Monday, February 25, 2013
Garden Dreams
“Are we going to start seeds inside?” Leroy asked. He has a habit of asking questions in the plural; seldom does he want to know, “Are you…” Is this because he does not want a share in the decision? Does he want to appear polite? Or is it perhaps the royal we with a hint of an answer to come? After 41 years I have become impatient with this line of questioning. So frequently I now reply, “Just what are WE going to do? Do WE have any ideas?”
As for the garden question, I finally did say yes that I had thought about starting some seeds inside. The problem is that most of our windows are already occupied by vigorous house plants who might not want to cede space for any usurpers. There are just two windows in the apartment that have no green residents. One window is in the hall stairwell and not accommodating to any type of sunbathing. The other is in the kitchen with the dryer sitting in front of it. I do not especially want to use that space because I use the dryer for a sort of cooking landing pad. Then when I use the dryer, because it gets so hot, I must move anything delicate to another space. However spring is coming and soon I will hang clothes outside once again. Although that hanging might need to wait until the trees get leaves to protect the clothes from random bird poop.
I am dreaming of a garden that produces wonderful flavor without work or marauding squirrels. For sure, I will not plant tomatoes close to the house as I know those critters just helped themselves at will. I say, “Eat walnuts for heaven’s sake.”
There is a neighborhood garden spot that is a good possibility. Or I wondered about helping out an older man in Ely. Are my three times weekly trips good enough to make it work? Perhaps when it is nice Leroy and I could both ride down on our bikes and weed. Dreams, dreams!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Taxes and walking
Leroy and I do not do taxes together even though that is how we started the first year we were married. He had been taking his taxes someplace to be done. I could not see doing that since it was the simple form and I had always done my own. It was simple at that point. I could not see paying anyone to do this easy job. So we tried doing them together. I rather quickly felt that this was not a good togetherness project. I believe Leroy felt he should do them, maybe some kind of male thing after I had declared them easy. When he was in the parish it was not so easy, but he steamed and snorted through them most years. I few years he did have some help getting the job done. Now I declared it should be much easier since he was no longer in the ministry.
Last weekend he worked on them, but it would have been hair-raising if he had had enough hair to raise. He mostly stormed around and declared that I should do them. “I will do them, but at this point in time I no longer have the slightest idea of how to do them so you will have to tell me what to do,” I told him.
He called his daughters, can’t remember why son was not included in this talk. The recommendation was that he should look for some free help. Later in the week he finished the federal forms. Today we went up to H&R block for their free second look. All was good except for one small thing that cost us another $100. Today those forms have been sent off. Now it will be on to the state taxes. If those had been done the kind person would have looked at them too. Leroy had the idea that they would only check the federal forms. What a relief to get to this less intense point in life. The young woman who helped us commented that she loved doing the tax help because she so likes helping people. I had not realized this was a helping profession.
In addition to walking the mile to and from church we walked the half mile to this tax help office. So I logged three miles today. It was a great day for walking, cool but pleasant temperatures with the cheery sun.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Skis On
This afternoon was the perfect time to put on the cross country skis. Rather it was the perfect time to drive to the nearby park and put on the skis. Leroy thought we could just walk there. It is easy enough with regular shoes on, but I thought I remembered that we should not walk so much in these ski boots. Driving worked as well. Someone else had been there ahead of us so we followed their tracks as that makes it so much easier. I did not go up the hill because I did not want to come back down, fall, and break a bone. As you can see I am just a scardy cat. It was not the best snow conditions as it tended to stick causing a difficult slide. Leroy said he did not even move so fast going downhill. He thought I could have handled it.
I wore my pedometer, but it would appear that I had hardly moved. I am still going to count it as a mile since I think it was really farther than that. I have already walked more than a mile so I am counting it all. One thing about the skiing it certainly is more of a work out than walking. I got quite hot and needed to shed some layers.
I sometimes feel worry that we bought those skis because we so seldom use them, but when I get out on such a gorgeous sunny day I am happy. Surely it is now under ten dollars per use.
