Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Camping in MN


Learning took place on all sides. These children had never camped in a tent before so setting up the tent was a bit of a mystery. Then in the darkness coming back from the bathroom Sophia and Logan ran ahead of Leroy. Logan ran too close to the tent and tripped over a guide line. Skinning his knees when landing. Caused much loud screeching until we could get a good look at in the tent where he huddled on my lap. We did have a first aid kit with us. In the excitement I yelled at Leroy because he forgot where it was in the car. It has been in this spot for a few years. Guess that means we never use it. There were some alcohol wipes in there. I told Logan that it would likely hurt. I would touch it lightly and he could let me know if I should continue. One light touch and he was screaming once more. Instead we just put on some antiseptic ointment and three band aids in several directions. It seemed to be better then. At the visitor center the next morning the woman told him, “You can’t have a good camping experience without some blood, so you must be having a good time.”

Then it was fire time. After a bit of struggle we got the fire to burn, but it needed more oxygen. I was blowing on the fire when Sophia grabbed me from behind. I tipped off balance and managed to swing myself away from the fire. Who knew that I needed to talk about not bumping me around the fire? I thought be careful around the fire was enough advice; along with do not touch the hot dog fork anywhere but the handle.

The kids also had a hard time with the hot dogs changing color. That went for the marshmallows too. We could not find chocolate in their house so they had the treat without, just marshmallows and graham crackers. Sophia said that would be ok, so we did not stop to get chocolate. They seemed to enjoy it which was fine with me. Leroy and I did not want any so they each had two and that produced like a special thing of getting more than usual.

One of our sleeping bags eats socks. There was a sock in there that Sophia declared, “I have never seen that before, but Olivia had some like that.”

One of those UT girls must have a sock without a mate, can you imagine that?


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Babysitting in MN


Good thing I have not had a head injury because I could not have told you the date. I would have come close, but not spot on. We do look at the schedule we were given so we can make sure we are doing what we are supposed to do on any particular day.

Leroy and I took these children camping, but just for one night as they had never been tent camping before. Sophia (7 yr.) did not seem too excited by it all, but when we got home she commented, “We should have stayed another night.” Who could have guessed such response?

I will have to confess that I kept comparing it to our experience in UT. There are pluses and minus as might be expected. First, the temperature was more comfortable in the mountains with the cold stream rushing close by. At least it was not 90 in MN, but a mere 84 F. On the other hand it did cool off at night, but not until about midnight. In MN we did not need any warm clothes so we could take fewer things although the car was still quite full. The MN kids packed their own bags. I was impressed at how few things they took along. In MN there was grass at the campsite so sleeping on the ground was more comfortable except for the fact that the children had the best pads under them. Even grass is not totally soft.

The bug population in MN is quite robust. In the air mosquitoes, bees, and flies abound. There were a few spiders that frightened Logan. Unfortunately the mosquitoes liked Logan a great deal, in spite of bug spay. His system reacted almost immediately to the bite. Luckily we had taken the anti-itch cream with us. In UT the bug population was so small that it is difficult to tell good stories about them.

This park had a great amount of road that would be good for riding bikes, but we had not brought them along. Logan did comment that he would have needed to be in the Burley, so we could pull him.

Both parks were beautiful in their own right.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Serious thoughts


Leroy’s ability to see grey areas is sometimes good for him to see the overall picture. Me, I am more of the black and white ilk so I am a bit flummoxed by some things.

At our neighborhood meeting a man talked about the fact that there are homeless people who come to the meals at noon. These people have a fairly regular circuit they make around the city. After having worked in the Moorhead, MN library next to the homeless shelter, I certainly saw the same people over and over at about the same times of day. The person talking at the meeting shared that many of them are ex cons (Is that a good term?) because they cannot get housing. They also cannot find jobs so they cannot move on with their lives. Many of them have alcoholic or drugs dependency issues. Some of them are mentally ill or some combination of the above.

We also learned that the gun violence in our city is being perpetrated by an entirely different set of people.

What is our prison system, I suspect the largest and “best” in the world, doing for us and them? Is it for rehabilitation purposes? If so it is not doing a good job when they cannot be accepted back into society. It seems to condemn one to a life of “disease”. Is it for our safety? Perhaps it is doing a better job there at least for as long as someone is not among us. Many prisoners are not violent towards our person, but perhaps towards our material goods. Should they be in prison in the first place? It is not an easy thing to find an answer to all of this.

I have been reading a book called “Carry On, Warrior” by Glennon Doyle Melton. It raises the point that all people are loved by God. Now the question for me is how do I show love to all, even people I might be afraid of? How do I lessen that fear? Or how do I show love to people I do not like?
What was Jesus thinking when he laid this love stuff on us?


