The concert went off without a hitch. I thought I preformed brilliantly in spite of locking my knees and becoming dizzy. When I did not know where I was I just acted like I knew what was going on. I guess I pulled it off anyway. I felt quite nervous after that. I have never done that in a performance, but I have heard of people actually passing out. I blame it all on my new never before worn in public shoes. They are earth shoes with the heel a bit lower than the rest of the foot bed. I am wondering if that threw off my stance enough that I locked my knees without really realizing it at first. Any way I hung in there and even did fine in some places. There was one song where I got off, counting has never been my strong point, and I am not sure that I was really with my little group of two others for the rest of the time. We did not stand together, but were mixed up for the entire concert. One woman I do not think I ever heard and the other was only available to my ears from time to time. There was one song where I clearly heard them for a measure as the second sopranos and the tenors started the piece.
It was nice to have several people tell me that they enjoyed singing with me. The man who will be the director next year told me that I should consider joining them for the fall concert if we are in town until the end of October. I took that as a compliment even though he did not stand next to me.
On the way home from the concert we saw the new lift type railroad bridge settle back down after a boat went under it. I was hoping to see it work before we left town, but did not necessarily expect too as it would not be on a schedule that I know. Plus I do not spend much time in that part of town.
Tomorrow I will head out to Utah to see those children out there. Four year old Olivia called this morning to tell me that she is excited that I will come. Fun to have someone excited to see me.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Check List
I am a great list maker. I get such satisfaction checking off some completed job.
Today for instance I could check off, returned books to the library, mailed shoes back to the store, bought groceries, and stopped at the drug store. Some times I also put on there washing dishes, making the bed, and making a meal. Those items generally only make the list when the list is short. However, even if not on the list they done 90% of the time.
Another benefit of a list is that helps me focus on the necessary with the chance to prioritize so that things that can be put off to another time are relegated to the end of the list for safety’s sake.
Leroy also makes list, but not as frequently as I do. He is not as likely to make a To Do list, but a list of things to buy or take to an event. I do not make those lists so often. Amazing how we can operate so differently and still mange to get through life with some ease.
Leroy made a big list of things to organize because tonight is his first lock-in here. It is with the confirmation students. There are a number of them so he said he is a little nervous about getting it to flow in good order. He does work with the pastor of another church and their students. There will also be parents helping. Generally the kids like these things as it is a chance to be away from home.
I get the entire bed by myself. Will I sprawl out and take up more space? I doubt it as I have trained my body to sleep in the narrow strip left in this full sized bed. If I encroach on Leroy’s side of the bed he does not kick me, as my sister did when we were growing up. I do miss the twin sized beds that we had in Slovakia. We were actually sleeping in a king sized bed. What luxury! It felt restrictive to again sleep in a full sized bed. But I have to say that I do not think Leroy found it so. He seems a bit mystified when I mention such a thing.
I am a great list maker. I get such satisfaction checking off some completed job.
Today for instance I could check off, returned books to the library, mailed shoes back to the store, bought groceries, and stopped at the drug store. Some times I also put on there washing dishes, making the bed, and making a meal. Those items generally only make the list when the list is short. However, even if not on the list they done 90% of the time.
Another benefit of a list is that helps me focus on the necessary with the chance to prioritize so that things that can be put off to another time are relegated to the end of the list for safety’s sake.
Leroy also makes list, but not as frequently as I do. He is not as likely to make a To Do list, but a list of things to buy or take to an event. I do not make those lists so often. Amazing how we can operate so differently and still mange to get through life with some ease.
Leroy made a big list of things to organize because tonight is his first lock-in here. It is with the confirmation students. There are a number of them so he said he is a little nervous about getting it to flow in good order. He does work with the pastor of another church and their students. There will also be parents helping. Generally the kids like these things as it is a chance to be away from home.
I get the entire bed by myself. Will I sprawl out and take up more space? I doubt it as I have trained my body to sleep in the narrow strip left in this full sized bed. If I encroach on Leroy’s side of the bed he does not kick me, as my sister did when we were growing up. I do miss the twin sized beds that we had in Slovakia. We were actually sleeping in a king sized bed. What luxury! It felt restrictive to again sleep in a full sized bed. But I have to say that I do not think Leroy found it so. He seems a bit mystified when I mention such a thing.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
What I want in Life
What I really want in life is a nice orderly life that never has moments of panic about getting it all done. Is that life around anywhere? I thought I had made it when I had so little to do that I wondered how to fill the next minute with anything meaningful.
Now I am wondering when I will again have time to read without feeling guilty about taking the time.
I have booked a ticket to go see Miriam in Salt Lake. I will be leaving next Tuesday and coming back in a week and a day. Now I am a little nervous about driving to the Moline airport by myself. I know, I know it will be ok. I have been there, but it is easier with two, one who drives and one who back seat drives or navigates. I will allow more than enough time so it will work. It is an hour and a half from here. Leroy could drive me on the outgoing trip, but can not pick me up for the home trip so I will just drive and park the car. It is sometimes hard to act like a big girl who knows how to do it all.
Then I have to report that we had another great book discussion meeting last night. One of the high school girls even joined us as we were meeting during the Lenten Soup supper. She had read numerous times the book, A Wrinkle in Time. It was wonderful to have her. She recommended that we read the entire series as she has.
Someone had printed up a list of the book sets in the Burlington library collection. I decided to scan and email that to everyone. I do not scan very often so that process was fraught with wrong turns and backtracking. First I scanned and then could not find the scans on the computer. Then I approached it from another direction, but the page was lopped off. Then I got the margin big enough only to realize that I needed to flip the page. I physically flipped the page but it then cut of another piece of the page. So I returned to the original orientation in our printer/scanner and proceeded to flip all the pages on the computer. Why didn’t I do that in the first place since that is so easy? Then it was on to sending it to everyone. Because I sent it to myself I realized that one person was not in my group. I do not often change things in the groups and tackled that with an old memory of a method that is no longer used. Sigh! It only took about ten minutes to ferret out the new method. After that I had to go up and grouse to Leroy who had just come home.
