Thursday, September 27, 2012

Still At Home


I felt fairly well even if still dragging until I went to give the rent check to my landlady. When talking to her I coughed more than I have all the rest of the day. Maybe I am allergic to paying rent. But at least that is done for another month.

I also hung out a load of clothes so that got me outside twice today. Once to hang and once to take down. That walnut tree in the back yard has a bumper crop. The squirrel is busy, but I would think he would invite friends to share the largess instead he seems to be quite territorial and to be modeling his lifestyle after the humans around him. In other words, take care of yourself and store more than you can use.

Supposedly the temperatures out at the airport were below freezing. Here, however, we are still slowly growing tomatoes. There are also three bell peppers on the plant. With luck they will come closer to maturity before we pick them. I figure it will not hurt us to eat them even if they have not developed completely.

Our garage door opener is temperamental to say the least. It seemed to be off track because it would not close. The last time I used it, it closed when I left. I had gotten so used to it not working that I left the side garage door open, consequently I still had to stop, get out and shut that door. It also closed when I came home from work. Could it have fixed itself? I do not count on it because some other times it has worked only to stop when I least expect it.


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