Monday, July 20, 2015

Wellness Reigns


Leroy ate a bit lightly at breakfast, but tolerated it well. He looked upright, hale, and hearty as he and his bike were picked up for the trek to the retreat. Course he looked at the weather prediction at the destination and moaned about the rain in the forecast. All of this technology allows us to know more than we did in the past. It just spoils our pleasure for a longer period of time. Weather wise I think we lived with a deeper sense of hope. Live in the moment as the weather is not under our control.

One person at church told me that children were getting something similar to what Leroy had. “Am I getting children’s diseases now?” he moaned. Is it that young and the old thing? Is this a sure sign of passing through middle age? I was never quite sure when that was my age.

I found the falafel. It was right where I put it. It was resting in a logical place, that being the coffee canister. Leroy and I do not drink coffee; consequently I had stored TVP there. TVP is texturized vegetable protein. Just what every logical person would put in a coffee canister. When the TVP ran out I realized it would make sense to put the falafel there since they both covered the same dietary requirement. I had just forgotten such brilliant thought when searching for the falafel.

I am grateful my smallish home has no more places for me to look for lost items. Surely this will help me keep track of things or at least find them in a more timely manner.

I did 75 jumping jacks this morning. Supposedly I should be able to do them for an additional minute. That other amount was the 30 sec. and 45 sec. results added. Who are these old people who can do all three sets? I want them to stand up and be counted. Maybe it is because I do planks every once in a while but they are no trouble as they only require 15 sec., 30 sec., and 45 sec.  I could do a minute there without much trembling and shaking. I did my two sets of pushups easier so I guess repetition does help.


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Brain Mysteries


First a report on Leroy. He is getting better, but not as fast as I expected. Today he did not go to church because after eating just a couple bites he felt abdominal pain. He ate a small serving for lunch, but it was also followed by discomfort. Not so much and not as bad as before. He is planning to go on a church staff retreat tomorrow. I advised him to take ginger and peppermint along. I am good with advice, but no real sympathy.

When in Utah I got some falafel in bulk at an excellent price. Upon our return I asked if I could store it in the frig on the porch. It resided there until last week when I decided it was a small enough amount for me to keep up here. This can be kept at room temperature. I must have done that as I cannot find it in the frig or freezer. It seems I have hidden it from myself. It has become one of those great finding games where I keep looking in the same limited places. And I think I am so logical that of course it should be where I look. I surely did not put it in some “dumb” place.

I have taken off my mother’s bedspread because it was starting to tear. I like my new comforter set that I found at the second hand store. Leroy and I both think it looks quite nice. Now the problem is that I find I do not want to just throw away this bedspread. Is that sentimental? Is that just not wanting to throw out anything? Should I make rags out of it? Would it make a good rag? Where are those people who just make instant decisions and life is great?

A friend sent Leroy some stamps so he got in the stamps frame of mind and bought some that filled in his collection. He was a happy sorter for a day or two. He tells me he misses the last two large houses we lived in because he could leave his stamps out for days and I never fussed at him to put them away because I never looked at them. I guess that would be the luxury of space. We both do see many positives to being in a smaller place.


Friday, July 17, 2015

The Attack


Just after lunch Leroy started to experience great stomach discomfort. Two hours later he is still not totally comfortable. Was it something he ate? Was it something going around in the air? Who knows, but he has been much quieter lately so it is probably getting better. We ate the same things, but I experienced nothing out of the ordinary. Guess Leroy is just lucky. He cancelled all of the work he had intended to do this afternoon. One task was a nursing home service.

We went shopping this morning. It was almost shocking to walk into cool stores from the great warm outdoors. I am so grateful that it is cool in the house, but not to that degree. Leroy even got a headache in one of the stores.

I am planning to walk to the garden. Should I take an umbrella to protect me from the full blast of the sun and its generous amount of heat and light?

I would like to ride my bike to work tomorrow, but wonder about the heat on the homeward trek as it is to be hot again tomorrow. One thing the trail should not be so busy because the bike ride across Iowa starts on Sunday and many will be making their way to western Iowa. A part off me would like to go on that ride once again. But a part of me is just happy to stay in my sedate mode.

Leroy is also to be working tomorrow. He has talked about riding south to meet me when he is finished with work. Maybe we would meet in the middle somewhere. In the morning I will allow myself an hour and a half as I have not ridden this 12-13 mile trip yet this year. I should get there in plenty of time without sweating too much. This time I will pack clothes to wear at work that include my underpants. Last time I rode my bike to work, I forgot them. Under bike shorts underpants are not needed. It created a psychologically uncomfortable work day for me. I was covered, but it did not feel that way.


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Using the Phone


Some of you know that I dislike using the phone. It is part of my introverted characteristic. Much of the time I manage, but it always takes a little more effort than I observe other people using. Their phone time seems to be their friend.

In the mail I got a letter from a department store saying that my credit card balance had not been paid and more money would soon be charged if I did not pay that bill.