When we came home from church on Wednesday night I lost my favorite black scarf. Leroy looked a bit on his way to work Thursday morning, but did not see it. I just hope that one of the homeless people or very poor people in our area found it and decided to use it. They would have it with my blessing. I have three other scarves that I use as outdoor scarves so it is not like I am lacking anything. I just liked the black because it was soft and complimented all of my coats.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Playing in the snow
Last night when we went to bed it was quite light in the room from the reflection of the lights on the fluffy snow. This morning when the sun was hiding somewhere behind the clouds it seemed almost dimmer. Leroy used the shovel on his way out to the garage so he did not track in the pristine snow. In spite of no bright sun it was beautiful.
I thought about using the cross country skis, making snow angels, snow bunnies, and snow people. None of that fun stuff happened, but I did manage to shovel snow for half an hour, walk over a mile, buy some produce, walk home with the pounds on my back, wash two loads of clothes, and clean up a honey spill that was the result of carelessly pushing a cart into the plastic bottle causing honey to ooze out the top. It seems to me, at age 65, I should have already learned about such things.
It lifts my spirits to look out on all the beauty. I am certainly not ready to move to a snowless area. I would miss all of this. In spite of about five inches of snow Leroy’s drive to work was not difficult as it is in the city and flat.
Last night Leroy and I took a walk as the snow was coming down. Had the kids been at home we would have been out there playing in the snow. I guess I need some kids to prod me along for fun.
As I was shoveling a guy came up and wanted to know if I would hire him to shovel. I declined and proceeded to ask him how he was doing. He replied, “No one wants to hire a 16 year old.” I suspect it is not his age that is stopping people. I actually like to shovel. It is part of our rent agreement except for the area by our garage. So I am going above and beyond what is necessary. Our land lord was gone much of the day. He thanked me for making a path and making him legal with cleared walks. There is always something good that we can do in this world. I must remember to look for the opportunities. There are different ways of playing in the snow.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
The apartment heat was higher when I came home last night. Our landlords were home. What a difference it made from the morning. It has been so toasty all day today. It almost seems like a different place. The outside temperature was one degree when we got up, but who could tell from inside? The sun has been shinning, raising the temperature, and brightening the day. I like it so much. I am noticing that the sun pattern is getting close to what it was when we moved in. Even though I have seen the sun position change for over 60 years it still amazes and impresses me. I like it. Our Christmas cactus must also like it because it has quite a few buds on it. I look forward to seeing them bloom.
There is a computer expert who takes care of the library computers. He may be an expert, but for some reason every time he is in and does something to “my” computer it creates problems. Monday I could not open the library email on that machine. So I just moved to the front desk for that. It was also very slow bringing up the internet site that I use to determine just what number a series book is. Yesterday our boss tried to use my computer for email and of course it did not work. She just turned it off. The turn off is password protected so she did that shut down by pushing and holding the on button. Following that I was unable to get the label printer to open. That made my work day significantly different. I did not want to enter any books in the catalog because I could not print the call numbers. That would create a lot of duplicate work later. Instead I just stamped the library name on books as well as affixed barcodes. My arm even got tired from stamping. Usually I vary my work a bit so nothing is too stilting. I hope the expert has been back and able to fix all the problems on my computer. I work tomorrow. Hopefully I will be home before the predicted snow gets to be very much.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Sometimes it seems that there aren’t so many changes, but then the weather states otherwise. I walked my two Lenten miles yesterday in the pleasant warmth. It was almost too warm in the layers I had on, but I did not want to carry anything so kept them on. As I drove into Ely for work, I noticed the bank clock/thermometer flashed 48 degrees. Wow, that is higher than I had realized. After about half of my work day people started to come in and tell me how windy and cold it was becoming. By the time I went home the bank could only muster up 24 degrees. I wasn’t surprised as there was a smattering of ice on the car from the light afternoon rain. The roads were dry so that was not a problem, but I noticed the wind pushing at me as I drove around the curve up on the interstate. It was windy by the house, but we are not in a wind tunnel here. This morning when we woke Leroy commented on the roar outside in the distance and declared, “That is the wind.” It is odd because the wind does not rattle the windows, but apparently is rattling someone else’s.
