Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Not Moving


Leroy and I will be staying in Cedar Rapids for another year, maybe longer. Leroy is not sure how long he will work now before the pastor decides she is able to come back to work. She has given a letter of resignation to the congregation and is retiring at the end of June. At time Leroy will be hired as a half time interim visitation pastor. He will work about 20 hours for the church while continuing his 15 hours for the museum. It is expected that the church job will last for at least a year while they look for an additional pastor. I am amazed because I kept saying that Leroy would like a half time church job and a half time library job, I had no clue how such a thing could happen. It is now his job with a foot in both worlds. How did that happen? You know if he had not lost half of his job at the museum it would probably not have materialized. Things fall into place in the most amazing ways.

Now one of my goals will be to not accumulate things. A longer stay has a tendency to lead to that possibility. A loaming move causes me to question all purchases in the light of weight and do we really need it.

One purchase I will make is a new water kettle. Ours died. Leroy and I both like them so the search is on. It was under warranty consequently money will be refunded. I would have liked it if they replaced, but there is the right water kettle out there waiting for me.

Leroy does move around a lot without dragging the whole house with him. Yesterday he walked a total of eight miles. I talked him into riding his bike this morning even though it was cold. He was stopping at the church on the way to work so I thought that would give him a chance to warm up before heading out for the last two miles. It is to be much warmer this evening when he comes home.


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