Friday, April 12, 2013



Right now I am so tired that the word exhausted comes to mind. How did this happen? I went shopping, washed four loads of clothes some of which included sheets, vacuumed the mattress, hung up some of those clothes, folded most of the clothes, and made granola. Course I did not even count washing dishes or making a couple meals.

But I have done such things before. Two days ago Leroy was complaining mightily about being tired. Perhaps we have a little something that is not quite right contributing to this low feeling.

It is so wonderful to look out and see the green grass. Are we programmed to like green? It certainly seems pleasant.

Then there is the pounding I hear from two houses over where they are getting a new roof. I am impressed at these workers who almost walk on this steeply pitched two or three story venture. I would be clinging to the ladder unable to step foot on this roof.

I was pleased to find some new, on clearance, khaki pants that actually fit me. They are not as slim as some styles are at this time, but better than my old pair which I will pass on to Goodwill. Leroy remarked that they are too big for me. I had also gotten an ink mark on them that I failed to remove before I washed them. I know that Goodwill takes stained or torn clothing and makes it into rags. So they can do just that.

I also bought Leroy a new winter coat. We had been eyeing it, hoping it would be reduced more, but I just decided to buy it. At this point in time it is not easy to find a man’s winter coat. The zipper broke in his current coat so it will also be passed along.


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