Tuesday, November 2, 2010



Around nine in the morning seemed like a good time to vote because then all of the workers would be out of there. So on my way out of the bedroom I decided to put the duvet on the comforter. Certainly it is easier to do this job with help, but surely I could manage. When done I was congratulating myself on a job well done. Oops, it is inside out. Off it comes for another try. Now when I was done I checked it over to be sure. Yes it was right side out, but I buttoned it incorrectly. After that was all finished and armed with a picture ID as well as a billing with my name and address on it, I headed across the drive to vote at the church. This is the closest we have ever lived to the polls. Not many excuses will work for missing it.

“I am doing same day registration,” I told the first woman I came to. She sent me on to the person at the computer after she questioned someone about the procedure and had me fill out a paper. The woman operating the computer informed me that her compute was not working correctly and I should proceed to the man next to her. He started to input my info when his computer froze. My information was too hot to handle? He had to call someone to learn the steps that were required to get past this glitch. There were two open voting booths when I first came into the room. Now all booths were full and some people had even come and gone. Others, who did care about privacy, were using tables. In not too much more time he had my information printed off, but said, “You should check it for accuracy.”

“Oh no this is the wrong address,” I said.

The bill that I had brought had the church’s address on it and not ours. So I explained the situation. He was not sure what would happen if he changed the address. In the end we just let it go so for voting purposes I live at the church. Not a church mouse, but church Paula lives there.

But I did vote in spite of the part of me that wonders if it matters. Leroy does not have to go through all this since he changed his driver’s license and therefore has his voter registration up to date.

Parishioners sometimes forget that a parsonage is really theirs. Sunday an older woman asked me, “Are you living in Pastor’s house?”

I simply answered, “Yes.”


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