Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Little Fixes


Leroy fixed the bottom drawer on the desk. It gives me so much pleasure to be able to open it with ease. In a few months time I will not think about it, just accepting it as the norm, now it is appreciated.

We moved the Christmas cactus on top of the four drawer file cabinet, freeing up the dining room table space. It creates a better view when walking into the computer room. That somehow lightens my mind and feels so much better.

I took down a picture that was in the spare bedroom. It was one we had gotten in Germany at an art museum. Our friend Dorte assured us that it was by a well respected German artist. It may be a good artist, but it is not for us. It cast a rather dark and gloomy patina over the room. The fabric picture from Panama brightens the aspect of the room.

Leroy gave me a rice cooker for Christmas. He knew I could not make up my mind about small or large size. He seized the decision and gave me a small one. It is great and I have found a home for it in the kitchen closet. It is so great because I can delay the start allowing me to set it up for the evening meal without needing to be home. Freedom indeed!

Leroy also gave me a Yoga DVD that I had hinted I wanted. Well it is quite challenging with its fifteen minute sessions that I thought would be a breeze. Some of the postures are not in my repertoire. They may never be included, but I have found I can do most of them. Will I be stronger when finished with the week? Surely it is just a little fix on the road to health. Think positive! I can do it.


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