Friday, April 15, 2011

Lively Day


The lively day means really that I am feeling much better and livelier. Logan has taken some nice long naps while I have been “on duty” so I managed to finish reading the book that I brought with me. It is A Town Like Alice written by Nevil Shute. Part of it is set in England, Malay, and Australia during WWII and after. I found it to be quite good, but interesting that the guy/kid who loaned it to me did not like to read it. It was an assignment for a lit class for him.

During another nap period I cleaned the bathroom and even ended up washing the floor. It was good to do something other than sit around. I have gone for my two-mile walk with the dog every day, but then there was not a lot of other movement other than entertaining Logan by walking/bouncing him around the space.

My “grand dogs” have long memories. Both of them come to my sleeping area in the morning even though it might have been months since I last visited. They really like the walk routine. I like it too so that is not a problem. Here unfortunately, it has gotten colder each day that I have been out. Luckily it has not snowed. Yesterday there was a short rainfall with some sleet mixed in for a time. I am glad that I can still walk briskly and come back to a warm house.

I have worked some on Sudoku puzzles. For some reason I make mistakes when I am concentrating on a baby too.

Brian has a Mac computer. It is helpful that it is not a laptop. For some reason when I use a laptop I seem to rest my hands on hotspots and all sorts of things start happening. I am getting used to the differences. It is hard to remember that I learned about computers on a MAC. But at least some of the information is stored in a remote corner of the brain. Yeah Brain!


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