Tuesday, March 22, 2011



This choir puts in a full week before a concert. We practiced Monday evening. We will practice Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and some additional time before the performance on Sunday. No shirking here.

Last night we “mixed up” for several of the pieces. That means we did not stand in our voice groups. Now I have to confess that I have become dependent on my two other second sopranos. These two women are music teachers and a bit out of my league. They are also very strong singers. That is good as sometimes we are the only three singing something that is musically important to the whole. It takes a bit to be heard over the rest of the group which numbers possibly 40. I was a bit panicked. I managed to hold my own on all but one of the pieces that was almost a total air singing because I could not find my pitch. For the first group of three songs I moved over into the alto area. There were other sopranos there, but the two other second sopranos were actually fairly close to each other at the other end of the choir. I could not hear them, ever. After break when we again mixed up I chose a spot that was much closer even if a bit away from them. It worked much better or did I know these pieces better? Whatever the reason, I have spent some time practicing today. It certainly pointed out my weak areas.

I wore my second pair of new shoes around the house yesterday and I have declared them to be good. My foot did not hurt in all that time. Now my feet are ready for the concert on Sunday. It amazes me that I found a pair of shoes in town that works. It is like having treasure in your house and not seeing it.

The piano tuner is coming tomorrow. That might help me practice better on the correct pitch. Considering that last summer the piano was stored without temperature control it does not sound too bad to my undiscriminating ears.

Now if my hair has I good day on Sunday I will be quite comfortable.


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