Our landlords have been gone for the weekend. We wonder if they had set the temperature on hold with the overnight temperature rather than run program as it has gotten quite cool, especially in the evenings. I suppose I could have gone down and checked the temp. Even without a key we can always go down there with the second set of stairs being our emergency escape route into their living space. I did not want to do that so we used our space heaters, added clothes, throws, and sighed blissfully when we got under the down comforter to sleep.
The kitchen has always been the coolest spot in the house or if summer, the warmest. I put all the thermometers in there and learned that it is at least 63 or possibly 60 in there. Later this morning I noticed that the heat register had accidently been closed. It will be better now. Our landlords were to have returned late last night, but I have not heard a sound down there so I do wonder if that had happened. We will know by the heat this evening.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Being a Tourist
There are some perks because Leroy works at the museum. He gets a free family membership. It is perhaps ironic that even if he earned more at some other job we might not have bought this membership. With it in hand and paid for we are inclined to go to all of the opportunities that are available. Yesterday it was to listen to talks from two guys who were are about our ages. One of them managed to get art out of Czechoslovakia. Most of it is modern or abstract art. I have to confess that I am not especially tuned into this type of art, but I am glad that some are aware of the value of it. Apparently the communist government was very much against any art that did not show their system working well at that time. It was also more realistic in nature. At first this guy smuggled out quite a lot of the pieces, but later he was given permission, just why, he was not sure. He also managed to help many of the artists.
The second talk and display was of photographs taken during Prague Spring uprising or confrontation. His camera was taken at one point by a Soviet soldier, but in the confusion he was able to snatch it back. Some of his pictures were sold to the news services so you might have seen them. It has only been in the last few years that he has many of these printed up to be displayed in various venues.
Both of their adventures make me so aware that I lived such a quiet young life. I thought going to college was quite a lot of adventure. It was about all I could handle.
On a totally different subject: At church a girl, whom I do not know, complimented me on my skirt telling me how pretty it was. Both of Miriam’s girls also liked this skirt. Now I would have thought it was an old lady skirt. Maybe it appeals to the old and the young?
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Glasses, sugar and Oil
The other day I was disgusted to realize that I had not put my “computer” glasses in my book bag. Instead I tilted my head up to an uncomfortable angle each time that I was doing work on the computer. Wouldn’t you know that was a good bit of the day? After I got home I found my “computer” glasses in my purse. I had them with me all the time. Wrong bag is as good as lost.
My sister wondered why I do not eat or want to eat so much sugar. I suppose the biggest reason is that refined sugar has no food value other than sweetness. I love fruit. So each morning Leroy and I share an apple, an orange, and a banana. I really do not know what the sugars are in those fruits, but surely it adds to my supply. Later in the spring and summer we will have other fruits as they come in season. Later in the day we usually each eat another apple. Sometimes we have frozen berries for supper. I also know that many veggies have sugar in them naturally. At least I feel that cabbage, peas, and carrots all taste sweet. Then there is the winter squash family that seems to be loaded with that sweet flavor. Sugar is not listed on the USDA list of food allowances for the day. Leroy and I also always eat about a teaspoon of honey mixed with cider vinegar. I believe that honey is more of an asset than sugar as it has traces of this and that. To sum up, I would say that refined sugar takes the place of more beneficial things.
I do feel that oil is important for the diet of anyone. I can’t remember if it is on the USDA list or if there is a recommendation for it daily. I do sauté many veggies as well as eggs in one form or another. I use either olive or canola oil for that. We also eat a number of avocados. Nuts of all kinds are my most common snack food. I suspect that gives me a bit of fat in my diet. Beans are a large portion of our diet and I know that some of them have quite a big supply of fat. Lately I have been putting salad dressing on my frequent salads. That would also contribute to the oil in my diet. In other words I eat this way because of health not weight although it probably helps me maintain a proper weight.