Now I know what I want in life. Challenges, but not too much! Surely a brain can be too healthy.
What I really want in life is a nice orderly life that never has moments of panic about getting it all done. Is that life around anywhere? I thought I had made it when I had so little to do that I wondered how to fill the next minute with anything meaningful.
Now I am wondering when I will again have time to read without feeling guilty about taking the time.
I have booked a ticket to go see Miriam in Salt Lake. I will be leaving next Tuesday and coming back in a week and a day. Now I am a little nervous about driving to the Moline airport by myself. I know, I know it will be ok. I have been there, but it is easier with two, one who drives and one who back seat drives or navigates. I will allow more than enough time so it will work. It is an hour and a half from here. Leroy could drive me on the outgoing trip, but can not pick me up for the home trip so I will just drive and park the car. It is sometimes hard to act like a big girl who knows how to do it all.
Then I have to report that we had another great book discussion meeting last night. One of the high school girls even joined us as we were meeting during the Lenten Soup supper. She had read numerous times the book, A Wrinkle in Time. It was wonderful to have her. She recommended that we read the entire series as she has.
Someone had printed up a list of the book sets in the Burlington library collection. I decided to scan and email that to everyone. I do not scan very often so that process was fraught with wrong turns and backtracking. First I scanned and then could not find the scans on the computer. Then I approached it from another direction, but the page was lopped off. Then I got the margin big enough only to realize that I needed to flip the page. I physically flipped the page but it then cut of another piece of the page. So I returned to the original orientation in our printer/scanner and proceeded to flip all the pages on the computer. Why didn’t I do that in the first place since that is so easy? Then it was on to sending it to everyone. Because I sent it to myself I realized that one person was not in my group. I do not often change things in the groups and tackled that with an old memory of a method that is no longer used. Sigh! It only took about ten minutes to ferret out the new method. After that I had to go up and grouse to Leroy who had just come home.
Now I know what I want in life. Challenges, but not too much! Surely a brain can be too healthy.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Piano tuned
The piano was tuned this morning. According to this man it was about two steps lower than it should have been. He was quite surprised that it was so far off, especially when he learned that it was tuned in 2009. Apparently it is risky to come up so far because of danger of strings breaking. It was not so bad within itself, but not up to the standard. I am wondering if the guy in 2009 said anything about that. I have a vague memory of him saying that he would bring it up farther the next time. Since that is not necessary for my existence I just parked that idea in the back of my mind, forgetting about it until now.
The real problem for me is that the music I have been practicing for choir has been too low. Oh dear! I thought some of it was high enough as the highest note is an A below high C. Little did I know that I was getting a break when working at home. It is easier to sing these high notes when I can “hide” behind some else in choir. I personally am not sure that anyone really wants to hear me sing those notes anyway. That is about the extent of my range.
Another problem with practicing at the wrong pitch is that I set the spot in my throat where I want to sing. Or I think that is what I do. It seems the muscles just go there when they know where to go.
Some of the keys on the piano have been sticking a little since we brought it out of the garage storage last summer. Most of them have corrected themselves but at least two stick with great regularity. The tuner told me that the whole lot of them is not as responsive as they could or should be. He attributed most of that to age which I calculate at 56 years. Unfortunately the cost of repairing and cleaning it all up inside would be $400. Now is it worth that? It would be if I played a lot. As it is I only play when there is a need. In other words I practice, but do not play for relaxation or enjoyment. It is work rather than play for me. I am not sure what to do about this. If any of our children were interested in the piano and close enough to make it an easy move I would certainly fix it. Then there is a part of me that thinks it should be taken care of just because it deserves the care. Leroy’s response to that was, “I could understand that if it were a person.”
I did ask and there are still people who will buy an acoustical piano, but I am not sure that we could get much money for it. Also how many moves can it tolerate? Such dilemmas!
The piano was tuned this morning. According to this man it was about two steps lower than it should have been. He was quite surprised that it was so far off, especially when he learned that it was tuned in 2009. Apparently it is risky to come up so far because of danger of strings breaking. It was not so bad within itself, but not up to the standard. I am wondering if the guy in 2009 said anything about that. I have a vague memory of him saying that he would bring it up farther the next time. Since that is not necessary for my existence I just parked that idea in the back of my mind, forgetting about it until now.
The real problem for me is that the music I have been practicing for choir has been too low. Oh dear! I thought some of it was high enough as the highest note is an A below high C. Little did I know that I was getting a break when working at home. It is easier to sing these high notes when I can “hide” behind some else in choir. I personally am not sure that anyone really wants to hear me sing those notes anyway. That is about the extent of my range.
Another problem with practicing at the wrong pitch is that I set the spot in my throat where I want to sing. Or I think that is what I do. It seems the muscles just go there when they know where to go.
Some of the keys on the piano have been sticking a little since we brought it out of the garage storage last summer. Most of them have corrected themselves but at least two stick with great regularity. The tuner told me that the whole lot of them is not as responsive as they could or should be. He attributed most of that to age which I calculate at 56 years. Unfortunately the cost of repairing and cleaning it all up inside would be $400. Now is it worth that? It would be if I played a lot. As it is I only play when there is a need. In other words I practice, but do not play for relaxation or enjoyment. It is work rather than play for me. I am not sure what to do about this. If any of our children were interested in the piano and close enough to make it an easy move I would certainly fix it. Then there is a part of me that thinks it should be taken care of just because it deserves the care. Leroy’s response to that was, “I could understand that if it were a person.”
