Monday, November 16, 2009

Money Matters


I have spent much of my life not spending money or at least spending it very carefully. Now that I am approaching an older age I have become much more carefree in the spending area. Don’t believe that as it is only true in certain instances and on certain days.

Shoe buying is something that I detest because I have such large feet that my choices have often been limited or maybe even not really existing. Hiding my feet under my desk at school partially hid the evidence, but there was no hope in the shoe store. Back in those days trying on shoes with a clerk is the only way I remember it happening. On one occasion my feet were larger than children’s shoes. Girls, however, did not wear women’s shoes. There were only two pairs in the store that fit me and I did not like either one. In disgust the salesman went over to another clerk and said loudly, “You take her and can’t do a thing with her.”
The rest of the incident is blocked from my mind. I suspect that I chose one of the pairs that I did not like just to get out of there. We lived about 40-50 miles from Dubuque and shopping was a big trip only done once in a while.

No longer is it necessary to face a person sizing my feet. When we visit Brian I go to a shoe store in their area that has many sizes and a great bargain room. I now spend more money on shoes and have gotten some that actually fit me and feel good on my feet. I suspect that should have been happening for years as I have developed some painful areas in my toes.

Going on to another money matter, I mentioned to Leroy that I was sorry that I had never gotten the accompaniment ed. of the With One Voice hymnal. Leroy promptly looked online to learn the cost as surely someone would be selling it. New it is selling for $37.50 and used it is selling for $114 up to $238.47. Does that make any sense?


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