Yesterday morning my ride to the Kenya talk was picking me up at 6:00. After being up two or three times in the night opening or closing windows because of rain or heat, I woke up at 4:00 sure that it was time to get up, finally went back to sleep and jerked awake with the bleating of the alarm at 5:00.
My driver came on time in his rather high off the ground pick-up without a running board. I was wearing my Kenya dress. Not wanting to get it dirty I hitched it up a good distance, grabbed hold of the conveniently placed handle, and hoisted myself up and in while my driver averted his eyes as a bit of leg and who knows what was displayed.
We got the computer, projector, and table set up in plenty of time. I was happy to find oatmeal as a choice on the buffet line. The only thing lacking was fruit, but I ate that when I got home.
Was the talk successful? The audience seemed quite interested and asked a number of questions. But the computer did not move the pictures on in a timely manner. I would get impatient, push the arrow yet again and then it might skip a picture or two. Luckily there were some that were almost duplicates. I kept telling myself to be flexible.
My driver who is a member of the congregation told me, “When I heard that you were leaving I felt as if I had been punched. It is like losing family.”
Somehow I think Leroy and I do not realize how connected people feel to us. His wife had helped me pack and just after making a remark from the sermon on Sunday, she said, “I hope this next person has sermons that are as good as Leroy’s.”
Leroy got home in fine time in the afternoon and we went to the first of our farewell dinners. Being here almost three years makes such a difference from a one year stay. People are having a hard time seeing us go. I just hope they can welcome the new person with open hearts.
One of the people gave us some black walnuts. I do so appreciate the time and effort that goes into this gift. Besides I like them a lot. I often eat a few as a snack.
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