Tuesday, August 7, 2012



You would think with Miriam and girls coming to visit I might be doing some major house cleaning. Well, just get rid of that thought because it is not happening. Instead I am cleaning out a note book in which I keep recommended books as well as notes of books I have read. This is a special book as I carted it home from Slovakia six years ago. Actually I have no longer been writing in this book and instead doing that “books read” record keeping on line. Have you ever considered how dependent we are becoming on this medium? Those clouds better not fail.

Going back to that book, my recommended book list lived on several pieces of paper, threatening to fall out every time the book was picked up. Today I checked to see if the titles were in the Ely library or the Cedar Rapids library since I have borrowing privileges in both institutions. Those papers that I had been hauling around for the last several years now have a new home in the recycle bin. I did transfer the found titles to one new piece of paper with Ely books on one side and CR on the other. My apologies to any of you who might have recommended some good book that I just consigned to becoming new paper in a new situation.

At least my books are a tiny bit lighter, a lot neater, and more realistic. Now if I can just find the time to read all will be well. Actually I do have something in progress almost all of the time. I just read “Riding the bus with my sister”. It was excellent written by a woman who spends a year riding the bus with her mentally challenged sister. In the process they both learn and grow. Reminds me to look around myself and see what is there both in ways to help, things to appreciate, and how new learning can happen for me even at this age when I thought for sure I would have arrived. Is the secret that we never arrive and we are always traveling?


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