I did ask and there are still people who will buy an acoustical piano, but I am not sure that we could get much money for it. Also how many moves can it tolerate? Such dilemmas!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
This choir puts in a full week before a concert. We practiced Monday evening. We will practice Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and some additional time before the performance on Sunday. No shirking here.
Last night we “mixed up” for several of the pieces. That means we did not stand in our voice groups. Now I have to confess that I have become dependent on my two other second sopranos. These two women are music teachers and a bit out of my league. They are also very strong singers. That is good as sometimes we are the only three singing something that is musically important to the whole. It takes a bit to be heard over the rest of the group which numbers possibly 40. I was a bit panicked. I managed to hold my own on all but one of the pieces that was almost a total air singing because I could not find my pitch. For the first group of three songs I moved over into the alto area. There were other sopranos there, but the two other second sopranos were actually fairly close to each other at the other end of the choir. I could not hear them, ever. After break when we again mixed up I chose a spot that was much closer even if a bit away from them. It worked much better or did I know these pieces better? Whatever the reason, I have spent some time practicing today. It certainly pointed out my weak areas.
I wore my second pair of new shoes around the house yesterday and I have declared them to be good. My foot did not hurt in all that time. Now my feet are ready for the concert on Sunday. It amazes me that I found a pair of shoes in town that works. It is like having treasure in your house and not seeing it.
The piano tuner is coming tomorrow. That might help me practice better on the correct pitch. Considering that last summer the piano was stored without temperature control it does not sound too bad to my undiscriminating ears.
Now if my hair has I good day on Sunday I will be quite comfortable.
This choir puts in a full week before a concert. We practiced Monday evening. We will practice Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and some additional time before the performance on Sunday. No shirking here.
Last night we “mixed up” for several of the pieces. That means we did not stand in our voice groups. Now I have to confess that I have become dependent on my two other second sopranos. These two women are music teachers and a bit out of my league. They are also very strong singers. That is good as sometimes we are the only three singing something that is musically important to the whole. It takes a bit to be heard over the rest of the group which numbers possibly 40. I was a bit panicked. I managed to hold my own on all but one of the pieces that was almost a total air singing because I could not find my pitch. For the first group of three songs I moved over into the alto area. There were other sopranos there, but the two other second sopranos were actually fairly close to each other at the other end of the choir. I could not hear them, ever. After break when we again mixed up I chose a spot that was much closer even if a bit away from them. It worked much better or did I know these pieces better? Whatever the reason, I have spent some time practicing today. It certainly pointed out my weak areas.
I wore my second pair of new shoes around the house yesterday and I have declared them to be good. My foot did not hurt in all that time. Now my feet are ready for the concert on Sunday. It amazes me that I found a pair of shoes in town that works. It is like having treasure in your house and not seeing it.
The piano tuner is coming tomorrow. That might help me practice better on the correct pitch. Considering that last summer the piano was stored without temperature control it does not sound too bad to my undiscriminating ears.
Now if my hair has I good day on Sunday I will be quite comfortable.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Fastnachts Are Done
Fastnachts are over. Competent help was plentiful, conversation good, and the weather beautiful.
I had told someone that I wanted to make an announcement in church. After being told what I planned to announce, she wondered, “How will Leroy respond to that?”
“I don’t think he will care,” I replied. I decided to do it without telling him the contents ahead of time. I had told him about it before our first scheduled open house, but forgot to remind him until in church yesterday.
Besides welcoming people, the three main points I had to make were: Leave your white gloves at home, ooh and aah over any grandchildren pictures, and look in any closet, but not in my underwear drawer.
People laughed at all of my points even giving me a round of applause when I was finished. Later I had many people talk about my underwear drawer which seemed to be the hit of the list.
In the afternoon someone even told me, “I was oohing and aahing, but where was Grandma? You were in another room.”
One more told me, “I looked for my white gloves, but could not find them. Oh, that is right I was to leave them home anyway.”
Several people told me how much they enjoyed it and how comfortable they now felt to be coming into our house. It somehow made it all ok on a deeper level than I expected.
Leroy said, “I was surprised when you indicated you wanted to say something, but I laughed along with everyone else.” As I suspected it did not bother him in the least.
Fastnachts are over. Competent help was plentiful, conversation good, and the weather beautiful.
I had told someone that I wanted to make an announcement in church. After being told what I planned to announce, she wondered, “How will Leroy respond to that?”
“I don’t think he will care,” I replied. I decided to do it without telling him the contents ahead of time. I had told him about it before our first scheduled open house, but forgot to remind him until in church yesterday.
Besides welcoming people, the three main points I had to make were: Leave your white gloves at home, ooh and aah over any grandchildren pictures, and look in any closet, but not in my underwear drawer.
People laughed at all of my points even giving me a round of applause when I was finished. Later I had many people talk about my underwear drawer which seemed to be the hit of the list.
In the afternoon someone even told me, “I was oohing and aahing, but where was Grandma? You were in another room.”
One more told me, “I looked for my white gloves, but could not find them. Oh, that is right I was to leave them home anyway.”
Several people told me how much they enjoyed it and how comfortable they now felt to be coming into our house. It somehow made it all ok on a deeper level than I expected.
Leroy said, “I was surprised when you indicated you wanted to say something, but I laughed along with everyone else.” As I suspected it did not bother him in the least.
Friday, March 18, 2011
This morning Leroy and I were cleaning in anticipation of Open House/Fastnacht on Sunday. Behind the refrigerator, Leroy found another light switch for the kitchen. We have only been walking across this room in the dark, or else turning on the light and walking back to turn off the other for six months. Now we can turn it off at either end of the room. What a discovery. Cleaning is good for something.
