Early tomorrow morning I will again leave for Brian and Jen’s house. This time I am going to give them some time on the weekend to get some projects done. Rather I think it is Brian who has the projects. Because of childcare and other duties he has not managed to get them done.
Things I should have done earlier because of going. I was going to get my hair trimmed, but thought I had plenty of time. Because I am changing the style a bit the stylist told me that I could/should have a trim for $5. Well she only works late today, I had someone in the house when I could have first called, and I will be gone tonight. I just got brave and cut off those front side hairs myself. I believe it was an ok job. At least there is no longer any hair there to fly out to the sides with great abandon.
This morning I called a friend who also has a daughter who lives in the same area that Brian does. Would you believe that her husband said, “She now just left for Minnesota.”
Why didn’t I call yesterday as soon as I knew I was going to go? But then I had not yet started to plan. Maybe another time we can combine trips as I travel past a great place where we could meet.
I also should have cleaned the house a bit earlier. I got the basement done as well as one room on the main level. I guess the rest is just going to have to stay dirty.
On the plus side, I made bread yesterday, granola and rhubarb crisp today. Also there is a pot of beans so Leroy will have something to base his meals on.
He should just be lonely on Friday/tomorrow. As Saturday he will have a bike riding group in the morning and his brother-in-law’s birthday party in the afternoon. Sunday is always at least half full and the other days he will be working. My presence will not be missed so much as it is sometimes.
I just wish that I could wish myself in a spot and not have to do the six and a half hour drive. It is a bit of a long drive by myself, at the least radio works.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Spring Day
Rain was dropping on the roof and flowing down the gutters when we woke up. Leroy did his exercises and said, “I am going to walk. It is above 40 and there is no wind.”
We put on appropriate clothes, opened umbrellas, Leroy put on overshoes, and I put on sandals. It was a fine walk, but I have to confess that my feet were a little damp and cold by the end. “I can tell I do not use an umbrella very much,” Leroy remarked.
“Is your arm tired?” I asked thinking of my own tired arm.
We both switched many times before the two mile walk was done. But we were quite happy to have walked. The mowing crew had been in the park since our last walk. It was great to see that they did not mow off the wildflowers, but mowed around them. I am pleased. There is hope for the world.
We met a runner in the park. This guy must be a committed runner as he was wearing shorts, a short sleeved shirt, running shoes, and rain drops. There are some hearty people here.
Later the sun came out while it was still raining. I looked in all directions, but did not spot a rainbow. What a disappointment! However there is still beauty outside. The tree that provided such a great winter feast for the robins is in full bloom and it is covered. I am so impressed with it. When you look out the bedroom windows on the south side all you see are pink blossoms, a few leaves, and some small bits of branch.
Rain was dropping on the roof and flowing down the gutters when we woke up. Leroy did his exercises and said, “I am going to walk. It is above 40 and there is no wind.”
We put on appropriate clothes, opened umbrellas, Leroy put on overshoes, and I put on sandals. It was a fine walk, but I have to confess that my feet were a little damp and cold by the end. “I can tell I do not use an umbrella very much,” Leroy remarked.
“Is your arm tired?” I asked thinking of my own tired arm.
We both switched many times before the two mile walk was done. But we were quite happy to have walked. The mowing crew had been in the park since our last walk. It was great to see that they did not mow off the wildflowers, but mowed around them. I am pleased. There is hope for the world.
We met a runner in the park. This guy must be a committed runner as he was wearing shorts, a short sleeved shirt, running shoes, and rain drops. There are some hearty people here.
Later the sun came out while it was still raining. I looked in all directions, but did not spot a rainbow. What a disappointment! However there is still beauty outside. The tree that provided such a great winter feast for the robins is in full bloom and it is covered. I am so impressed with it. When you look out the bedroom windows on the south side all you see are pink blossoms, a few leaves, and some small bits of branch.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Bocce and Bluebells
In the late Easter afternoon, Leroy and I played a game of bocce. Leroy had requested it. I reluctantly agreed because I seldom win. Wow, the first game I not only won, but I won by a large margin. This is a great lawn for playing. We could travel quite some distance before we needed to turn around. On the second game Leroy was well ahead until the end where I mysteriously again got the closest throws and won that game too. Leroy declined to play another.
Earlier we had taken another walk through the park. I suppose that is our favorite leisure time activity. It is such a blessing to live close to this great resource. Many of the flowering trees have dropped all their pedals and moved on to growing leaves.
We were pleased to find those spring beauties in full flower creating a white carpet in many areas. Then we spotted some blue bells. Not so many of them as I suspect there is too much mowing going on most of the time. They are quite nice to see. Two new flowers put in an appearance, but we forgot to look them up in the wildflower book so I can not report their name. Right now I am not sure enough of my memory to use the book. Many of these plants have similar features.
There were several females playing Frisbee golf. All of them were on a team with guys, but at least some of them get out there. The skateboarders and bikes were on the ramps doing fancy stuff that scares me just to watch. Why more of them do not fall I am not sure. Actually I think I have not seen any of them fall over even though it is obvious that sometimes they flub the move. These two parks are used quite a lot as several groups have already had picnics. Now in Slovakia there would have been two or three times as many people but I am pleased that some people are getting out in this country.
In the late Easter afternoon, Leroy and I played a game of bocce. Leroy had requested it. I reluctantly agreed because I seldom win. Wow, the first game I not only won, but I won by a large margin. This is a great lawn for playing. We could travel quite some distance before we needed to turn around. On the second game Leroy was well ahead until the end where I mysteriously again got the closest throws and won that game too. Leroy declined to play another.
