that I am. It is astonishing to learn that is not true. The harder part is to let others do it their way and I get to do it my way. Is that called tolerance? Just how do we develop that? Of course the bookmark thing is small and generally is not noticed by others. But what about the plants left to grow in their lawn? Or the trash left around? Or the way different people drive, fast or slow? Or the way others greet or speak to you? Where do we draw lines and say, “It is not right?” Where is tolerance? How much should be tolerated?


Friday, April 28, 2017

New Bible


There are some definite perks to working at the library. The other day I was dealing with donated books when I came across a copy of the Message Bible in pristine condition. I could buy it for a dollar. What a deal!

Leroy and I have a Message Bible, but ours has a fake leather cover that is not standing the test of time. Some bits of it are flaking off. Also this new copy of the Bible is a bit larger size so the print is bigger and more comfortable for these older eyes to read. We had talked about replacing the bible we have, but had not gotten started on the search. Can you image, we paid about $30 for the other when we purchased it almost ten years ago. Now just a dollar is giving us a better deal.

For morning devotions Leroy reads from that translation/paraphrase while I read silently from the NRSV. Leroy does not like to experience both at once, but I do. Once in a while he will ask me what it says in my copy. When we are done with what we will do together, including the joke which has nothing to do with religion and everything with setting a good mood, I read both versions again, think about them, and respond with the TRIP acronym in my journal. After I have done that I record six things I am thankful for in my day yesterday. I firmly believe that all of this keeps my life on an even positive keel. Whose hand is on the rudder? (I am grateful for my Misspeller’s Dictionary which knew that I would spell that word rutter. The spell check on this program could not come to a correction for me.) Not that everything in my life is always good, but that I manage to believe that it will turn out better later and I am not alone. Just as with the dictionary I am always glad to find alternatives that offer solutions to difficulties.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Another Outdoor Experience


The weather was almost perfect while Sarah and the girls were here. On the second day, besides riding, that two seated bike we went to a county park called Wickiup Hill with a Learning Center. Besides being interesting to adults, especially if you want to read every sign, it was definitely aimed at children, providing many hands on experiences. We spent quite a bit of time in the building as well as the bird blind where we saw many goldfinches that still have their winter colors.

Once outside we saw a turtle crossing the road. The specimen retreated when the girls got too close, however it came back out of its small melon sized shell when they stood still and waited patiently. For a turtle it had a bit of speed on land although probably not as fast as the rabbit these girls chased.

On a few reeds in the wetland area, they spotted a small snake enjoying the nice warm weather. We were able to get quite close to it as well. Then on a railing,a someone spotted a frog or toad that remained quiet and watchful as we inspected it.

After all of that we took a nice walk through the woods, noticing many early spring wildflowers, some were familiar and some not. The signs on the trails also give quite a lot of information about the natural habitat and the human history in this area. These walks take me back to my childhood on the Illinois farm where much entertainment was to be found just walking around amid the trees and finding flowers or animals. Leroy and I noted, before the bushes sprout leaves thickly making seeing difficult, where the black raspberries were so we can come back when they are ripe and pick some.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Glasses and Birds


A week ago, in the morning, I turned in my glasses frames so they could be sent to the making place. For most of the middle of the day I wore an old pair that did not quite bring the world into focus. I was happy to have Sarah or Leroy drive everywhere. I could sit in the back with the girls and be loved and entertained by them. I believe that was a mutual experience.

We went to the grocery store so we could purchase things that they like to eat. Things that Leroy and I do not generally have in the house. Later in the day it was necessary to go to my library where people could pick out books that they particully wanted to read. Something for everybody even if it is a small library!

 From there we headed off to the raptor center where injured birds are nursed back to health or kept for the remainder of their life if they are unable to survive on their own. It was a bit disappointing that many of the birds were not there. They were probably visiting a school. However when we walked back up from the lake a guy had a one eyed great horned owl on his arm. We were able to get quite close to this bird. We also gained a bit of information about this bird and her species. He then brought out a falcon. All in all I thought it was great.

