Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Update on Brian

New Brighton, MN


Brian had an ultrasound yesterday. The new (and fourth) diagnosis is that it is just a very extensive and therefore painful thigh hematoma. The recommendation is that he walk on that leg. “What about the pain?” He wondered. Brian is concerned because the pain pill is a narcotic and he does not want to become addicted to it. Because of the extent of the swelling he is unable to bend his knee to any great degree. That is really what is restricting his movements. Getting in and out of the car, picking up Logan when he is on the floor, and sitting at a table are the biggest challenges. As Brian said, “I almost wish it were a tear or blood clot so it would explain all of this pain.” It is hard to have such a big deal over just a bad bruise. One or more of the Doctors did say that it was a spectacularly big bad muscle trauma.

Back in Iowa, Leroy had his first day at the new job yesterday. Last night he reported being very tired. So much new to learn that he is not sure that he retained all of it. That should strengthen his brain cells. Wouldn’t want them to get weak after all.

Yesterday was a beautiful day here in Minnesota. Brian got down the double stroller and I took both kids to the park. Sophia could move around independently on the equipment and even in the sand. There she collected sand on her lower pant legs, shoes, and mittens. Logan, with his big clumsy boots on, was almost rooted to one spot. I did help him go down the slide, but got tired of lifting him up. Then he crawled a little on a swinging bridge. There is not much flex to this bridge, so it is not a big deal. He looked through a Plexiglas tube, spun some wheels, and generally took in the scene around him.

I am so happy we went yesterday because Brian tells me that today the high is to be 25. It was warmer than that when we woke. Besides the kids are at daycare today. Why do the kids go to daycare when I am here to help? It gives me a break, Brian can study in the quiet house, and it helps maintain a routine. I will take the stroller and pick them up for the walk home giving them some outdoor time in spite of the cold.


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