That is my explanation for why I eat the way I do. I no longer tolerate very sweet things. Is that withdrawal?
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Great Day
My larger amaryllis is sending up a
bud stalk, I slept well last night, floors are vacuumed after having people
walk on it with their street shoes on, the sun is shinning, work is waiting for
me when I get to the library, Leroy rode his bike to work, the heat is on, tai
chi warm ups are done, tea is brewed, and I looked at recent pictures of my
grandchildren. What could be better?
I would not benefit more from a new
smaller size, but bigger screen with a sharper picture TV. I do not need a
vehicle that is newer than nine years because the ones we have run reliably. I
do not need to own my own home because my shelter needs are met. I do not need
the latest phone that might even drive me to distraction for a time as I
learned to use it. I do not need a tablet or eBook device as I have access to
much of the same things on the computer or in a print version.
I am satisfied at this moment and
happy with my conditions. Such blessings abound all the time.
Monday, February 11, 2013
A Good Time
I wanted to say a good time was had by all, but hesitated to do that. Who knows how the others felt. Only 20 people came, but I almost felt disappointed since I was geared up for 30. I believe I could have handled it just fine. I was happy to spend some time visiting with and getting to know these people. The CEO of the museum is just a great person at least that was how she appeared to me. She and her husband were there almost the entire time.
I was easily able to stay ahead of the group in terms of frying. I did do a little dish washing, but it was not necessary. We served with a totally mismatched group of dishes. At least no one will find it hard to get ahead of us in the hosting area. We took it to a new non-standard level.
There were five children under the age of five in attendance. They enjoyed the little table and chairs as well as our camping dishes. They also had bananas, apples, and an orange instead of just donuts. Perhaps each child had one donut and then some fruit. That fits into my idea of what is right and proper in the world. I had provided crayons, markers, papers, and wooden puzzles for their entertainment.
Interestingly one of the women commented that the donuts were not so sweet tasting to her. When I told her that it had 1.5 cups of sugar to 7-8 cups of flour, she said that was why. Her brownie recipe has more sugar than flour. I felt much better. It has, along with the oil picked up in frying, ¾ cup oil. That is probably a smaller ration than her brownies. That is a guess since we did not discuss oil.
We invited our landlords up at the end and they stayed for over an hour visiting. It was a great time. I would like to have more company without stress. Maybe if I did it more I would relax. It seems we as a culture do not do enough of that. Or maybe it is just me and the people I know.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Leroy was home yesterday. We went shopping which is my usual Friday morning activity. After we were home Leroy commented that it probably took longer with him along. That was true. In some ways he is more of a shopper than I am. Or maybe it is just different things such as tools and the poor guy does not get out very often.
He is riding his bike to work today. Before he left he talked about the temperature, wind, and the ice that is still around. We found a bit on the sidewalks yesterday. Hopefully the streets are clear today.
Leroy has invited his co-workers over for Fasnachts this Sunday, yikes, tomorrow! He contributed to the general welfare by vacuuming all carpet and washing the kitchen and bathroom floors. That is indeed a help.
I will dust today, mostly clean the bathroom, sigh about the lack of a door to cover our stacked boxes in the bathroom, wash the bathroom rugs, and wash other clothes.
At least with this type of gathering I am comfortable with the menu since I have done it so many years. I am a little uncomfortable with the size of the group. Leroy did ask for an RSVP. By the stated deadline only 20 people had signed up. I figured we could handle that just fine. Then it got to be 25 and at the end 30. I thought I would ask for help when we had originally talked about 40 being a possibility, but Leroy did not think so many would come. After learning the 30 number, I thought I really should have help but who and for what time. Now we are thinking that it will just be the two of us. Leroy greeting since he knows these people. Me? Frying donuts, supplying coffee and tea, and perhaps washing a few dishes should keep me occupied. If anyone volunteers to help I will accept.
There will also be at least five small children. I got the landlord’s little kid table, coloring sheets from the library, with colors/markers at the ready.
