Monday, September 15, 2014



I see that I did not know the date on my last letter. I simply looked at the calendar and thought it was the first week in September, so I was a week off. Somehow that revelation came to me in my sleep. So, some part of my brain was on alert, but not the part that was working at the moment. Today I am more on the job.

Yesterday Leroy and I both got some good working time. First we went to church and back. That is two miles. Then we participated in the neighborhood cleanup. That was not so far, but a lot of zigzagging. I thought that might have added a mile. Then Leroy walked to the nursing home for a service giving him another two miles. During that time I set out on delivering the neighborhood newsletters. I do not know the total, but I have worn my pedometer and clocked a good two miles with that. One thing about this it involves a lot of hills and even a certain number of stairs so it is a good work out. It did not take as long as it does when the heat is on in the summer so it was nice to walk in the coolness. It certainly warmed me up.

Today a friend gifted us with some tomatoes from her excess. I am so pleased to get them as we have not canned very many. I will have to do that canning another day as I go to work in a bit. It was fun to see Barb and walk to the community garden and show her what we have available. It was a good reason for me to get in a short walk today.

It is an uplifting start to a day. I look forward to going to work and getting a large amount of items into the catalog. My desk and the shelf above it seem to grow resources when I am gone so I do not count on it being as I left it on Saturday which was with a manageable amount of things on it. That means I can do it one day.  Course I call all of these items job security and the satisfaction is in getting these things available to the patrons.


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