Tuesday, August 23, 2016

On Our Way


Today, Leroy and I are leaving to visit Miriam’s family in UT for a week. We will not be able to use the bus when we come back home because it does not run late enough. It is not easy to support bus business when it does not run just when we want it or at least frequently enough to fit schedules.

Leroy had planned to work much later today, but he learned as he was going to call on someone for the church that they had died. Another person that he had planned to visit was very tired and just needed to sleep. I suspect that was ok with Leroy as he simply came home.

We are packed but in an odd way because we are paying for one check on piece that is not very full. I plan to bring back some shoes from Miriam’s house. One of her friends died. This woman had the same size foot as I do. I will first find what fits, but we think that some/many will work so I have plenty of room for them.

We are each taking on the plane with us, a bag that fits under the seat in front of us. At this minute I feel that would be enough for the entire trip because I can wear Miriam’s clothes.

I have settled in my mind about the person picking the tomatoes in the garden. As my downstairs friend commented, “If you had not been there at the same time you would never have known and it would not have been a problem. Also, that neighbor is moving so she was just taking his share.”

It was just such a contrast to the guy who had been through the day before. He looked to be homeless, but maybe I do too when I go to the garden even though my hat cost more that might be expected. He said with a grin that showed missing teeth, “Your husband gave me a tomato when I was here last time. Thank you.”

When I offered him some more and other veggies as well, he assured me that he could not take them now. I told him he could take produce anytime as this was for the entire neighborhood. I have to remember that we do not check on income, etc. just the desire for some good food.


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