Are we prepared? I hope so. It will still go even if we are not ready. As my friend Nancy told me as we were leaving the seminary scene with our two graduates in tow, “Remember Paula do not put on the dog because then you just have to keep getting a bigger dog.”
Well this is a miniature dog.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Life Goes On
Leroy still could not ride the bike today even though he very much wanted to do that. The streets still have a bit more random icy spots than he wanted to risk his ability to miss. Tomorrow rain is predicted so that is not a good possibility either.
For some reason the fuse that is on the circuit that the microwave uses blows frequently. Maybe it is not so very often, but enough that it is a bother. I did not know just where the fuse was so yesterday I called the landlord and he went down to correct it. He took his phone so I could tell him when it was back on. He figured that he could have it done in less than a minute, but it took a minute and a half. I told him that Leroy had labeled it. “I think it must be in Leroy code,” he muttered as he searched.
Last evening Leroy took me down and showed me so that if no one else were home I could still deal with it.
For some reason I am losing weight, not quickly, but it seems to be steady. For years I have weighed 125 pounds. The other morning when I weighed I was 120.6. The next day it was 121. I guess I will have to work harder at eating more.
I did make an apple crisp for Leroy’s birthday. I added some cranberries to it and that necessitated some sugar. It tastes sweet to me, but maybe that helped add that part of a pound to my weight. Then for Leroy’s birthday supper we had homemade pizza. I told him we could eat out, but he wanted homemade so he helped make it. It turned out quite fine, but I had hoped to make it all myself, however I was glad of the help. It is great to have some companionship. Maybe that is the best part of eating in, cooperation and visiting.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Not Working
I am not working because I worked on Saturday. My day off schedule did not go as planned. Good thing I am flexible, right! Sometimes it is hard to remember that I am flexible and can go with whatever comes my way. Complaining is easy and pops to the forefront.
My sister wanted to see what the primrose look like. I easily found the camera and took a picture. It was nice to move on taking a picture of my 25 cent poinsettia on the floor. Then the impatiens did not want to be left out. And of course, the original poinsettia deserved to be seen too. That was the fun part and easy.
Getting the pictures to the computer so I could upload took longer. I even considered taking a second set with the iPod and uploading from there. But I did not want to be flummoxed by a camera so I persisted. Usually we transfer pictures by taking out the chip, or whatever it is called, putting it in a holder that has a USB connection. It is all easy if you can find the holder. I spent much more searching time than I wanted before I finally admitted defeat and just used the patch cord only to learn that I had forgotten just how the process worked. At one point I decided maybe the camera battery needed replacing. Battery replaced, but it was other things such as no longer having the proper software on the desktop computer requiring it to download and then restart. Finally all systems were go. I got it downloaded along with 130 other pictures. I erased the pictures from the camera itself so I would not have to sort through all of them the next time. My favorite site for uploading photos to share is google picasa. That was updated since I last used it so it took some time for me to find my way around the new place. It is as bad as when they re-arrange a store and I cannot run, get my item, and leave. No instead it takes a bit more searching.
On a positive note I can send you the pictures and I have new brain connections from a morning of learning. If you want to seem my pictures, let me know and I can send the link.
Oh, and then I decided the camera battery was not dead, unfortunately the battery would not pop out of the camera as it should have. I struggled with my wimpy fingernails, but finally had a brilliant idea of using some scotch tape to pull it out. More brain connections! It helped, but not pulling it up high enough that I could easily grab it. Next I sought out the tweezers and the job was done.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Most of my plants seem to like this place. I have the urge to go around and tell all of them that even though we have lived here almost a year they will not have to move until next summer or maybe even later. I think they would all sigh in relief. Would I also sign in relief? Perhaps so, but I have to confess that moving is getting into my blood. It is fine to do it if there is a plan in place and something new coming up.
My two poinsettias look great as they add such wonderful red to the décor. Then there are the impatients blooming, thriving, and gracing us with a nice orange color. I still have a few buds on the Christmas cactus that is living with us. If we are still in this area I might have to take my big Christmas cactus to boarding school so it will bloom as the library is not the best place for it.