This afternoon we went to the library. I wanted to make a stop at a store on the way home. As we were traveling to that store we almost went past “the” shoe store. “Why don’t we stop so I can see what is there. Maybe I will see something different.” I said.
Would you believe that, on the clearance rack, I found a pair of almost dressy black flats that I believe feels very comfortable even if they are a bit large at size 11 instead of the illusive 10.5. Their redeeming grace is that they have an adjustable strap attached by Velcro giving me an infinite set of possible placements of ways to make sure it stays on my foot. Leroy and the clerk both thought they looked big on me but they did not fall off my foot when I walked. One of the other pair had a strap too, but it had a buckle. Then it was impossible to find just the exact spot that I needed. Indeed this unacceptable pair had a second non adjustable strap that did not even touch my foot. I suppose these shoes have a more fleshy rather than boney foot in mind.
I am so happy because at least in the store these shoes felt good. They are Earth shoes. Now doesn’t that bring to mind style? Can you see them with a formal dress? Good thing that choir dress is long enough to touch and hide a bit of my foot.
My one anxious thought is about sending back the shoes I bought in MN. I hate to do that because I do not want to fool with it or spend the money. Instead I would rather berate myself for not leaving them at Brian’s house, but I think there is no way they will indeed give me the comfort that is in their name.
This morning Leroy and I were cleaning in anticipation of Open House/Fastnacht on Sunday. Behind the refrigerator, Leroy found another light switch for the kitchen. We have only been walking across this room in the dark, or else turning on the light and walking back to turn off the other for six months. Now we can turn it off at either end of the room. What a discovery. Cleaning is good for something.
This afternoon we went to the library. I wanted to make a stop at a store on the way home. As we were traveling to that store we almost went past “the” shoe store. “Why don’t we stop so I can see what is there. Maybe I will see something different.” I said.
Would you believe that, on the clearance rack, I found a pair of almost dressy black flats that I believe feels very comfortable even if they are a bit large at size 11 instead of the illusive 10.5. Their redeeming grace is that they have an adjustable strap attached by Velcro giving me an infinite set of possible placements of ways to make sure it stays on my foot. Leroy and the clerk both thought they looked big on me but they did not fall off my foot when I walked. One of the other pair had a strap too, but it had a buckle. Then it was impossible to find just the exact spot that I needed. Indeed this unacceptable pair had a second non adjustable strap that did not even touch my foot. I suppose these shoes have a more fleshy rather than boney foot in mind.
I am so happy because at least in the store these shoes felt good. They are Earth shoes. Now doesn’t that bring to mind style? Can you see them with a formal dress? Good thing that choir dress is long enough to touch and hide a bit of my foot.
My one anxious thought is about sending back the shoes I bought in MN. I hate to do that because I do not want to fool with it or spend the money. Instead I would rather berate myself for not leaving them at Brian’s house, but I think there is no way they will indeed give me the comfort that is in their name.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Bug Round Up
I am wearing green, but that is not the reason that I do an almost daily bug round up. After reading in the paper about the benefit, harmlessness, and need for the outdoors of the Asian Beetles, I have been helping even more of them out the window. Sometimes I do this task alone and sometimes Leroy helps me spot them and transport them to the window. These bugs are the same color as some of the knots in the hardwood floor giving them perfect camouflage. When they move I move into action with my paper that I place in their path. About half walk onto the paper so I can move them to the open window. If it is not so cold it is easier just to leave the window open. Otherwise I have to park the paper or struggle with one hand to open the window. In the meantime the bug is not being docile, but often starts to move to the edge of the paper for escape purposes.
On a warm sunny day I probably liberate 20 or more bugs. Leroy has been amazed when he has helped. Often I have five on my paper at a time. I especially like it when some of them are knocked onto their backs as that slows them down. They are able to turn over, but it means they open their wings and tip.
Today I found a little knit top on clearance. It seemed like a good deal until I got it home and found that it was sleepwear. Do you think if I wear it out in public anyone will think I am wearing my pj’s? Is it still ok to wear lounge wear in public? I just can not keep up with fashion. It is just easier to stay in my own little sphere of existence and do my own thing.
I am wearing green, but that is not the reason that I do an almost daily bug round up. After reading in the paper about the benefit, harmlessness, and need for the outdoors of the Asian Beetles, I have been helping even more of them out the window. Sometimes I do this task alone and sometimes Leroy helps me spot them and transport them to the window. These bugs are the same color as some of the knots in the hardwood floor giving them perfect camouflage. When they move I move into action with my paper that I place in their path. About half walk onto the paper so I can move them to the open window. If it is not so cold it is easier just to leave the window open. Otherwise I have to park the paper or struggle with one hand to open the window. In the meantime the bug is not being docile, but often starts to move to the edge of the paper for escape purposes.
On a warm sunny day I probably liberate 20 or more bugs. Leroy has been amazed when he has helped. Often I have five on my paper at a time. I especially like it when some of them are knocked onto their backs as that slows them down. They are able to turn over, but it means they open their wings and tip.
Today I found a little knit top on clearance. It seemed like a good deal until I got it home and found that it was sleepwear. Do you think if I wear it out in public anyone will think I am wearing my pj’s? Is it still ok to wear lounge wear in public? I just can not keep up with fashion. It is just easier to stay in my own little sphere of existence and do my own thing.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Library Work
I told the person who asked me to help with the church library that I would be fine working by myself. She was in favor of that idea as she lives a distance out of town. There are boxes of books in this room and not enough shelf space for all of these books. Obviously some books have to go. Unfortunately I believe there is no group that is specifically in charge. Perhaps I will be come in charge by default.