Earlier we had taken another walk through the park. I suppose that is our favorite leisure time activity. It is such a blessing to live close to this great resource. Many of the flowering trees have dropped all their pedals and moved on to growing leaves.
We were pleased to find those spring beauties in full flower creating a white carpet in many areas. Then we spotted some blue bells. Not so many of them as I suspect there is too much mowing going on most of the time. They are quite nice to see. Two new flowers put in an appearance, but we forgot to look them up in the wildflower book so I can not report their name. Right now I am not sure enough of my memory to use the book. Many of these plants have similar features.
There were several females playing Frisbee golf. All of them were on a team with guys, but at least some of them get out there. The skateboarders and bikes were on the ramps doing fancy stuff that scares me just to watch. Why more of them do not fall I am not sure. Actually I think I have not seen any of them fall over even though it is obvious that sometimes they flub the move. These two parks are used quite a lot as several groups have already had picnics. Now in Slovakia there would have been two or three times as many people but I am pleased that some people are getting out in this country.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Noisy Car
On my way home from MN I felt that the car was making more noise than usual. It seemed to be concentrated in the left front area. At some point I even wondered if I had shifted out of the lower gears. Or rather that the car was not shifting up. But I could move easily at my normal speed so that did not seem like the problem. I could not remember hearing the noise on the way up. I wondered if the car were falling apart, but was philosophical about it and just turned the radio up a little more. What you can’t hear as well for four or five hours fades in importance. At least disaster did not seem to be imminent.
I mentioned the noise to Leroy, but he could not look at the time so, of course, we both forgot about it. I remembered the last time I was out and about. There was no noise when I stopped and it was not noticeable until I went over 30 mph. Sunday Leroy and I were in the garage getting weed pulling supplies when I again thought of it. I pushed against the left front fender and it moved. Leroy looked under the car and found a couple pins that hold it were broken. This morning we took the car to the repair place we have been using. The mechanic took about fifteen minutes to remove the old pins and put some clamps in holding it together. They did this work for nothing. We were very amazed and impressed.
I will say there is still some noise. Leroy said there was a crack in one part of it so I suppose the wind goes through more than usual. At least now I know for sure it will not fall apart. What a blessing!
On my way home from MN I felt that the car was making more noise than usual. It seemed to be concentrated in the left front area. At some point I even wondered if I had shifted out of the lower gears. Or rather that the car was not shifting up. But I could move easily at my normal speed so that did not seem like the problem. I could not remember hearing the noise on the way up. I wondered if the car were falling apart, but was philosophical about it and just turned the radio up a little more. What you can’t hear as well for four or five hours fades in importance. At least disaster did not seem to be imminent.
I mentioned the noise to Leroy, but he could not look at the time so, of course, we both forgot about it. I remembered the last time I was out and about. There was no noise when I stopped and it was not noticeable until I went over 30 mph. Sunday Leroy and I were in the garage getting weed pulling supplies when I again thought of it. I pushed against the left front fender and it moved. Leroy looked under the car and found a couple pins that hold it were broken. This morning we took the car to the repair place we have been using. The mechanic took about fifteen minutes to remove the old pins and put some clamps in holding it together. They did this work for nothing. We were very amazed and impressed.
I will say there is still some noise. Leroy said there was a crack in one part of it so I suppose the wind goes through more than usual. At least now I know for sure it will not fall apart. What a blessing!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Bike Ride
Yesterday I took my first bike ride downtown. It was a nice day and the Mississippi is to crest today so we wanted to see the high water. As always the ride down was a breeze as we flew downhill. The water did not look as threatening as it might. Most of the land next to the river is a pedestrian walk. There are a couple buildings close. One of them is elevated a bit and the other was barricaded with sandbags. Hopefully that will be enough to protect it. The water is about five feet above flood stage. The worst record here was ten feet above. That year the railroad bridge was closed and I could see why as the water seemed to be about a foot or two below. Perhaps it was more than that. We were standing a distance away. I have included a link to those pictures. https://picasaweb.google.com/psbradway/20110424?authkey=Gv1sRgCNPi2q6xwefEgAE#
Biking back up the hill required energy. I was ahead of Leroy when we started up. Besides that I was in a higher gear and I managed to shift smoothly so I did not lose any momentum, consequently I stayed ahead of him. I watched him a bit anxiously in my rearview mirror to see if he seemed to be in trouble. Because he kept coming so did I. It is so much harder to start up again on the hill. He said a the top when I really slowed for him, “I just could not get up any speed to catch you.”
That helps him to know what I felt like most of the time last summer when I was a block or more behind him. Once the steeper grade starts there is just no hope of catch up, survival requires all my energy.
I am also including a link for some more pictures of Logan. In one of them he is getting a bath. Jen’s mother had the suggestion of using a warm wet cloth diaper to keep him warm. It was obvious that he tolerated his bath very well. I hate to think of how many crying baby baths I have given over the course of raising three children. Such a simple solution that was in my command, but illusive because I did not think of such a thing!