Besides the birds, we had a good time at the lake skipping rocks or trying to skip rocks. Some of us managed and some did not. It seems to be a skill oriented activity.

From there we headed back to the eye place to get my glasses. Oh joy, to be able to see with a good amount of clarity. What a blessing. We also had gotten a call from the tax place so we could sign papers and get the taxes on their way just one day early. That is as close to the dead line as we have ever come. Much relief was felt by Leroy and me.


Monday, April 24, 2017



I am not sure how it has happened, but my arms and hands are older than the rest of me. I looked at them yesterday and was a bit taken back by their age. Surely they are ten years older than my legs. The backs of my arms are sagging and flapping which creates wonderful entertainment for my grandchildren. Perhaps it is nice to have built in, go with me everywhere, toys. When I put my hands down in my lap the veins fill up with blood causing much interest for the poor souls who are unequipped with such bony hands. For the children, it seemed like a good idea to see what happened when those veins were pushed on and then released. Seems like a good biology lesson. Also it was noted when my hand was up in the air the excess blood ran out to some place in the rest of my body.

While Sarah and the girls were here I looked for my butter dish. It is only a company item since Leroy and I never use butter or margarine except when someone else is here. I had moved this dish when I cleaned the cupboards because it was just mostly in my way. Even though I looked and Leroy looked we were not successful in finding it. Last night I stood on a chair and looked in one more place even though I had looked everywhere including in this space. There it was resting alongside seldom used water bottles.

We rarely use much sugar in this house. One of Leroy’s church colleges is having a birthday. Leroy is responsible for bringing treats. This guy likes rhubarb, so rhubarb crisp is the offering. He will also bring fruit for those who might not like rhubarb. Also one woman cannot eat gluten. The amount of sugar included in the recipe, in spite of the addition of red raspberries, is greater than we would use in three months’ time. I just took a deep breath and put it all in with a prayer for forgiveness for not loving these people enough to give them the tart taste that I require of Leroy and I for a healthier life style. Now I believe that Leroy and I, after years of eating that way, like that tart taste and consider it quite normal. Are we changing and aging?


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Family visits


Family visits make the world go round. Leroy and I so enjoyed our visit with daughter Sarah and her girls. Somehow life feels more complete and focused. They left today and the house feels much more empty and uncluttered.

Every day we managed to be out and about. The first day the girls asked about riding the two seated tricycle that our downstairs friends have so graciously let them use in the past. After putting air in the tires, adjusting seats, and making sure that it would work, the girls hopped on and peddled up and down the alley. It took a little bit of time to master the turning, braking, and peddling. However, the learning was fun and not to be discredited.

Later we took a walk putting steps on my Fitbit. Somehow that device became a fascination. Seeing the steps add on and adding steps themselves occupied a bit of time. These girls are also big readers so I had brought home some books from the library. I am pleased to see them dive into the books even the ones that they did not think they wanted to look at.

None of our children’s family’s have seen the futon. We had not had a couch because it was too difficult to get one up her. The futon comes apart so it could navigate the stairs. The girls sat on it almost immediately on coming into the living room. It was great to be able to sit easily on the same piece of furniture when reading to them. Sometimes it is good to be deprived of some item because there is so much appreciation for it when you have it once more.

Sleeping report follows. Leroy and I slept on the futon. It is in the living room so that means we could use that room without disturbing any sleeping children if we slept on it instead of the younger set. Setting up and taking down was a breeze. The mattress was a little hard, but not intolerable. I am happy to have that in our living space even though Leroy and I generally still sit in our chairs to read.


Friday, April 14, 2017



Leroy went off to his Moh surgery by himself and I went to yoga feeling a little guilty even though I had our downstairs friends standing by if he needed a ride somewhere. About two hours later he called me to tell me, “It all went well. They only had to cut once and it was good. I’m at work, but taking it a little easy.”

