Monday, January 30, 2012

Down in the Dumps

Sperry, IA


Generally I do not write when I am feeling low as it is hard to be sitting. I would rather move around.

I am going to tell you the tale of woes. Of course there is always good and bad in all of that. The good: Leroy was able to connect with the woman who has the house for rent. There is plumbing and even a washer and dryer. But there is only one bathroom, no dishwasher, or garage. We could live with all of these items.  The bad: between the rent and the utilities it would probably take half of Leroy’s salary.

I slept fairly well last night thinking if we had to we could handle it. We have spent some time talking about buying since the mortgage payments would be less but I realize there are other expenses to home ownership such as maintenance and taxes. Then what would we do when we are ready to leave?

Leroy woke up feeling worried, however I propped him up and pepped him up as we took a good walk. Later a friend called to tell me that she was praying for us and she would continue to lift us up as they were traveling. I felt surrounded by love and concern.

More bad: the company will not start to pay for insurance for us until April 1. Insurance is a fairly big bill for us; it will take half of Leroy’s salary. Do you get the feeling the money is disappearing fast? Thank god we are not big spenders and have managed to save money so we are not living out of a car yet.

That car business is another complete issue in this saga.

I always try to think of the good things in our life. We have food, shelter, health, family, friends, sunshine, coats, cool breezes, and laughter to carry us along. God has indeed blessed.


We will be in CR tomorrow house/apartment hunting. So I might not get a chance to read or write until later.

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