Saturday, February 2, 2013

Winter Thoughts


The most beautiful sight on Thursday was the almost perfect morning sundogs. The only downside was that I was driving and paying attention to the road was more important than usual with the added ice hazards so I could not gaze at them as much as I wanted.

When coming home a pickup truck traveling a car ahead of me and one lane over suddenly had a six foot ladder whipping around the back. Luckily it was tired on one end, but it still looked quite dangerous and ready to inflict harm on any vehicle close enough. All of the following cars slowed immediately giving room so the driver could move to the right and head off onto the ramp.

It was possible to drive a little faster on the way home tonight because much of the way there were two strips or ribbons of pavement visible. It will get better. Some of the way I still did not drive over 35 mph as I bowed to the superiority of the solid ice.

Leroy’s birthday is tomorrow. As I was out doing my weekly shopping, I thought about how great it was that I had presents for Leroy. It is even things that I believe he will like. I have probably enjoyed these gifts as much as he will. Now the question is will he open them before or after church. We need to leave the house a little after 8:30. Sometimes we do not get ready so much before that. I have my book club meeting at church. It does not get finished until 12:00. Can we wait that long?

I am hoping that more people managed to clear their sidewalks than did the last time. It makes our walk so much more carefree and enjoyable.

I feel blessed to have two pair of good waterproof winter boots. Along with wool socks I feel ready to tackle the outdoors.


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