Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Grumpy Day


Yesterday was a grumpy day. Leroy was out of sorts and I was too. This morning he again apologized for the way he was and confessed that he is concerned about his job future. They will not know until August, when his contract runs out, if they will get the grant to continue his work. If he knew ahead of time that this job was to be over he would start looking for something in the church, however if this job is going to continue he would not do that. This is where trusting God is put to the test and so easy to come up short. I have not been bothered. Is that because I am trusting or just not thinking about it? It is certainly not within my control.

I believe that confession is good for the soul. Leroy has had the morning off and life has been very pleasant. We even made some decisions on things, moved things around, and will get rid of a few more things.

I repaired Leroy’s bike shorts where the elastic has become stretched out. It was a little tricky, but it is now done. I am not really a seamstress, but I do tackle the occasional mending job rather than throw something out. I figure if it does not work ejecting is still an option. I also sewed new elastic on my elephant hat that is from Cambodia. That elastic also stretched to the point of being no help keeping the hat on my head in a wind, brisk or gentle. As a save I tried tying a knot in the elastic, but it only helped for a little while. This hat has stiff bamboo joints that made it the tricker sewing job, but I got it done. I had left some bit of elastic on the hat so I could make the connection there. It now fits snuggly under my chin.

Brian reports that their power came on a couple days earlier. I would guess that new appreciation abounds for all those things that depend on the power.


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