Yesterday I took my first bike ride downtown. It was a nice day and the Mississippi is to crest today so we wanted to see the high water. As always the ride down was a breeze as we flew downhill. The water did not look as threatening as it might. Most of the land next to the river is a pedestrian walk. There are a couple buildings close. One of them is elevated a bit and the other was barricaded with sandbags. Hopefully that will be enough to protect it. The water is about five feet above flood stage. The worst record here was ten feet above. That year the railroad bridge was closed and I could see why as the water seemed to be about a foot or two below. Perhaps it was more than that. We were standing a distance away. I have included a link to those pictures. https://picasaweb.google.com/psbradway/20110424?authkey=Gv1sRgCNPi2q6xwefEgAE#
Biking back up the hill required energy. I was ahead of Leroy when we started up. Besides that I was in a higher gear and I managed to shift smoothly so I did not lose any momentum, consequently I stayed ahead of him. I watched him a bit anxiously in my rearview mirror to see if he seemed to be in trouble. Because he kept coming so did I. It is so much harder to start up again on the hill. He said a the top when I really slowed for him, “I just could not get up any speed to catch you.”
That helps him to know what I felt like most of the time last summer when I was a block or more behind him. Once the steeper grade starts there is just no hope of catch up, survival requires all my energy.
I am also including a link for some more pictures of Logan. In one of them he is getting a bath. Jen’s mother had the suggestion of using a warm wet cloth diaper to keep him warm. It was obvious that he tolerated his bath very well. I hate to think of how many crying baby baths I have given over the course of raising three children. Such a simple solution that was in my command, but illusive because I did not think of such a thing!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Hair Issues
Thursday was a bad hair day that lives on in memory. When I commented to Leroy about it I realized he has not had a bad hair day in years. No wonder he was so unsympathetic. What a luxury! But then I do not want to live with as little hair as he has his head. I used to have fewer issues when I had shorter hair. I suppose I could go back to that, but I have been told that I look better with longer hair. If I can believe what I see in the mirror I would agree that is true. But I miss those days of combing my hair once and that was good for the rest of the day. There are still some days I do not comb it, but just finger comb. If the curl is right it works until there is a stiff wind to blow dry it giving it an alternative look. Right now humidity is coming back and so is my big volumized hair. Someone wondered if I had had a haircut because it had curled more making it shorter. Sometimes someone will wonder if I have had a perm.
There are multiple products for curly hair such as anti frizz, shine, or sculpting. They might work well for some people, but I do not know what to do after I get them on my hair. There is one woman here who has curly hair. All she does is wash it, put on the product, and crimp it with her hands. Her hair always looks great and the same great. I on the other hand never know what my hair will look like from day to day. I should be grateful for surprises, right?
It is especially frustrating when my hair looks good before I leave the house and after I walk across the drive to church it will be totally rearranged by the wind whipping around the corner of the church. I always want to say to people it looked good before I left home, but that seldom happens.
Is Leroy lucky or what with such an uncomplicated life?
Thursday was a bad hair day that lives on in memory. When I commented to Leroy about it I realized he has not had a bad hair day in years. No wonder he was so unsympathetic. What a luxury! But then I do not want to live with as little hair as he has his head. I used to have fewer issues when I had shorter hair. I suppose I could go back to that, but I have been told that I look better with longer hair. If I can believe what I see in the mirror I would agree that is true. But I miss those days of combing my hair once and that was good for the rest of the day. There are still some days I do not comb it, but just finger comb. If the curl is right it works until there is a stiff wind to blow dry it giving it an alternative look. Right now humidity is coming back and so is my big volumized hair. Someone wondered if I had had a haircut because it had curled more making it shorter. Sometimes someone will wonder if I have had a perm.
There are multiple products for curly hair such as anti frizz, shine, or sculpting. They might work well for some people, but I do not know what to do after I get them on my hair. There is one woman here who has curly hair. All she does is wash it, put on the product, and crimp it with her hands. Her hair always looks great and the same great. I on the other hand never know what my hair will look like from day to day. I should be grateful for surprises, right?
It is especially frustrating when my hair looks good before I leave the house and after I walk across the drive to church it will be totally rearranged by the wind whipping around the corner of the church. I always want to say to people it looked good before I left home, but that seldom happens.
Is Leroy lucky or what with such an uncomplicated life?
Friday, April 22, 2011
Running Deer
In the distance two deer were racing across the path. They paused, but bounded off as two more deer come running with white tails raised. That is unusual as they seldom seemed concerned by anything or anyone around them. In a bit a woman walking two quite large dogs came into sight. Could that be the reason for such movement?
Perhaps I should have run after the deer. I have been trying to earn points for the insurance company wellness challenge. So I have set goals and am keeping track of steps and distance. I also talked with a wellness coach because that too earns points. It seems the most serious lack in my exercise life is that I do not make my heart work very hard. Chasing deer around the park would probably help, but it would not help my psyche because there is no way I could get close to these critters. I recommitted to lifting weights on a schedule so I get it done more consistently.
There is rhubarb in the garden. It has been 12 years since I have lived with rhubarb on our place. I had forgotten about it, but Leroy has mentioned it. It is nice to again have it available. I will try to make something in the near future. That is where I miss those mulberries as they were nice addition to a recipe to cut back on the amount of added sugar to make it edible. I am no longer happy using much sugar and I do not want to use artificial sweetener. I suppose I could try to figure out how much honey to use, but it too is best used sparingly.
Leroy planted some seeds while I was gone, but so far we see nothing sprouting except weeds. I think it is too cold for much activity out there. Unfortunately the weeds are of the hardy variety. I also need to get to work on the flower beds as much of the green is really crab grass.
In the distance two deer were racing across the path. They paused, but bounded off as two more deer come running with white tails raised. That is unusual as they seldom seemed concerned by anything or anyone around them. In a bit a woman walking two quite large dogs came into sight. Could that be the reason for such movement?
