Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Big Toilet Paper Rolls


Just how big will toilet paper rolls evolve? Will I be able to bring it home on the bicycle? Can I walk it home, or will I have to stagger home under the weight? Can it be put in a small car? Will homes need larger doors?

Who was the person that created this new largest size and what type holder do they have? How much toilet paper do they use at a sitting? In a day? In a week? Do they not have time to put on a new roll?

The roll fits in the holder, but barely. Consequently getting a required length takes some skills so that the strip is intact. Dealing with shredded paper is certainly not for the faint hearted.

On the plus side the roll does not have to be changed very often, but does it take so long that we will forget how? Also it does save on the cardboard tubes thus helping the landfill to accommodate more other useless items.

One older woman in the toilet paper section in the store said, “When I was raising my five children we could only get small rolls requiring many changes of rolls. Now when it is only me I can buy a large roll that lasts me for a long time and it does not matter.”

Excuse me, I have to lug this roll into the bathroom, and jam it into the holder.


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