We had been told that we should skip the first visa line in the Nairobi airport and go on down a hall that did not look as if it would be a good choice. It did not look like a good choice so I finally asked a guy who was dressed in some type of official clothing if there was another visa line down the hallway and he said yes. When we got to the end and turned we could see the spot. We all had been given papers on the plane so everyone had filled out their papers. There were only a couple people at the end so we got in line and Leroy was called almost immediately. I did not have to wait much longer. My check in guy was quite pleasant. One uncomfortable thing for me was that he kept chatting away to his cohorts in another language, maybe Swahili. I kept thinking that he might be talking to me and I should pay attention. Only at the end did he tell me to look at the webcam on the desk so he could get my picture. After that it was off to find our one check in bag.
We saw some baggage on the carousel but not ours. It took a little bit of investigation to find out that this was the place for ours to come to. We spent half an hour here watching much luggage go past us, some of it almost felt like an old friend when I would see it again. Finally our bag came and we snatched it off the belt, rushed out the doors, and looked at the crowd waiting to pick up someone. At a quick glance I did not see Sarah and neither did Leroy. We went back past the people again as people held up their signs more aggressively. Then we moved on outside.
"What did she say about meeting us?" Leroy wanted to know.
"That she would meet us in the airport," I responded, "or I think it is was in. Oh why didn't I ask for more details?"
After we watched cars go past and listened to the taxi drivers trying to get us to ride with them, Leroy said, "You wait with the bags. I will go check inside."
We each made several trips inside and I was starting to panic. "Oh I wish we had a cell phone, I wish we had talked more about specific details." I said with a little sob in my voice.
"Well when it gets to be mid-night," Leroy said flippantly, "We will just take a taxi to their house."
"Auh!" I moaned, "Don't say that."
Leroy then made another pass into the building. When he came out Sarah was with him. She said there was some road construction on the way and it took her an hour and a half instead of the anticipated 40 minutes. Plus we landed early, got though the visa line with no trouble, and only waited for the luggage.
It took at least an hour to drive back to their house so it was quite late when we got there. I think maybe after 11:00 and we had landed at 8:17pm.
I am grateful that everything worked out. I may now be a seasoned traveler, but I always like to arrive at my destination.
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