Perhaps I should have run after the deer. I have been trying to earn points for the insurance company wellness challenge. So I have set goals and am keeping track of steps and distance. I also talked with a wellness coach because that too earns points. It seems the most serious lack in my exercise life is that I do not make my heart work very hard. Chasing deer around the park would probably help, but it would not help my psyche because there is no way I could get close to these critters. I recommitted to lifting weights on a schedule so I get it done more consistently.
There is rhubarb in the garden. It has been 12 years since I have lived with rhubarb on our place. I had forgotten about it, but Leroy has mentioned it. It is nice to again have it available. I will try to make something in the near future. That is where I miss those mulberries as they were nice addition to a recipe to cut back on the amount of added sugar to make it edible. I am no longer happy using much sugar and I do not want to use artificial sweetener. I suppose I could try to figure out how much honey to use, but it too is best used sparingly.
Leroy planted some seeds while I was gone, but so far we see nothing sprouting except weeds. I think it is too cold for much activity out there. Unfortunately the weeds are of the hardy variety. I also need to get to work on the flower beds as much of the green is really crab grass.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
No visit Scheduled
Miriam and girls will not be coming as planned. The guy booking the tickets for the small airline got it wrong on which end she was coming from and going to, consequently they let her cancel those tickets. Southwest also lets you cancel tickets without penalty. Because Andy will be home that week they have also decided to stay home. It makes more sense. He was going to be home that week and then gone the next two while Miriam would be home. Now I believe that his work trip has been reduced to one week. We will see what happens with all of this. I have come around to the thought that it is a lot of money (almost a thousand dollars), time traveling (almost a day each way), and effort (much harder to come up with an amount of energy). I did see them not so long ago and will see all my children the first weekend in June as they are throwing a 40th anniversary bash for Leroy and I. I will see them.
I can say that more flowering trees and plants are in evidence in south east Iowa than in Minnesota. This morning we saw spring beauty, violets, and Dutchman britches all in one area. Then I think it is called Solomon’s seal that is ready to bloom as well. I am so glad the park does not try to kill weeds or wildflowers. It is wonderful to see them in the green grass.
One of the parks across the street is an arboretum. There are some trees that have flowered for which I do not have a name. Leroy got a folder with the tree names and numbers. There is also a tree location map. Some nice day we intend to go and find these trees. I believe that it numbers more than 50 different kinds. We will have to spend a bit of time doing this, but it should be good.
There is one tree that is totally lying on the ground. It amazes me that it is still alive. Somehow I think it has been in this position for a long time. It certainly looks quite comfortable.
Miriam and girls will not be coming as planned. The guy booking the tickets for the small airline got it wrong on which end she was coming from and going to, consequently they let her cancel those tickets. Southwest also lets you cancel tickets without penalty. Because Andy will be home that week they have also decided to stay home. It makes more sense. He was going to be home that week and then gone the next two while Miriam would be home. Now I believe that his work trip has been reduced to one week. We will see what happens with all of this. I have come around to the thought that it is a lot of money (almost a thousand dollars), time traveling (almost a day each way), and effort (much harder to come up with an amount of energy). I did see them not so long ago and will see all my children the first weekend in June as they are throwing a 40th anniversary bash for Leroy and I. I will see them.
I can say that more flowering trees and plants are in evidence in south east Iowa than in Minnesota. This morning we saw spring beauty, violets, and Dutchman britches all in one area. Then I think it is called Solomon’s seal that is ready to bloom as well. I am so glad the park does not try to kill weeds or wildflowers. It is wonderful to see them in the green grass.
One of the parks across the street is an arboretum. There are some trees that have flowered for which I do not have a name. Leroy got a folder with the tree names and numbers. There is also a tree location map. Some nice day we intend to go and find these trees. I believe that it numbers more than 50 different kinds. We will have to spend a bit of time doing this, but it should be good.
There is one tree that is totally lying on the ground. It amazes me that it is still alive. Somehow I think it has been in this position for a long time. It certainly looks quite comfortable.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Miriam's Pending visit
I have been hinting that I feel our children almost never visit. Sometimes it is more than a hint. Miriam thought that she would be able to go to Australia because Andy was going there for work. When that plan got changed she then talked about going to Disney Land with the girls. I said, “No you should come here.”
It seemed to me that if they have the money for relaxation they could manage to come here. Perhaps I am not considered relaxation. The first of May it will have been two years since Miriam and the girls last visited. It has been four and a half years since Andy has been in our home. Personally I thought I was not being unreasonable and really have been quite patient and not complained until just in the last month or so.
Miriam and the girls are booked to come next week. Now I feel guilty because of course it does cost more for three to come than one or two. Also she picked this time because Andy was going to be gone for work and his company would fly him here for the weekend since he would be gone two weeks. Now his work schedule has probably changed and he will be at home. Also the flights here got quite complicated. Miriam used one airline to get to St. Louis and then is using the local line to get to Burlington. After she booked her longer flight she then learned that she could not get on the plane to Burlington on Tuesday night. She and the girls will be spending the night in St. Louis and coming early in the morning. The stressful part of that is that the hotel shuttle will get her to the airport less than an hour before her flight time. Hopefully security will be a breeze. On the return trip she is booked ok, but she has to spend six hours in the airport with two young girls and all of their “junk”. I had planned to go with her to St. Louis as my flight would only cost a total of $25. Then I could help deal with any issues and still come back late that night. However Miriam got the last three seats on the return flight consequently I can not do that. So, for Miriam it is an expensive trip in time, energy, and money.