I “always” pay my bills on time and felt mystified by this letter. I looked in my email account to see if they had sent me a statement. I could not find any. Then I went to the bank site and could not see that I had paid that bill. Finally I went to the store web site and found that I had paid it to the second credit card account that I have with them.

I gathered my courage and called immediately because it seemed the only way to solve this issue. It really does not hurt me, but it is not a comfortable thing for me to do. Luckily the customer service person could see what had happened. She went through the process of applying the money to the other account. It is or will be all taken care of including the late fee that I was charged. I should just drop one of these cards, but I do not know which one I would like to keep. This representative also set it up so they will withdraw money from the bank when a bill is due. Sounds like a deal to me, but I am not sure that I trust it. However, I know companies are always happy to take money out with the automatic bill pay and I guess that is what this is. Provides a sense of security, yes? I do nothing just enjoy my purchases. That is why it is so easy to spend more money than one intends.

Speaking of money, I, along with some other coworkers got a $2.72 raise. That certainly increased my check amount. I am also getting half of Leroy’s Social Security. Our wealth is increasing. Now, Leroy and I need to figure out how much more to give to the church. It is wealth we can share. That perennial question comes up, do we figure before or after taxes? And who can understand Leroy’s pay stub?


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bike Ride


Yesterday at work I learned that I was not working on Tuesday this week, but on Saturday. Luckily I noticed it then. It makes Tuesday seem like a gift day off even though I will be working the usual number of hours. After tai chi a bike ride in the relative coolness of the morning seemed like a brilliant idea.

I rode to the bike trial to Cedar Lake where a gaggle of geese were on the path and around it. I decided to go the opposite direction from these 50 or so birds. Another group of about 20 was swimming farther along. Then there was another smaller group. Were they just preparing to go out to where ever they go or getting a drink? As I headed north the wild or tame flowers are so nice. It is a spirit lifting experience.

A young man and his young daughter were riding together with a third wheel attached to his bike. They passed me. Seemed to me I should have been stronger, but I was enjoying my time. Later I passed them on some playground equipment. When I came on the homeward trek, I spotted them alongside the trail. I realized there were black raspberry bushes there. I stopped, exclaimed about it, and commented that the bushes looked almost dried up at which point they shared a few berries with me. The man then pointed out there were some on the other side of the trail. They picked some and said they had to be going. I went over and savored each berry as I popped it into my mouth. Such a bust of flavor!

A young man came a long carrying a fishing pole. I told him about the berries and offered some to him. He said, “That is ok, I picked some in a more woodsy area so I am full.”

“How is fishing?” I wanted to know as this is Iowa’s only urban trout stream.

“I see a lot of fish, but they are hard to catch. The water is shallow and clear so they see me and stay away,” he sighed, “but I will try some more.”

I only went a total of 8.21 miles but saw the world.


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Pride Before Fall


Pride goes before a fall. Or something like that is the saying I have heard much of my life. Not sure what there is to learn from it. Does it mean do not be proud or you will fall?

I might be proud of my fitness, but no longer. I do know that I do not do as much as I did when I was younger. However, now I am not sure I can keep up with the old people.

In the AARP magazine there was a small article about jump-starting your fitness. Featured in this was a 15-minute workout. It involved doing three gradually more challenging sets of seven moves. The first set had 30 sec. of jumping jacks. I did not time myself, but counted assuming that I might do one a second. At number 12 jumping jack I took a little break, again a break at 20 before I was able to get to 30. A fifteen second plank was a piece of cake as was the eight body-weight squats. Six modified push-ups required a rest break in the middle. Six lunges per leg was not a problem as was the 15 sec. of mountain climbing. Then the slow 30 second walk was like a rest. I managed to do the second set complete with the additional time or repetitions. However the third set remains a mystery. And this is for old people? Where do I fit? Where is my fitness? I will try this again just for my heart and bones. I know that I am fooling myself about being fit. That must be some other person.

Leroy tried it this morning and he seemed to do better than I especially on the push-ups. Jealous, jealous I am! Especially since I have felt that I am doing more than he does. Falling, falling!


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Ordinary Life


Leroy and I are doing just regular things: weeding, riding bikes, taking walks, reading books, and eating lots of fresh produce. Fruits are so plentiful for purchase this time of year. We “pig out”. It is one of the best perks of summer. I only bought mushrooms, strawberries, blueberries, and bananas when at the store. It is a wonderful thing to know that most of my vegetables needs are met in the garden.

I am also so happy when I walk around and see all of the interesting flowers in the neighborhood. This morning on my walk to mail a letter I made a detour just so I could drink in the beauty of a front yard. I suspect some of you might not consider it beautiful as it had more than a few weeds and quite a random feel to it. There were a number of lilies tucked in there so it had great color. Last night on the bike trail we spotted some nice orange flowers that I do not remember seeing before. They are quite appealing. The bike trail has quite a nice variety of wild flowers or perhaps they were planted and just flourish on their own power.

