Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Soup and Exercise


Pumpkin soup is in the pot. It was to be pumpkin lentil soup, but it changed to split pea when the bag in the cupboard had peas rather than lentils in it. Substitutions are a solid creed in my life. We will learn if it was a good thing or not. The rest of the ingredients are the same as the recipe, except that the ground ginger jar would not yield the required amount. Even though the crystal ginger is here it seemed just a bit too far to the side. There could have been more of the ingredients if the idea had occurred sooner. As it was, I saw the pie pumpkin sitting decoratively in its spot and decided “the time had come” for it to serve another purpose.

Cutting this pumpkin was a job. Either the knives need sharpening again or pumpkin skin is tough. The seeds are saved, but I will leave them for Leroy as he likes them much better than I do.

If you have a New year resolution about exercise, I have read a book called Younger Next Year : the exercise program by Chris Crowley. It could help you reach your goal of moving more and becoming stronger and more flexible. I would recommend it for anyone who feels that urge to do something to change how they feel for the better. It certainly has inspired me. I who never write fan mail almost want to write the author and tell him how much I liked it.


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