I am pleased that they are coming, but I must figure out how to feel good about it all.
I have been hinting that I feel our children almost never visit. Sometimes it is more than a hint. Miriam thought that she would be able to go to Australia because Andy was going there for work. When that plan got changed she then talked about going to Disney Land with the girls. I said, “No you should come here.”
It seemed to me that if they have the money for relaxation they could manage to come here. Perhaps I am not considered relaxation. The first of May it will have been two years since Miriam and the girls last visited. It has been four and a half years since Andy has been in our home. Personally I thought I was not being unreasonable and really have been quite patient and not complained until just in the last month or so.
Miriam and the girls are booked to come next week. Now I feel guilty because of course it does cost more for three to come than one or two. Also she picked this time because Andy was going to be gone for work and his company would fly him here for the weekend since he would be gone two weeks. Now his work schedule has probably changed and he will be at home. Also the flights here got quite complicated. Miriam used one airline to get to St. Louis and then is using the local line to get to Burlington. After she booked her longer flight she then learned that she could not get on the plane to Burlington on Tuesday night. She and the girls will be spending the night in St. Louis and coming early in the morning. The stressful part of that is that the hotel shuttle will get her to the airport less than an hour before her flight time. Hopefully security will be a breeze. On the return trip she is booked ok, but she has to spend six hours in the airport with two young girls and all of their “junk”. I had planned to go with her to St. Louis as my flight would only cost a total of $25. Then I could help deal with any issues and still come back late that night. However Miriam got the last three seats on the return flight consequently I can not do that. So, for Miriam it is an expensive trip in time, energy, and money.
I am pleased that they are coming, but I must figure out how to feel good about it all.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Health Issues
After I was convinced that I just had a non contagious sinus infection, a woman at church told me she thought it was instead a virus because she had already had all of my symptoms. Her condition lasted three weeks. I seem to be quite well today so at least I do not have the longevity. Mine seems to be just of a week and a day duration so could it have been non contagious. I just hope that I did not expose Brian’s family. That almost negates any help that I gave them.
Today I learned that I will continue to support companies that make skin lotions combating dryness. The Dr. did list dry skin as a symptom of thyroid imbalance. Those drugs seemed like a possible solution to the skin and hair dryness but today he reported that the lab results were normal. Does that mean it is simply aging and an almost fat free diet? Just as with Leroy, my cholesterol is not as good as it was on the last report. We both wonder if we are exercising less as we do not have so many places to walk. I know for a fact that Leroy would sometimes walk six miles. I might have been more likely to get about three in. Here we do get in our two everyday, but it is more of an effort. Does attitude make a difference with cholesterol?
We sign up for wellness dollars from the insurance company. I tried to get that done today. It is tied into the pension board of the church. I could not get into the web site. It was only after I called for help that I learned I was actually at the pension board site rather than on the wellness site. Embarrassing, but it is all accomplished now. I got my $150 credit and must see what to do for the $300 credit. Leroy tells me it is different that the things that we did in the past.
Somewhat spurred on by that focus on health, I lifted weights this afternoon and found out that I have lost strength. Now 7.5 pounds seems like a lot. I had not lifted for at least three weeks. Where does strength go? Is there a puddle on the floor? Maybe it is like hair and just sheds off each day?
After I was convinced that I just had a non contagious sinus infection, a woman at church told me she thought it was instead a virus because she had already had all of my symptoms. Her condition lasted three weeks. I seem to be quite well today so at least I do not have the longevity. Mine seems to be just of a week and a day duration so could it have been non contagious. I just hope that I did not expose Brian’s family. That almost negates any help that I gave them.
Today I learned that I will continue to support companies that make skin lotions combating dryness. The Dr. did list dry skin as a symptom of thyroid imbalance. Those drugs seemed like a possible solution to the skin and hair dryness but today he reported that the lab results were normal. Does that mean it is simply aging and an almost fat free diet? Just as with Leroy, my cholesterol is not as good as it was on the last report. We both wonder if we are exercising less as we do not have so many places to walk. I know for a fact that Leroy would sometimes walk six miles. I might have been more likely to get about three in. Here we do get in our two everyday, but it is more of an effort. Does attitude make a difference with cholesterol?
We sign up for wellness dollars from the insurance company. I tried to get that done today. It is tied into the pension board of the church. I could not get into the web site. It was only after I called for help that I learned I was actually at the pension board site rather than on the wellness site. Embarrassing, but it is all accomplished now. I got my $150 credit and must see what to do for the $300 credit. Leroy tells me it is different that the things that we did in the past.
Somewhat spurred on by that focus on health, I lifted weights this afternoon and found out that I have lost strength. Now 7.5 pounds seems like a lot. I had not lifted for at least three weeks. Where does strength go? Is there a puddle on the floor? Maybe it is like hair and just sheds off each day?
Friday, April 15, 2011
Lively Day
The lively day means really that I am feeling much better and livelier. Logan has taken some nice long naps while I have been “on duty” so I managed to finish reading the book that I brought with me. It is A Town Like Alice written by Nevil Shute. Part of it is set in England, Malay, and Australia during WWII and after. I found it to be quite good, but interesting that the guy/kid who loaned it to me did not like to read it. It was an assignment for a lit class for him.
During another nap period I cleaned the bathroom and even ended up washing the floor. It was good to do something other than sit around. I have gone for my two-mile walk with the dog every day, but then there was not a lot of other movement other than entertaining Logan by walking/bouncing him around the space.
