Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Babysitting in MN


Good thing I have not had a head injury because I could not have told you the date. I would have come close, but not spot on. We do look at the schedule we were given so we can make sure we are doing what we are supposed to do on any particular day.

Leroy and I took these children camping, but just for one night as they had never been tent camping before. Sophia (7 yr.) did not seem too excited by it all, but when we got home she commented, “We should have stayed another night.” Who could have guessed such response?

I will have to confess that I kept comparing it to our experience in UT. There are pluses and minus as might be expected. First, the temperature was more comfortable in the mountains with the cold stream rushing close by. At least it was not 90 in MN, but a mere 84 F. On the other hand it did cool off at night, but not until about midnight. In MN we did not need any warm clothes so we could take fewer things although the car was still quite full. The MN kids packed their own bags. I was impressed at how few things they took along. In MN there was grass at the campsite so sleeping on the ground was more comfortable except for the fact that the children had the best pads under them. Even grass is not totally soft.

The bug population in MN is quite robust. In the air mosquitoes, bees, and flies abound. There were a few spiders that frightened Logan. Unfortunately the mosquitoes liked Logan a great deal, in spite of bug spay. His system reacted almost immediately to the bite. Luckily we had taken the anti-itch cream with us. In UT the bug population was so small that it is difficult to tell good stories about them.

This park had a great amount of road that would be good for riding bikes, but we had not brought them along. Logan did comment that he would have needed to be in the Burley, so we could pull him.

Both parks were beautiful in their own right.


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