In the course of the day Leroy contributed to two worship services and led another. He also went to choir practice. Early this morning he woke up. He said, “My leg is a little swollen. I think I should have had it up more yesterday.”

He had planned to work this morning, but called and cancelled that although it was not a straight shot because his museum boss had sent him a text telling that he did not feel so well. The boss went to work anyway. Leroy did not need to make hospital calls as only one long term person was in. They have been seen many times.

Our taxes are not ready, but since an accountant is working on them I assume any responsibilities such as extensions are in his court. This will be the latest that we have ever turned in our taxes.  I have been privileged to experience many new things in my life.

Leroy called about my new glass’s lens since it has been three weeks past the exam time. They had talked about two weeks. The lenses are ready, but for some reason no one contacted me. Sigh! I have wanted to see a little better than I do at the moment. I cannot get them until Monday when I will send my frames to them early in the morning and be able to pick up the full set in the afternoon. At least Leroy and Sarah will be here so I can have a driver. That has been on my mind as my other glasses are not so good for me now. Hopefully it will brighten my world.


Monday, April 10, 2017

Feeling Better


I am feeling much peppier today, even though I still cough some and I can feel the post nasal drip. Yesterday I went out and delivered some of the neighborhood newsletters. Leroy did not want me to go alone so he gurglingly went with me. I told him I would be fine, but he could not handle the idea that I was going to do lots of walking and hill/step climbing. It was great to be out in the warm sun. I was tired by the time we got done. Leroy did one side of the street so we got more done than if I had been alone. I was quite annoyed with myself when I discovered that I had left the Fitbit home in my “round home” pants pocket. I wish there were a way to alter the output of this thing, but I suppose it keeps us from cheating when we are stuck with what is there. I suspect I walked about 2000 steps. Leroy thought it might be even more.

I am going to work today. That seemed easy to handle until I noticed on the calendar that we are having a team meeting so I need to work an extra hour. Today is not the day I want to do that. I am, however, happy to see that I need to go early, because sometimes I forget and they have to call me and almost wait for me to appear.

I am not sure why, but recently I have been thinking of the color of Jesus’ skin. It is most likely much much darker than we see in many pictures in this country. I wonder if it had been depicted more accurately would Europe have accepted him as their God. How would a photo have changed people’s relationship? After all he was born in the Middle East and no one said, “Look at that weird white baby.” The family also went to Egypt as refugees. There is no record of them having any trouble there. It seems that they just blended in with the rest of the population.


Sunday, April 9, 2017

Getting out


I do not feel well with much nose blowing, coughing and sneezing so I stayed home from church. It creates a bit of a guilty feeling for me. When growing up, there were few excuses allowable for us to skip going to church.

The strange thing about this is that I do not feel sick enough to need to go to bed. Yesterday,  I did a load of laundry and hung it out. In the afternoon Leroy and I met a friend in a city park replete with wide open spaces so we could fly kites. It was an enjoyable time with strong winds gusting from a variety of directions which made kite control somewhat challenging. I have to confess that after about an hour I was quite tired and ready to quit. You can see what a great day it was. I took these with my old flip phone, but it does work, just takes longer to figure it all out so I can share with you. 

Today, I have moved some plants outside such as the four amaryllis, something I cannot name, and Cuban oregano. It was these plants because they look like they are longing for the outdoors with their leaves reaching in long directions. I figure that gives me some exercise walking up and down stairs to take each plant by itself.

Yesterday when we got home from the park leroy opened the windows. That was great except the bugs came in as if they had a personal invitation. I thought bugs came later in the year but I suppose the warm brings them out of their winter hiding places. Leroy then got the screens, vacuumed them, and put them in the windows. Today I have the windows open with the bugs remaining outside where I like to think they belong.

Leroy is home from church and he tells me that it is very nice out. He even put on shorts, but I am still in a sweatshirt and long pants.


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Just In Case


Just in case weighs me down holding me to the earth so I cannot fly high.

I have three pair of old glasses that are not my current prescription and will be even farther from the next when I get those new lenses. But I keep them, just in case I might need them.

