Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Settled In

Salt Lake City


I am feeling settled in, but Leroy is poised on the edge ready to fly away if he just knew the destination. What a strange and out of time existence we are leading. Leroy really feels the lack of a job in terms of keeping himself occupied. I feel it because I am not ready to spend so much time with Leroy every day. I handle him better in smaller doses. Perhaps this is getting us ready for retirement and more constant interaction.

One of the girls said something yesterday that was both funny and brilliant. I, however, have forgotten what it was so you will be spared that quote. Aren’t you lucky?

Leroy and I are lifting weights three days a week. I will go to yoga again tomorrow. This yoga has elements of Pilate to it. I miss some of the routines that I had been used. After the Pilate workout yesterday, I know that I am not strong in my core; at least I could not hold still all of the body parts that were not involved in a maneuver. Hopefully in a month it will be better. There is a woman in the class who is 68, she has been doing this for a year, and she could put many people in the loser section. Maybe I can work up to that ability.

Tonight for our walk to look at Christmas lights, we found that one more house was ablaze in glory. It is quite nice to look at these lights with someone under the age of five. It adds to the appreciation.

I am happy to be here now because I know a day will come when Leroy and I will not be quite as interesting to these children as their world expands more and more. Next year Olivia will be in kindergarten.


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