Saturday, October 19, 2013

Garden Work


I went to the garden late morning to pick more green beans and some tomatoes. With those tomatoes I was able to can another six quarts. I pulled up one row of green beans, stripping the plants of all edible beans as I did so. There are more beans than Leroy and I can eat before we leave for DC. I might even try to put some in the freezer. I can now take out some of the stuff I bought for granola as I know it will not be too hot in the attic and I can store it there. We have been so blessed with good food this year.

I will pick Leroy up at work and we will head to the Ely garden where he will stand on the ladder and pick some apples. The rest of the apples we hope will be still there when we come back from DC. However if not, not. We have had a great supply of apples.

It looks like I once again missed the low gas prices. How does that happen? At least the garden is more predictable.

I picked 12 great peppers when I was last at the Ely garden. Even though I gave two to the generous garden supplier, I think we will not finish eating all of them so I will also try to freeze some of them. I like to put them in many dishes. It is great to have that convenient supply of chopped veggies to put in a dish.

I talked with another neighbor this morning on my way to the garden. I am so happy to see people out and about as I am walking around. She was raking leaves. She was not into gardening, but said that she works in a place where they have a garden for children. The children are small so all they do is water, but that is a challenge. I am happy that they are getting the exposure. There may be some future gardeners there.


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