Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Block Party


For the near neighbors, we are having watermelon on the lawn in front of our house tonight. Our landlords are also involved. They made the invitations and will sit out with us.  I am concerned about too much watermelon or too little. It is hard to judge when I have no idea how many people will come. When I first had the idea just watermelon seemed like the simplest idea in the world. Somehow it has grown in complexity. I am talented at making a mountain out of a molehill. Too bad I cannot market that.

Now I have started to wonder about the weather. It is so overcast, is it going to storm. Just hoping it will be nice for an hour this evening. Leroy and I had different methods of delivering the invitations. I knocked on the doors and he put them on the porch or step. Many people that I spoke with seemed quite pleased that I was handing this out. I hope we have a good response. I would like to meet more neighbors and speak with them. We also have some cucumbers from the community garden that we will pass out to any of the people who want them.

Leroy and I are both working today. He will get home around five and I will get home around 6:30. At least with this type of affair we do not have to prepare much ahead of time. I believe one melon should be cut before people come and Leroy thinks we should cut them after people arrive. Do we ever agree on anything?

I had Tai Chi this morning now that should mean all of life is peaceful and calm. What would it be like if I had not gone?


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