We have dishes that we used to use, but have not for the last five years and they sit in boxes unused. But I keep them just in case we move to a place with a dish washer and would need more dishes to fill the dishwasher.

Turtlenecks from the nineties sit in my dresser drawer unworn this last year. But I keep them just in case I might be caught short and need to wear one of those past favorites. I have relegated some tops to the round home pile and have worn them once again.

I keep shaking and cleaning the black printer cartridge just in case I can get another page out of it. Leroy has been talking for some time about getting a new one. I dislike getting another because we do not print so very much. It dries up rather than being used up which goes against my standard of excellence.

Headache medicine sits in the medicine cabinet just in case we might get a headache even though this has not happened for five or more years.

Organ music rests in the cabinet just in case we might move somewhere that requires me to play once again. But it has not been used much for almost ten years.

A few books sit at my house to be read just in case we cannot go to the library. But now Leroy gets an eBook without leaving his chair if he is in need.

Just in case I might need it has long tentacles.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Neighborhood Clean Up


Today was the biannual neighborhood clean up. I am pleased to be able to participate in this task. It brings out the college students that bookcase our neighborhood. Not so many neighbors are involved in this outing, but those of us who are get to meet the students. I always feel that meeting others past some invisible lines that are seldom crossed is a good thing. I know that many of the students are afraid to venture into the neighborhood. I keep hoping that they will learn that we are just regular people.

Today Leroy and I connected with a group of female students from Coe and a male faculty member who was from Mount Mercy. We had a good time together visiting and picking up litter. The area we were covering was not as badly loaded with discards as some that I have seen. We carry three trash bags in the group and one recycling bag. Certain items elicited a bit of discussion as to whether they could be recycled. Cigarette butts, clearly trash, are the most prolific, but not the largest items. One of the Coe students was able to talk about how much damage those butts do to the oceans. She was quite up on her trash and recycling guides. It gives me hope for the future to know that some of the upcoming generation is concerned about the environment and our effect on it. Hopefully we can turn around some of the damage. How did we ever get the idea that the world is ours to treat in a cavalier manner?

Leroy did find a wrench that he talked about bringing home, but I have not seen it since so I am not sure that it made it. Sometimes there are treasures to be found that have been discarded.

I have almost walked my 10,000 steps between going to church and the trash walk in the afternoon. More treasures gained; connections to others, health, and well being. Blessings abound if we are just open to them!


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Saturday Work


I am not good at even thinking April Fool’s jokes so this is all real.  I had a list of jobs for Leroy and I to do on this great day. We finished cleaning out the kitchen cabinets. Leroy even crawled in back of the washer and vacuumed the floor and swept up any cobwebs back there. Something we have not done since we moved in five years ago so it was a bit dust to be found.

We are also washing the bedding and hanging it on the clothes line. I just love that activity on a nice day like this is turning out to be. The only regret is that there is so little wind to help dry the clothes.

I was able to find some men’s socks on sale yesterday. Leroy is pleased with the two wool pairs so he has claimed them. I found another 100% cotton pair that has a funky design on it. I suspect that no man I know would buy such so they are now on my feet and I like the feel. My large feet do not like to wear socks made for the average woman.

Leroy took the expanding downspout that I got yesterday and attached it to the gutter on the garage so it will not drip/rain down on our heads while going in and out of the garage. He and Clark had the brilliant idea to make it flow into the rain barrel. I am pleased with that idea. The only hold up is that they need another section.

Leroy and I hiked up to the grocery store to take advantage of their deal on the Chinese meal. Unfortunately the price charged was quite a lot more than we expected. Somehow we did not convey our wish to have the one entrée so we got the two entrée selection which was not part of the sale. The cashier made it come out to the smaller, but now I feel a bit guilty since we did get the two. We have enough food to last for two meals instead of one.

On top of that I forgot to put my Fitbit in my pocket for the walk to the store. I know of no way to add those perhaps 1000-2000 plus steps. I will just have to walk some more.