My “grand dogs” have long memories. Both of them come to my sleeping area in the morning even though it might have been months since I last visited. They really like the walk routine. I like it too so that is not a problem. Here unfortunately, it has gotten colder each day that I have been out. Luckily it has not snowed. Yesterday there was a short rainfall with some sleet mixed in for a time. I am glad that I can still walk briskly and come back to a warm house.
I have worked some on Sudoku puzzles. For some reason I make mistakes when I am concentrating on a baby too.
Brian has a Mac computer. It is helpful that it is not a laptop. For some reason when I use a laptop I seem to rest my hands on hotspots and all sorts of things start happening. I am getting used to the differences. It is hard to remember that I learned about computers on a MAC. But at least some of the information is stored in a remote corner of the brain. Yeah Brain!
The lively day means really that I am feeling much better and livelier. Logan has taken some nice long naps while I have been “on duty” so I managed to finish reading the book that I brought with me. It is A Town Like Alice written by Nevil Shute. Part of it is set in England, Malay, and Australia during WWII and after. I found it to be quite good, but interesting that the guy/kid who loaned it to me did not like to read it. It was an assignment for a lit class for him.
During another nap period I cleaned the bathroom and even ended up washing the floor. It was good to do something other than sit around. I have gone for my two-mile walk with the dog every day, but then there was not a lot of other movement other than entertaining Logan by walking/bouncing him around the space.
My “grand dogs” have long memories. Both of them come to my sleeping area in the morning even though it might have been months since I last visited. They really like the walk routine. I like it too so that is not a problem. Here unfortunately, it has gotten colder each day that I have been out. Luckily it has not snowed. Yesterday there was a short rainfall with some sleet mixed in for a time. I am glad that I can still walk briskly and come back to a warm house.
I have worked some on Sudoku puzzles. For some reason I make mistakes when I am concentrating on a baby too.
Brian has a Mac computer. It is helpful that it is not a laptop. For some reason when I use a laptop I seem to rest my hands on hotspots and all sorts of things start happening. I am getting used to the differences. It is hard to remember that I learned about computers on a MAC. But at least some of the information is stored in a remote corner of the brain. Yeah Brain!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Baby Logan
Logan has his moments of peace and distress. Sound normal for a baby? Well it is but some days seem more extreme in the crying direction than peaceful. It humbles one quickly when you realize that you do not know everything nor do you even have a good guess sometimes. Baby does not know all either, but he does know that something is not right. All the adults can do sometimes is run through a mental check list of possibilities and try them in turn hoping that one will work. That list might include, holding, walking, bouncing, changing position, talking singing, and tearing out your own hair. One of the problems with the cessation of crying is that even though the crying stopped was it indeed the last thing that helped. Lack of speech does indeed make a difference for dealing with another person.
Sophia seems to be taking it all in stride. It surely cannot be easy to go from being number one to a sad second sometime. Can you imagine she thinks I am silly? Especially when I pretend that my hand is a spider walking along the couch to come see her.
I arrived with my sinus condition. That means I cough and blow my nose much more than is pleasant. Brian and Jen wondered if they would have to take care of me instead of me helping them. I also have felt a little slow because of it. Yesterday morning Brian gave me this and that cold medicine to take. Normally I rarely take anything. After the morning I knew why that was. I felt a bit dizzy and light headed. I am not sure why, but many of those drugs do not make me feel good. I do feel better today but is that because have having taken that medicine or just because my body has had enough time to fix it?
Maybe tomorrow I will feel like doing a bit more work around here besides toting a baby. I could actually clean a couple things. As it is I have been reading or doing puzzles in my time off.
Logan has his moments of peace and distress. Sound normal for a baby? Well it is but some days seem more extreme in the crying direction than peaceful. It humbles one quickly when you realize that you do not know everything nor do you even have a good guess sometimes. Baby does not know all either, but he does know that something is not right. All the adults can do sometimes is run through a mental check list of possibilities and try them in turn hoping that one will work. That list might include, holding, walking, bouncing, changing position, talking singing, and tearing out your own hair. One of the problems with the cessation of crying is that even though the crying stopped was it indeed the last thing that helped. Lack of speech does indeed make a difference for dealing with another person.
Sophia seems to be taking it all in stride. It surely cannot be easy to go from being number one to a sad second sometime. Can you imagine she thinks I am silly? Especially when I pretend that my hand is a spider walking along the couch to come see her.
I arrived with my sinus condition. That means I cough and blow my nose much more than is pleasant. Brian and Jen wondered if they would have to take care of me instead of me helping them. I also have felt a little slow because of it. Yesterday morning Brian gave me this and that cold medicine to take. Normally I rarely take anything. After the morning I knew why that was. I felt a bit dizzy and light headed. I am not sure why, but many of those drugs do not make me feel good. I do feel better today but is that because have having taken that medicine or just because my body has had enough time to fix it?
Maybe tomorrow I will feel like doing a bit more work around here besides toting a baby. I could actually clean a couple things. As it is I have been reading or doing puzzles in my time off.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Arriving in Minnesota
It was a mostly uneventful trip to Minnesota. Skies were clear, roads were clear, and my mind was clear. Leroy helped me to get out of the house with ease and most everything I needed.
On the six to seven hour drive I saw a small hawk fly off of a post close to the road, had a large heavy bodied fowl startle me as it flew across in front of my window, and spotted a flock of large birds, perhaps turkeys, foraging in a field.
It is noted that fewer flowers are blooming in the north. It is cooler, but not by much.