The basil plant looks odd, but we still pick off leaves to add flavor to this and that. I am hoping that it will survive until spring when we can once again put it outside. We are going to try to sign up for a garden plot at the community gardens which are only about three or four blocks away.
The primroses look as beautiful as when I brought them home over a week ago. What joy is to be garnered everyday as we take turns sitting on the side of the table so we can look at them while dining. I have a vine plant that used to belong to Leroy’s mother. It has thrived in this place as has my ancient mother-in-law’s tongue that had a prediction of death more than thirty years ago. It was declared too root bound to survive without repotting. It is still in the glass bowl. I enjoy looking at it even though my children never liked it.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Leroy's Birthday
After I heard Leroy’s breath turn to the awake mode, “Time?” I asked even though the glow of streetlight coming in the window indicated the sun was still in bed, perhaps for a long time.
“5:30,” he replied since the clock is closest to his head. I can see it, but I have to lift my head and squint making a guess at what I am seeing. Because of the room arrangement it is best to have the clock near him even though he has the farther seeing eyes.
“Time,” I asked again later.
It was three minutes before six so I hoped out of bed, grabbed the gift bags (No wrapping for this chick.), slipped back in bed, and sang Happy Birthday.
The first gift was a pair of slippers. They looked good and Leroy was pleased until he tried them on. “The left one is a little small,” he said and seeing my disappointment added, “But maybe if I take my socks off.”
That made it wearable. I had been concerned about them being too large since they supposedly fit 9.5-10.5 and Leroy wears 9.5. Who can explain that? Their pre-sale cost was enough that they should have been right. I guess these are warmer weather slippers.
Then he opened the LED camp light. Excitement showed on his face as he leaped (Can you imagine Leroy leaping?) out of bed to get some batteries. The light was dim. Oh, more disappointment! Then he decided that maybe the batteries need charging.
I had also gotten a Marzipan Stollen thinking that would do instead of a cake or pie. Neither of us is crazy about marzipan, but we both like a bit of Stollen. I could see Leroy’s face fall when he heard that I was not going to make a pie. He assured me that it was ok, but I caught that glimpse of the truth. Because of the ingredients available in the house I have agreed to make an apple crisp this afternoon. I no longer truly want to make a pie, too much oil.
Ah, life! Even when I think it will be perfect it has a few detours. I am going back in my anti buying gift hole. But wait, the lantern turned out to be bright and great once the batteries were charged. We both like the marzipan Stollen better than expected. I slipped a note to the choir director that it was Leroy’s birthday so the choir sang happy birthday. He was pleased with that. Then some groups of grandchildren called singing happy birthday so it was a good day.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Winter Thoughts
The most beautiful sight on Thursday was the almost perfect morning sundogs. The only downside was that I was driving and paying attention to the road was more important than usual with the added ice hazards so I could not gaze at them as much as I wanted.
When coming home a pickup truck traveling a car ahead of me and one lane over suddenly had a six foot ladder whipping around the back. Luckily it was tired on one end, but it still looked quite dangerous and ready to inflict harm on any vehicle close enough. All of the following cars slowed immediately giving room so the driver could move to the right and head off onto the ramp.
It was possible to drive a little faster on the way home tonight because much of the way there were two strips or ribbons of pavement visible. It will get better. Some of the way I still did not drive over 35 mph as I bowed to the superiority of the solid ice.
Leroy’s birthday is tomorrow. As I was out doing my weekly shopping, I thought about how great it was that I had presents for Leroy. It is even things that I believe he will like. I have probably enjoyed these gifts as much as he will. Now the question is will he open them before or after church. We need to leave the house a little after 8:30. Sometimes we do not get ready so much before that. I have my book club meeting at church. It does not get finished until 12:00. Can we wait that long?
I am hoping that more people managed to clear their sidewalks than did the last time. It makes our walk so much more carefree and enjoyable.
I feel blessed to have two pair of good waterproof winter boots. Along with wool socks I feel ready to tackle the outdoors.
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