We had talked about getting rid of most of the fiction and duplications in a book sale. Our concentration would be on self help books for grieving, family, or other life stresses. There are also a number of theology books that seem to have a natural place in a church library.
I went over to the church eager to weed out much of this fiction as some of it is from the 1970’s or older. I tackled box after box before I thought about the response from the congregation when they learn that some of their old favorites have been eliminated. “Who knows,” I ruminated, “They might run me out of town on a rail.”
Someone had stated that religious fiction should be included in the collection. That brings up all types of questions about that genre including the writing, intent, peachiness, and is it diametrically opposed to the Lutheran ideas of how God acts in our lives. Does any of this matter? After all of that running around in my head, I had to quit and come home.
Now I believe that we must have a mission statement for the library. Who is going to write that? Me? We will see where all of this goes. I would hope that people understand some of the books need to go as they do not fit on the shelves and almost no one uses this library. I believe that use will increase with organization and promotion.
I told the person who asked me to help with the church library that I would be fine working by myself. She was in favor of that idea as she lives a distance out of town. There are boxes of books in this room and not enough shelf space for all of these books. Obviously some books have to go. Unfortunately I believe there is no group that is specifically in charge. Perhaps I will be come in charge by default.
We had talked about getting rid of most of the fiction and duplications in a book sale. Our concentration would be on self help books for grieving, family, or other life stresses. There are also a number of theology books that seem to have a natural place in a church library.
I went over to the church eager to weed out much of this fiction as some of it is from the 1970’s or older. I tackled box after box before I thought about the response from the congregation when they learn that some of their old favorites have been eliminated. “Who knows,” I ruminated, “They might run me out of town on a rail.”
Someone had stated that religious fiction should be included in the collection. That brings up all types of questions about that genre including the writing, intent, peachiness, and is it diametrically opposed to the Lutheran ideas of how God acts in our lives. Does any of this matter? After all of that running around in my head, I had to quit and come home.
Now I believe that we must have a mission statement for the library. Who is going to write that? Me? We will see where all of this goes. I would hope that people understand some of the books need to go as they do not fit on the shelves and almost no one uses this library. I believe that use will increase with organization and promotion.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Walking in the Dark
Because of daylight saving time, Leroy and I are once again walking in the dark through the park. I am grateful for the sidewalks there that are even and smooth so I do not need to worry about tripping on the seam in the dark surface.
“Oh look,” I whispered as I grabbed Leroy’s sleeve.
Then he too saw the three shapes moving across the sidewalk ahead of us. In a little bit two more deer stepped into our line of vision as we stopped and watched. When we slowly started up again all but one deer slunk off into the trees. That remaining deer stayed even though we passed about five feet from it. It certainly watched us, but it did not dart away.
Maybe there are more pluses to the time change than I realized. After all we probably would not have seen these animals later when it was light.
I have a dress for the March 27 choir concert. It was found at the cleaners. Now to make a good solid plan for getting it back to the people who so generously loan it to me. I think they are a bit concerned about return as they think that is how they lost the second dress.
I tried this size 8 on. It fits well in the body, but has rather small arm holes or my arms are large. It is sleeveless and the accompanying jacket is also a little tight in the sleeves. People in the choir were afraid it would not be long enough for me, but it touches the top of my feet. I consider that long enough, any more and tripping danger would be serious.
What to give them for this help? I know that I will pay for the dress and jacket to be cleaned, but what else? That will take some thought.
Because of daylight saving time, Leroy and I are once again walking in the dark through the park. I am grateful for the sidewalks there that are even and smooth so I do not need to worry about tripping on the seam in the dark surface.
“Oh look,” I whispered as I grabbed Leroy’s sleeve.
Then he too saw the three shapes moving across the sidewalk ahead of us. In a little bit two more deer stepped into our line of vision as we stopped and watched. When we slowly started up again all but one deer slunk off into the trees. That remaining deer stayed even though we passed about five feet from it. It certainly watched us, but it did not dart away.
Maybe there are more pluses to the time change than I realized. After all we probably would not have seen these animals later when it was light.
I have a dress for the March 27 choir concert. It was found at the cleaners. Now to make a good solid plan for getting it back to the people who so generously loan it to me. I think they are a bit concerned about return as they think that is how they lost the second dress.
I tried this size 8 on. It fits well in the body, but has rather small arm holes or my arms are large. It is sleeveless and the accompanying jacket is also a little tight in the sleeves. People in the choir were afraid it would not be long enough for me, but it touches the top of my feet. I consider that long enough, any more and tripping danger would be serious.
What to give them for this help? I know that I will pay for the dress and jacket to be cleaned, but what else? That will take some thought.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Washing Cars
If you know Leroy very well you would know that washing the car is low on his list of priorities even though it is much higher on mine. We both agree not to wash the car much in the winter because we have had locks freeze and that is a pain in the lock. I suppose with keyless entry it might not be a problem, but we still are stuck in old thought.
It finally seemed warm enough Friday to wash the cars. We were going to take them to a car wash place, but did not get that done so I just thought I could wash it in the drive. Leroy helped drag out all the stuff, but I agreed that he should get on his bike and ride since it was nice enough. Washing a car by myself is not my idea of a fun time. I missed Leroy. He really does a lot of the work and I must spend more time than I realized contemplating some small spec of dirt. I did get it totally washed and at least half dried before he came home. Yeah! He helped me finish and then he even vacuumed out the inside while I worked on the windows.
“Would you help wash your car?” I wanted to know. It was getting late and when the sun goes down I knew the warmth would disappear.
“Yes, if we hurry,” he said. We got it washed, but skipped the vacuum since that could be done even if it were colder.