Leroy and I are so happy that it is raining today. The community garden needs that. We planted some seeds in anticipation of this rain. It seems they should grow now.

We had hoped to take a long bike ride, but I do not know that we will get that done because of the rain. On Wednesday we are leading a church group bike ride. I had hoped to have my bottom toughened up by now. But it is still quite sensitive.

We have an expiring coupon for a 50 cent movie so that is what we will be doing tonight, if we can agree on a movie that we would both like to watch. It could be just one of us watching.


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Library as a community force


At the end of the day, staff who close the library note the day’s attendance. Monday was busy, but yesterday 190 people passed by the ticker in the short seven hours we were open. I did not run in and out several times to make it more. There was a popular children’s program that involved about 70+ and we have reading support that also involves a number of people. No wonder I felt tired at the end of the day.

Most of the children are good, but there were three boys who were running, shouting, and feeling like it was the great outdoors. I excused myself from the people at the desk and intercepted one preschooler, told him in a stern voice about no running, and pointing at the floor “you must stop and sit here”. This kid whom I did not recognize looked about ready to cry or perhaps it was abject terror. I back pedaled just a little and said in a softer voice, “We do not run in the library and you must sit here one minute. I will tell you when you can get up.” Later he did seem quite comfortable around me.

I got to the other boy about the same time as his mother. These people I do know. I think I would have been more effective on my own, but there was no wild running for the rest of the day.

One thing about these days I get very little cataloging done, but time evaporates in an instant. No moaning about being bored. I also had three people sign up for library cards. That task takes a little more time than ordinary. When is school going to start? No I do not mean that as we are in existence just because of the use that we get. However the first week of school gives us a great time to collect our scattered thoughts and pens.


Saturday, July 4, 2015

Bike Ride


After a hearty breakfast of steel cut oats with banana, strawberries, pear, flax seed, chia seed, and cinnamon, Leroy and I rested before getting on our bikes. We headed off in the direction of Ely, but I did not think I was ready for such a long drive. I have only ridden about four times this summer. There was a day when I might have ridden 25-26 miles without practice, but not now.

I will say that I like that bike trail to Ely because it goes along the river and in the trees most of the way. It is just so pleasant. Many people also use it. I am a bit concerned that there will be a major accident because so many people ride so fast, pass so quickly, and ride two deep while talking and looking at the person next to them.

Leroy and I usually are one after the other. Leroy was definitely stronger than I. Keeping up with him took quite a lot of effort for me. I am still impressed at how many places advertize a home for sale on the bike trail. Leroy commented it would be great for us. We could both ride bikes to work. If we knew we would stay in this area, it would be something we could look at.

By the time we got home we had ridden 16 miles. My bottom was complaining a bit as it has not sat in this position for such a long time. I will get out on the bike more frequently.

We saw rabbits, squirrel, chipmunks, robins, and one turkey that marched across in front of us. Then there were plenty of wild flowers. It was a lovely ride.


Friday, July 3, 2015

More of Life Changes


My brother-in-law died July 1. This is Leroy’s sister’s husband. Both Leroy and I are finding it a bit difficult to deal with this additional change in life.

I would never have thought that two people in our family would die so close in time to each other. I wonder is this a new phase in life where people closer to my age die? How have people dealt with this?


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Those Rabbits


They were the cutest little rabbits when they first hopped around the yard. Even the second time they brought smiles to the lips. However all smiling is done now. They have stripped the small lilies that a friend shared with me. They have eaten lettuce, peppers and some eggplant in our front garden. For some reason the front garden is what they call home. Today I put up some netting in a small attempt to keep them out.

At least they have not liked the kohlrabi. We have eaten two of them and I picked a third. Leroy, like the rabbits, is not so taken with this vegetable, but I like it. He liked the dish I made yesterday with the leaves. The one I picked today has leaves that are not so desirable. Leroy did tell me that yesterday he toasted bread, applied mustard and put the kohlrabi on top. That was more to his taste.

A feral cat lived under the deck last year. Rabbits might have been her food as I never saw any rabbits until I no longer saw the cat. Amazing that I think those cats might be useful in a checks and balances kind of way. One woman at the end of our block told me she feeds them and even puts out shelter in the winter time. Perhaps that is where our cat moved, seeking more care.

I am trying to read a 500 page book in four days. It is for the book club. So I can remember what I read, I like to wait until the last week before I read the selection, but this time I should have started sooner. The trouble was that I was reading another good book that I wanted to finish; The Secrets of a Charmed Life. Now I am going to be racing to complete, All the Light We Cannot See, before Sunday. I like this book as well and hope to be finished so I can participate more fully in the conversation about it. It always adds to my appreciation when I hear the comments of others.