I also make a stop at the Minnesota NIKE outlet store. Last year I had gotten some leaky boots from Kike. I still can feel bad about the loss of those boots if I let myself as they were great looking and walking boots. The company gave me a website voucher for those boots. While visiting Miriam I finally found something that I wanted to buy with that money as I had waited in vain for some similar boots to appear on the web site. The jacket and hoodie arrived just a few days later. Leroy declared the coat too large and I thought the hoodie was too small. Return instructions stated that I could return them to any Nike store. I prefer to try on clothes when purchasing so a stop seemed like the easiest fix.
It was indeed smooth. So smooth that I spent $30 more than I returned. In the process I learned that I am still open to flattery such as: you are you look so good in this top that keeps runners warm. She assured me that walkers can wear it too. So she stated it does not look good on heavy people. She even talked me into buying two jackets to go with the top. I found a pair of shoes as well. I am not sure why I was surprised at checkout to learn that I owed them money. But it is satisfying. Now I just hope I like it. One of the jackets is quite visible in low light and I consider that a plus for walking on those dark mornings.
It was a mostly uneventful trip to Minnesota. Skies were clear, roads were clear, and my mind was clear. Leroy helped me to get out of the house with ease and most everything I needed.
On the six to seven hour drive I saw a small hawk fly off of a post close to the road, had a large heavy bodied fowl startle me as it flew across in front of my window, and spotted a flock of large birds, perhaps turkeys, foraging in a field.
It is noted that fewer flowers are blooming in the north. It is cooler, but not by much.
I also make a stop at the Minnesota NIKE outlet store. Last year I had gotten some leaky boots from Kike. I still can feel bad about the loss of those boots if I let myself as they were great looking and walking boots. The company gave me a website voucher for those boots. While visiting Miriam I finally found something that I wanted to buy with that money as I had waited in vain for some similar boots to appear on the web site. The jacket and hoodie arrived just a few days later. Leroy declared the coat too large and I thought the hoodie was too small. Return instructions stated that I could return them to any Nike store. I prefer to try on clothes when purchasing so a stop seemed like the easiest fix.
It was indeed smooth. So smooth that I spent $30 more than I returned. In the process I learned that I am still open to flattery such as: you are you look so good in this top that keeps runners warm. She assured me that walkers can wear it too. So she stated it does not look good on heavy people. She even talked me into buying two jackets to go with the top. I found a pair of shoes as well. I am not sure why I was surprised at checkout to learn that I owed them money. But it is satisfying. Now I just hope I like it. One of the jackets is quite visible in low light and I consider that a plus for walking on those dark mornings.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Dr. ants, and peace lily
I made it to the Dr. this morning with a little better health than I had yesterday. I called my condition a sinus infection and he did not contradict but offered me drugs in the form of antibiotics. I respectfully declined since I believe that my body has not had enough time to heal itself. This afternoon I feel even better so it should all be ok. I will be driving to MN tomorrow. I feel fortunate to have filled the gas tank one more time at the lower price that was still at one station.
I moved a plant this afternoon only to find a moving mass of what? It turned out to be about 7,000 tiny ants that were busy scurrying to hide their massive pile of eggs from my eyes. This was on a bookcase. Leroy was home so we emptied the bookcase and carted it outdoors. In the meantime I dashed around looking for my homemade ant killer that is a combination of sugar and borax. “I knew where it was in Chariton,” I wailed as I looked in yet another possible storage place.
Eventually I did find it, wet a paper and put on the mixture where the few remaining ants might find it in the house. When I looked outside on the steps I noticed a whole tribe migration. Fearing that they might come back in the house I also offered some of my sweet poison on the steps.
I had gotten a distressed peace lily from Brian and Jen at Thanksgiving. It is now sending up new leaves. I had come close to saying that it must not be going to renew and thrive. It did not die, but it just stayed the same for all those months.
I do not have a total green thumb. I had gotten a small start of a plant, put it in water, put it in soil, and repotted it today only to learn there are no roots. I will leave it in the pot for a while, but I wonder if it will grow. Again it has not died, but…
I made it to the Dr. this morning with a little better health than I had yesterday. I called my condition a sinus infection and he did not contradict but offered me drugs in the form of antibiotics. I respectfully declined since I believe that my body has not had enough time to heal itself. This afternoon I feel even better so it should all be ok. I will be driving to MN tomorrow. I feel fortunate to have filled the gas tank one more time at the lower price that was still at one station.
I moved a plant this afternoon only to find a moving mass of what? It turned out to be about 7,000 tiny ants that were busy scurrying to hide their massive pile of eggs from my eyes. This was on a bookcase. Leroy was home so we emptied the bookcase and carted it outdoors. In the meantime I dashed around looking for my homemade ant killer that is a combination of sugar and borax. “I knew where it was in Chariton,” I wailed as I looked in yet another possible storage place.
Eventually I did find it, wet a paper and put on the mixture where the few remaining ants might find it in the house. When I looked outside on the steps I noticed a whole tribe migration. Fearing that they might come back in the house I also offered some of my sweet poison on the steps.
I had gotten a distressed peace lily from Brian and Jen at Thanksgiving. It is now sending up new leaves. I had come close to saying that it must not be going to renew and thrive. It did not die, but it just stayed the same for all those months.