We drove a distance on Saturday and I loved looking out the clean windows. Also it was terrific to see the clean hood out front as well as the spotless inside. Maybe I am just a clean nut. The results keep me going back again and again, but not too often as we think we have not cleaned the cars since moving here in September. No one could accuse us of over doing it.
If you know Leroy very well you would know that washing the car is low on his list of priorities even though it is much higher on mine. We both agree not to wash the car much in the winter because we have had locks freeze and that is a pain in the lock. I suppose with keyless entry it might not be a problem, but we still are stuck in old thought.
It finally seemed warm enough Friday to wash the cars. We were going to take them to a car wash place, but did not get that done so I just thought I could wash it in the drive. Leroy helped drag out all the stuff, but I agreed that he should get on his bike and ride since it was nice enough. Washing a car by myself is not my idea of a fun time. I missed Leroy. He really does a lot of the work and I must spend more time than I realized contemplating some small spec of dirt. I did get it totally washed and at least half dried before he came home. Yeah! He helped me finish and then he even vacuumed out the inside while I worked on the windows.
“Would you help wash your car?” I wanted to know. It was getting late and when the sun goes down I knew the warmth would disappear.
“Yes, if we hurry,” he said. We got it washed, but skipped the vacuum since that could be done even if it were colder.
We drove a distance on Saturday and I loved looking out the clean windows. Also it was terrific to see the clean hood out front as well as the spotless inside. Maybe I am just a clean nut. The results keep me going back again and again, but not too often as we think we have not cleaned the cars since moving here in September. No one could accuse us of over doing it.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
My Life
My life is getting busy. I was gone all day yesterday. I am not sure what took up so much of Friday, but it was full too. Now today church was an all morning affair. Mainly I was talking to people. That is good, right?
Now again, I do not feel like writing so I will put it off until tomorrow. I wanted to show my fern sharing friend what my fern looks like. Last summer/spring we cut rather sawed one fern into three pieces. This is one of those sections. It grew quite a lot of the summer and then it hardly lost any leaves in the house. Lately it has been sending out new shoots. Sometimes I will see about seven leaves in various stages of uncurling. What a joy this is to me. Blessing and blessing come over and over.
You may see my fern and me kneeling, it is not as tall as I am.
My life is getting busy. I was gone all day yesterday. I am not sure what took up so much of Friday, but it was full too. Now today church was an all morning affair. Mainly I was talking to people. That is good, right?
Now again, I do not feel like writing so I will put it off until tomorrow. I wanted to show my fern sharing friend what my fern looks like. Last summer/spring we cut rather sawed one fern into three pieces. This is one of those sections. It grew quite a lot of the summer and then it hardly lost any leaves in the house. Lately it has been sending out new shoots. Sometimes I will see about seven leaves in various stages of uncurling. What a joy this is to me. Blessing and blessing come over and over.
You may see my fern and me kneeling, it is not as tall as I am.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I am looking for a pair of black dress flats. It seems to me that should be an easy task. It is easy to find the shoes, but any that fit me? None so far have been perfect.
Last fall I had a store in town order some in my size, but I did not buy them because of the tightness. Just recently I went cheap and bought from a store where I have had good luck before. I even got two pair with the deal of buy one get the second half off. After wearing them around the house for a couple days I took them back. One was a size 11. I had gotten some things to put in the heels to help them stay on. I did not pull off the sticky stuff, but just rested the inserts in there. I still walked out of the shoes. The other pair was a size 10. It was a clog type. Unfortunately it was really too small I learned after a few turns around the room. Shoe stores and manufacturers do not believe that women have a size 10.5 foot; consequently there are none of that size in stores, or rather only in the most expensive stores.
While I was in MN visiting Logan and the rest of his family, I went to my favorite shoe store there. In their back sale room they had a black pair of flats that has two straps. It was listed as a size 11, but made in Germany so it is a 42 and according to the box that translates to 10.5. The sole in it is rather different. I noticed the lumps in it in different places. I am wearing them in the house. The other day I wore them for two hours before I started to feel any pain in my problem left foot. The right has adjusted to the lumps and feels fine. Now today I have gone over two hours without pain, but a sense of pressure. Maybe it will be ok. I did email the company to learn how long I could keep them before sending them back. They told me they like returns in 30 days, but will extend it a little. These shoes cost more than I have ever before spent on shoes. It is shocking to my system. But then so is the price of gas and I will get over that too.
I talk about having custom made shoes. Is there such a thing in the US?
I am looking for a pair of black dress flats. It seems to me that should be an easy task. It is easy to find the shoes, but any that fit me? None so far have been perfect.
Last fall I had a store in town order some in my size, but I did not buy them because of the tightness. Just recently I went cheap and bought from a store where I have had good luck before. I even got two pair with the deal of buy one get the second half off. After wearing them around the house for a couple days I took them back. One was a size 11. I had gotten some things to put in the heels to help them stay on. I did not pull off the sticky stuff, but just rested the inserts in there. I still walked out of the shoes. The other pair was a size 10. It was a clog type. Unfortunately it was really too small I learned after a few turns around the room. Shoe stores and manufacturers do not believe that women have a size 10.5 foot; consequently there are none of that size in stores, or rather only in the most expensive stores.
While I was in MN visiting Logan and the rest of his family, I went to my favorite shoe store there. In their back sale room they had a black pair of flats that has two straps. It was listed as a size 11, but made in Germany so it is a 42 and according to the box that translates to 10.5. The sole in it is rather different. I noticed the lumps in it in different places. I am wearing them in the house. The other day I wore them for two hours before I started to feel any pain in my problem left foot. The right has adjusted to the lumps and feels fine. Now today I have gone over two hours without pain, but a sense of pressure. Maybe it will be ok. I did email the company to learn how long I could keep them before sending them back. They told me they like returns in 30 days, but will extend it a little. These shoes cost more than I have ever before spent on shoes. It is shocking to my system. But then so is the price of gas and I will get over that too.
