Wednesday, October 28, 2009

DC Neighborhood


Even in the short time that I was at the new house in DC I met some of the neighbors. They all were very friendly and welcoming. One of the guys has the same first and last name. What is the world coming to? Neighbors talking to neighbors? In the big city?

For my return trip, Sarah and Stephen dropped me off at the Metro stop close to their home. They were on their way to church so it was a bit early, but that did not bother me since I like early better than late especially when catching planes.
The escalator was not working at that spot, but a friendly Metro employee told me I could go across the street and go down there. That worked out just fine. At the level where I paid to get in I asked the attendant which side I needed. I am now into asking if there is the slightest doubt. When I got down there I saw that a train was coming in five minutes, but not the one I wanted. In fact there were none listed that I wanted. Hopefully a time would appear. After a while another train for the line I did not want was listed in 20 minutes. Then it said there was a problem on a track. What to do? No phone to reach anyone, but I still had about 40 minutes extra surely something would work out in that time. Fifteen minutes later it flashed up that my train was due in two minutes. It was there in just two minutes. I hopped on, sat so I could see the map, and settled back for my fairly long ride.

It was going just as it should with no trouble finding my way around the airport. A long walk was nice since I would be waiting quite a while.

Checking in this time was a bit less stress since I was flying NW. I simply went to the elite check-in kiosk and it told that I could check in two bags free. Since I only had one to check in I was in great shape. Someone had left a copy of the Sunday Comics on a seat and I pounce on it happy to read something that might make me laugh.

I had never ridden first class before so it was a treat to experience that. The seat was bigger, there was more food for snacks, and a bottle of water was already at my seat. Maybe I could get used to this.


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