Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Leroy in the morning


Leroy is home this morning. He told me he would help so I did not let him sit around. We hung out clothes even though it looked cloudy. Well, I brought them in before the rain reached them, put them in the dryer for a short time, hung many of the shirts, and put the rest on the drying rack that used to belong to my mom.

Leroy, in the meantime, vacuumed all of the carpeting, shook rugs, and helped cut up apples for more sauce making. I hope it is ok to make up the sauce the day before I can it. I will have to make more tomorrow.

We also made an apple crisp and washed a number of dishes that seem to multiply when doing any more extended kitchen chore. At snack time we again had some applesauce, yogurt, granola, and cinnamon. We feel rich indeed.

After work, I stopped at the garden in Ely. I picked two zucchini and noticed that another plant is dying. The other two do not seem to be producing very much. I picked two cucumbers as well. Some four roma tomatoes were ready for enjoying as well. Again I picked mulberries, but realized that the end is in sight plus it is now dark enough at 8:15-8:30 that I have a hard time seeing the ripe berries under the tree where darkness closes in. I also pulled two onions because the tops had died.

Leroy worked in the community garden last night and brought home enough green beans for at least three meals. Blessings, blessings!

Someone young called my cell phone and wished me Happy Birthday this morning. Surprise! Indeed! It is almost my half birthday.


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