Monday, August 2, 2010


New Brighton, MN


The day we came back to MN we had a reunion of Slovak—American--Canadian workers who were geographically close enough to come together. It was great. Such fun to see those dear faces once again. We had lots of catching up to do. I was so happy to be there. There is something special about being out of your normal environment for making quick deep friendships. Seems to me some of the same thing happened when I went to college.

We used the light rail to go from the airport to a bus stop so we could go to within .6 mile of Brian’s house. Brian had emailed the schedule that seemed as if it would fit our plans. Even though the plane touched down at the scheduled minute, we were unable to get off the plane quickly enough to make the ten minute walk to the light rail stop. Luckily it runs about every ten minutes, but that was just a little late for getting to the bus stop. The difficult part about the bus stop was that it was not obvious where it was. We had the cross streets names, but as there is no schedule listed we could not tell which side of the street we should be on. Asking people on the street did not lead to an answer, but when a bus came to the stop, not the one we wanted, we just asked the driver.

We were two minutes late getting to the corner, unfortunately the next bus would not be there for an hour. This stop had plenty of sunshine so we walked about a block to the library that someone had pointed out as they knew that we could find bus schedules there. It was nice and cool in the library. We decided not to enter the library proper as we did not want to have our bags searched looking for books as we exited.

Finally we were on the bus even though it was 8 minutes late. It also became more comfortable to me to ask where our stop was as again they are not labeled. At least here we can talk to the bus drivers. I was pleased that the bus had a number of riders.

The less than a mile walk was a piece of cake since we knew where we were and where we were going.

I will have to say that Minnesotans complained about the het and humidity. It seemed like a cool place to be in comparison to what we had just left.


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