I talk about having custom made shoes. Is there such a thing in the US?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Choir Dress
Nothing is standard. I had my choir dress from ten years ago. I, with the help of Leroy even found it. Unfortunately it looks nothing like the choir dress here. Before I tried out for this group someone had suggested that the price might be around $40. That did not sound too bad for a one time wear outfit. The person who told me that inherited a dress rather than purchased one. In the catalogue I learned that the dress indeed cost $40, but the required jacket cost $60. One hundred dollars seemed like more than I wanted to spend for a one time wear. Maybe I could just continue to practice and than not show for the performance? I do enjoy the practice the most.
Well some of the women in the group also thought that $100 was a bit much for no longevity. They started thinking of small people who were not in the group at the moment, but might lend me their dress. Two were rejected as being too short. Then they thought of someone whose husband is currently singing in the group. They asked him to check about the possibility. At the last practice he told me that it is ok for me to borrow the dress, but they have to find it first. They have looked everywhere. They know they have it, but… Maybe it is at the cleaners. They will keep looking. They even have two dresses a size 16 and I size 10. “You need the size ten, right?” he asked.
“Yes, that would be right,” I answered, wondering if this is the new or old size ten. If new it might be a bit low cut in the neck and big.
“That is the one we can not find,” he said.
I will just trust that it will come to light before the concert. I believe that now it is too late to order one as the concert is in about two weeks. Would my dress work if I stood in the back behind a large person?
Nothing is standard. I had my choir dress from ten years ago. I, with the help of Leroy even found it. Unfortunately it looks nothing like the choir dress here. Before I tried out for this group someone had suggested that the price might be around $40. That did not sound too bad for a one time wear outfit. The person who told me that inherited a dress rather than purchased one. In the catalogue I learned that the dress indeed cost $40, but the required jacket cost $60. One hundred dollars seemed like more than I wanted to spend for a one time wear. Maybe I could just continue to practice and than not show for the performance? I do enjoy the practice the most.
Well some of the women in the group also thought that $100 was a bit much for no longevity. They started thinking of small people who were not in the group at the moment, but might lend me their dress. Two were rejected as being too short. Then they thought of someone whose husband is currently singing in the group. They asked him to check about the possibility. At the last practice he told me that it is ok for me to borrow the dress, but they have to find it first. They have looked everywhere. They know they have it, but… Maybe it is at the cleaners. They will keep looking. They even have two dresses a size 16 and I size 10. “You need the size ten, right?” he asked.
“Yes, that would be right,” I answered, wondering if this is the new or old size ten. If new it might be a bit low cut in the neck and big.
“That is the one we can not find,” he said.
I will just trust that it will come to light before the concert. I believe that now it is too late to order one as the concert is in about two weeks. Would my dress work if I stood in the back behind a large person?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Spending Money
I keep track of all the money we spend and have done this for years. I am not sure why, but we have spent more money on clothes than we have in a long time. I wonder if part of it is that we live closer to clothing stores and we get their ads. Are we drawn in by those claims of “never on sale for less”? It seems that each week there are at least two ads maybe three from one store. They all try to catch our eye with sales that only last for a few hours. Those hours are often early and or late in the day. It all makes me tired, but I keep looking at the ads. I am just a sucker for the bright colors I guess. It was easier when we lived in Chariton and did not get all the ads because we were too far away. Then we lived in blissful ignorance. The down side was that when I needed something I did not always know where to go. That is who might have a sale because I never want to pay full price.
I still have money from Nike for the return of my leaky boots. I got that last year. I waited in vain for a good looking pair of boots to be offered on their web site as that is the only place I can spend my voucher. Now I am ready to spend, but am hesitant to buy any shoes on line as they often do not fit me. I do not really need any of the clothes, but perhaps I will give the bulk of this to Leroy. He has been looking for some more shoes. The best thing would be if we could find the same style at a store here and then he could try them on, thus coming closer to the needed size.
Leroy is also spending money on his bike. He got a rack so that he can haul things when he goes around town. Our old bags do not fit on any of the new racks so he has had to get new bags. Sort of like painting a room and then you have to buy a new couch. But as he pointed out the old bags are almost 20 years old. Does that mean we have gotten the full value from them? I will still be using those old bags. Now Leroy can help bring home books from the library when we go there. Last fall I had to drag all of the weight up the hill. Surely that made me stronger so it was really a blessing. Is that Pollyannaish or what?
I keep track of all the money we spend and have done this for years. I am not sure why, but we have spent more money on clothes than we have in a long time. I wonder if part of it is that we live closer to clothing stores and we get their ads. Are we drawn in by those claims of “never on sale for less”? It seems that each week there are at least two ads maybe three from one store. They all try to catch our eye with sales that only last for a few hours. Those hours are often early and or late in the day. It all makes me tired, but I keep looking at the ads. I am just a sucker for the bright colors I guess. It was easier when we lived in Chariton and did not get all the ads because we were too far away. Then we lived in blissful ignorance. The down side was that when I needed something I did not always know where to go. That is who might have a sale because I never want to pay full price.
I still have money from Nike for the return of my leaky boots. I got that last year. I waited in vain for a good looking pair of boots to be offered on their web site as that is the only place I can spend my voucher. Now I am ready to spend, but am hesitant to buy any shoes on line as they often do not fit me. I do not really need any of the clothes, but perhaps I will give the bulk of this to Leroy. He has been looking for some more shoes. The best thing would be if we could find the same style at a store here and then he could try them on, thus coming closer to the needed size.