I do not have a total green thumb. I had gotten a small start of a plant, put it in water, put it in soil, and repotted it today only to learn there are no roots. I will leave it in the pot for a while, but I wonder if it will grow. Again it has not died, but…
Sunday, April 10, 2011
More Traveling
I have a doctor appointment tomorrow for a well person check up. Now, as per my own diagnosis, I have a terrible sinus condition. Should I call up the office and say that I can not come in because I do not feel well? How crucial is it to be well for a well person check?
I need to renew my osteoporosis meds so I must soon see a doctor. I will go. If I get done early enough I will drive to Brian and Jen’s house. If it is not early enough I will drive up on Tuesday. Logan has been crying quite a lot so I am going to give some rest time to Jen.
I wish I had checked the local airline for prices before I went to Salt Lake as they are offering $25 for seniors or $50 for others to go round trip to Chicago or St. Louis. It would have been cheaper to fly from here saving both gas for the car and a parking fee. Oh well it is only money and time right?
On my return trip from Salt Lake we left that city half an hour late. My connection time in Detroit was only one hour. I wondered about it, but thought the airline was obligated to take care of me. The reason for the delay? They were waiting for a co-pilot to come on board.
They said there was a strong tail wind so we would still get to Detroit on time. That was indeed true. At one point I noticed the wind was 191 kph. That is a strong wind.
After landing on time at the A concourse I did ask someone at a desk, the quickest way to get to the C concourse since it seemed there were a lot of gate numbers in between. Luckily there was a tram. I arrived at my assigned gate with just enough time to go to the bathroom and board the plane. My bottom did not even touch a seat in the waiting area. It is a good thing I am getting better about asking for help. Is that aging? Then I should be grateful for aging.
I have a doctor appointment tomorrow for a well person check up. Now, as per my own diagnosis, I have a terrible sinus condition. Should I call up the office and say that I can not come in because I do not feel well? How crucial is it to be well for a well person check?
I need to renew my osteoporosis meds so I must soon see a doctor. I will go. If I get done early enough I will drive to Brian and Jen’s house. If it is not early enough I will drive up on Tuesday. Logan has been crying quite a lot so I am going to give some rest time to Jen.
I wish I had checked the local airline for prices before I went to Salt Lake as they are offering $25 for seniors or $50 for others to go round trip to Chicago or St. Louis. It would have been cheaper to fly from here saving both gas for the car and a parking fee. Oh well it is only money and time right?
On my return trip from Salt Lake we left that city half an hour late. My connection time in Detroit was only one hour. I wondered about it, but thought the airline was obligated to take care of me. The reason for the delay? They were waiting for a co-pilot to come on board.
They said there was a strong tail wind so we would still get to Detroit on time. That was indeed true. At one point I noticed the wind was 191 kph. That is a strong wind.
After landing on time at the A concourse I did ask someone at a desk, the quickest way to get to the C concourse since it seemed there were a lot of gate numbers in between. Luckily there was a tram. I arrived at my assigned gate with just enough time to go to the bathroom and board the plane. My bottom did not even touch a seat in the waiting area. It is a good thing I am getting better about asking for help. Is that aging? Then I should be grateful for aging.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Flying to Utah and Back
Flying was uneventful if illogical. For instance, on my trip out I flew from Moline to Minneapolis then to Salt Lake. On the return trip, I watched on the map as I flew over northern Iowa to head on to Detroit and back to Moline. Certainly the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, however when money is thrown into the mix it is skewed in the air. In addition there are no direct flights so it means a stop somewhere, but it bothers my logical mind that it is not in a westerly direction. I remember when I was in college and my roommate would fly home. Her flights made no sense to a land locked girl from the farm. Now at least know that I am following a time worn pattern.
My first plane had only about ten people on it even though it could have held more than 45. As a result I got seconds on the complimentary food as did the rest of my fellow travelers. Generally I do not take treats to my grandchildren, but this time unknown or thought out by me, I had treats. The girls discovered them in my bag when they were helping me unpack. With cries of delight they asked, “Oh Granny is this for me?”
It all worked out because I had two packs of peanuts, a package of two cookies and two granola bars. Sometimes I appear more generous than I am as I hand out things that I did not earn or ask for in particular.
Just a note on changed vocabulary on the airline turbulence is now talked about as rough air. In the past I have heard it referred to has potholes in the sky. Is that all less threatening than turbulence?
I was happy to have little rough air and the plane stayed in one piece at all times.
Flying was uneventful if illogical. For instance, on my trip out I flew from Moline to Minneapolis then to Salt Lake. On the return trip, I watched on the map as I flew over northern Iowa to head on to Detroit and back to Moline. Certainly the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, however when money is thrown into the mix it is skewed in the air. In addition there are no direct flights so it means a stop somewhere, but it bothers my logical mind that it is not in a westerly direction. I remember when I was in college and my roommate would fly home. Her flights made no sense to a land locked girl from the farm. Now at least know that I am following a time worn pattern.
My first plane had only about ten people on it even though it could have held more than 45. As a result I got seconds on the complimentary food as did the rest of my fellow travelers. Generally I do not take treats to my grandchildren, but this time unknown or thought out by me, I had treats. The girls discovered them in my bag when they were helping me unpack. With cries of delight they asked, “Oh Granny is this for me?”
It all worked out because I had two packs of peanuts, a package of two cookies and two granola bars. Sometimes I appear more generous than I am as I hand out things that I did not earn or ask for in particular.
Just a note on changed vocabulary on the airline turbulence is now talked about as rough air. In the past I have heard it referred to has potholes in the sky. Is that all less threatening than turbulence?
I was happy to have little rough air and the plane stayed in one piece at all times.
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