Leroy is also spending money on his bike. He got a rack so that he can haul things when he goes around town. Our old bags do not fit on any of the new racks so he has had to get new bags. Sort of like painting a room and then you have to buy a new couch. But as he pointed out the old bags are almost 20 years old. Does that mean we have gotten the full value from them? I will still be using those old bags. Now Leroy can help bring home books from the library when we go there. Last fall I had to drag all of the weight up the hill. Surely that made me stronger so it was really a blessing. Is that Pollyannaish or what?
Monday, March 7, 2011
I am again inviting the congregation to join me in walking for Lent. Since this is a new congregation for me, I was pleased at the response. So far twenty people are joining me. We walk independently but record on a sheet to show that we have walked our two miles per day to equal 80 miles by the end of Lent. Several people told me that they are so glad I am doing this. Some of them are using this as the push to get them on the trail again. But as might be expected several already walk two miles or more per day.
I rode the bicycle through the park today to check my distance. It is just .04 short of two miles for the route we usually take. That means Leroy and I have slowed down considerably as this takes us a bit more than half an hour.
I was complaining in my head at riding the bike in 38 degree temp when I saw several very large birds floating in the air. Then I noticed several sitting in a tree. In all, I counted twenty in the tree or the air. I think it is the turkey vultures. That means spring has come as I read last year they do not come back until the carrion is thawed as they can not smell frozen meat. Apparently they are a more accurate gauge than those robins that might go and might stay. Amazingly it did not seem so cold after that.
I have finally put up some pictures of Logan and his family. You can see them if you contact me.
We think he is a nice addition to all of these girls. But then we like them all so perhaps we aren’t the best judge. We came back late Saturday so Leroy could do his church duties. I decided to come home because they seemed to be handling everything ok and it is more difficult for me to take the bus home to this location.
I am again inviting the congregation to join me in walking for Lent. Since this is a new congregation for me, I was pleased at the response. So far twenty people are joining me. We walk independently but record on a sheet to show that we have walked our two miles per day to equal 80 miles by the end of Lent. Several people told me that they are so glad I am doing this. Some of them are using this as the push to get them on the trail again. But as might be expected several already walk two miles or more per day.
I rode the bicycle through the park today to check my distance. It is just .04 short of two miles for the route we usually take. That means Leroy and I have slowed down considerably as this takes us a bit more than half an hour.
I was complaining in my head at riding the bike in 38 degree temp when I saw several very large birds floating in the air. Then I noticed several sitting in a tree. In all, I counted twenty in the tree or the air. I think it is the turkey vultures. That means spring has come as I read last year they do not come back until the carrion is thawed as they can not smell frozen meat. Apparently they are a more accurate gauge than those robins that might go and might stay. Amazingly it did not seem so cold after that.
I have finally put up some pictures of Logan and his family. You can see them if you contact me.
We think he is a nice addition to all of these girls. But then we like them all so perhaps we aren’t the best judge. We came back late Saturday so Leroy could do his church duties. I decided to come home because they seemed to be handling everything ok and it is more difficult for me to take the bus home to this location.
Friday, March 4, 2011
New Baby and the Weather
I am still at Brian's house learning about new baby's ideas of how to be and a new computer. The computer is a MAC so it is challenging even though that is what I originally learned on. I guess the brain threw out all of the old skills since they were not needed.
On to Logan. He is a calm baby who, until yesterday did not cry for any length of time. Yesterday the prognosis about crying is that gas came to visit just at bedtime. As soon as it moved on he was able to sleep but not until about 1:00 am.
Today he has taken two nice long naps. It is hard to believe that he is not even a week old. Leroy and I think it has been a long time since we have been around a two day old baby.He loves the close hug and warm cuddle.
Big sister Sophia does not yet know quite how he will become a part of her life. Last night she told her mom that she is the only one in the house who has to sleep alone, as Granny and Grandpa sleep together and Logan's bassinet is in his parents room.
When I asked Sophia, while her parents were gone, if it was alright if she did a certain thing she informed me, "My new parents say it is OK."
These new parents put in an appearance several times in the course of the day that Leroy and I were in charge. Boy wouldn't we all like new parents who just agreed with our wants all of the time?
We are a scant 7 hours farther north and the snow is definitely deeper and the air is much colder. The snow piles at the end of the driveway make it difficult to see any traffic on the street. The first morning that we walked Cloe, the dog the temperature was 1.5 F. Today it was 20 F and that seemed like a heat wave.
I am still at Brian's house learning about new baby's ideas of how to be and a new computer. The computer is a MAC so it is challenging even though that is what I originally learned on. I guess the brain threw out all of the old skills since they were not needed.
On to Logan. He is a calm baby who, until yesterday did not cry for any length of time. Yesterday the prognosis about crying is that gas came to visit just at bedtime. As soon as it moved on he was able to sleep but not until about 1:00 am.
Today he has taken two nice long naps. It is hard to believe that he is not even a week old. Leroy and I think it has been a long time since we have been around a two day old baby.He loves the close hug and warm cuddle.
Big sister Sophia does not yet know quite how he will become a part of her life. Last night she told her mom that she is the only one in the house who has to sleep alone, as Granny and Grandpa sleep together and Logan's bassinet is in his parents room.
When I asked Sophia, while her parents were gone, if it was alright if she did a certain thing she informed me, "My new parents say it is OK."
These new parents put in an appearance several times in the course of the day that Leroy and I were in charge. Boy wouldn't we all like new parents who just agreed with our wants all of the time?
We are a scant 7 hours farther north and the snow is definitely deeper and the air is much colder. The snow piles at the end of the driveway make it difficult to see any traffic on the street. The first morning that we walked Cloe, the dog the temperature was 1.5 F. Today it was 20 F and that seemed like a heat wave.
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