Friday, March 7, 2025

Afternoon Out March 7, 2025 Hello, After snow and rain in the morning it seemed a nice time to take a trip to the history center where there is a special exhibit on Mercy Meical Center. It was interesting to see the artifacts as well as watch the film on dealing with the flood in 2008. I once read a book about the start of Mayo Clinic and the involvement of nuns who ran Mercy Hospital in Rochester MN. This hospital was also started my nuns in the order, Sisters of Mercy. Was that the same order? Care and concern for the whole person was a part of their mission. We had been to the museum before, but I did not remember much of what we had seen or perhaps some of the exhibits were updated. It was amazing to me to learn that the first electric car was made here in Cedar Rapids in 1904. Somehow oil took over and electric cars became a thing of the past only to reemerge in the future. How would the world be different if it had not happened?
Also, there is a big exhibit on national oats which is now Tree Top and close to our house.
When we were finished at the museum we walked to the library and I was able to pick up three items I had on hold. That was a nice walk and gave us a number of steps. I consider it a successful afternoon. Paula

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Those Toes

Hello, My plan was to walk to the podiatrist, but getting caught up in reading is not a good way to make that happen. The car helped me to get there on time. After the doctor worked on the “scabs” a bit, he told me that healing is going well and I can skip the band aids at bed time. It is nice to learn that I can cut back on some of the care issues. I still might soak toes, but not twice a day. Healing is a good thing. Last night when we walked to church, I felt a rock that became a boulder in my boot. It was larger than a grain of sand, but not huge. Amazing how those things seem to take over the shoe when they get in. This was a piece of salt that must have been kicked up and entered. Today I had an uneventful walk in the brilliant sunshine. There were dog walkers, walkers, bikers, roller blades and runners out on the trail. It is a used spot and I am glad to have it close to my house. Last night it was cool and very windy when we walked to church. Leroy does not have any long underwear so he wore some colorful bike tights under his pants. He complained on the walk that his pants were falling down. After we got in the door at church it was easy to see that his pants indeed were falling down revealing his red white and blue tights. I laughed and laughed. No one else saw it so he felt okay about it as he hitched up his pants and tightened his belt. The sole of my shoe came loose at church. I always carry shoes when I wear boots to and from. It was a bit disconcerting, but now it is stuck together with shoe goo. Hope it holds. Paula

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Retirement Gifts

Hello, One very good thing about retirement is that when the weather is bad and driving might be unsafe, we can choose to stay home. Tomorrow morning might be that time. We go to chi gong about 12 miles away. If the snow and blowing snow are as predicted we will stay home. Instead, I will try to do some heart healthy moves at home. We also spend some time meditating. I have been reading many more books than I have in the past. I do not even feel guilty taking the time to do this. One negative is that I do not read as many nonfiction books since they do not come across my desk and look interesting. Instead, I have to seek them out. Yesterday afternoon, I was going to take a walk outside and get more steps, but the rain came before I got out there. So perhaps I can get more steps by marching indoors. I hope to walk to church tonight. It seems that most of the sidewalk if clear of the snow. I am also glad to have more time to volunteer. It helps me to feel that it is important thing to do. Gives me some purpose, sometimes in ways not expected. Another volunteer was telling me that her husband had died not long ago. It seemed to help her to talk about it. So that is volunteering an ear. Paula

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Hello, Going through the car wash caused thoughts of trust to come to mind. It was the kind of wash where you put the car in neutral and ride through on the moving track as water and cleaner come down and obscure your view. It will bring us through to the other end with a clean car is what we trust in. I also think of how much I trust my car to work properly even though it is more than ten years old. This fall I will have owned it for ten years and it has required almost no maintenance, except usual things like an oil change. What a trust worthy vehicle! Today we got a letter from the dealer where we bought this car. They tell us that they would like to buy it above market value because they have a customer who is looking for this model. Do we sell? To be replaced or to own? Each day I trust that the appliances will work as they should, but of course sometimes this does not happen because something has broken. I might say I trust God, but for what? To do my will? To care for me? What does that mean when I know things do not always go well for many faithful people. Sometimes it seems that God is a good person to just visit with while trying to be patient enough to listen to the response. And then there is the trust in other people. I trust most to stay in their lane on the highway as well as in the store. Is a contract something to trust in since these days our government seems quite comfortable in breaking them. Will that spread around to many other places? Course I have been reading about the European settlers and their relationship with the first people with broken pacts much of the time. There is a history of this sort of thing. Paula I did not get this sent on the day I wrote it. I generally try to avoid political comments, but have added some today. Part of that is having a daughter who works for an organization that has had promised funds cut off for finished projects. Also, our favorite orchard says that the same thing has happened to them. And they have no way to pay for the finished work. How these things help our country I do not know.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Warm Day

Hello, It was a great day to be out. Leroy even rode his bike, but he tells me that his hands got quite cold. I was quite warm because I worked hard on the gutter at the end of the alley. It helped to get the ice out yesterday. Unfortunately, there were plenty of other things in there including; mud, sticks, rocks, trash, and plants that seemed to have deep roots. Mostly I got rid of what I could, but the plants stayed. Maybe on a dry warm day I will figure out what I can remove. We would like to get the cars washed, but do not want to drive through the water at the end of the alley. Maybe day or two will fix that. It is to be nice for a few more days. I volunteered at the meal center up the street from home. Again, I shelved donated items. The shelves are quite full in certain places so it was challenging to put like items with like items. After that I worked on bagging the donated chicken. The people who were there did not talk much, so time did not move as fast as it has in the past. Paula

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sarah and Natalie Visit

Hello, Sarah and Natalie visited for a week. It was great to have them come. Natalie has the week off from school. Sarah was able to work remotely four days. We spent time talking, playing games, visiting museums, and volunteering. Oh, the two of them also put together two picture puzzles. And then Natalie went to the library with us and found many graphic novels to bring home. Natalie and I also went to a Qui gong class. I thought it would be an experience to show her what that is like. The instructor was very good at including her. Sarah did not work on Monday so the three of us went to the establishment that serves meals M-F. We helped put a lot of donations on the shelf as well as bagged donated chicken and made sandwiches with the fillets. By the time we were done it was lunch time so we ate there as well. They were both quite good workers. I think we got a lot done. Others also commented on how well they did. On Friday Leroy, Natalie and I went to church to help unload the donations and put some of them away. We also opened small cans of applesauce and transferred it to serving sized containers to be taken to the homeless shelters. The person who is mostly responsible for all of this apologized at the messy kitchen. She had put in a 12-hour day followed by a 13-hour day to take food to the homeless shelters. Because of the extreme cold the people were there all day. This woman contributes above and beyond the average person. She also fed us lunch at noon. She always has some food that is left from other things but not enough to feed 100 people. We visited “Leroy’s Museum” as well as the African/American museum of Iowa. We also spotted some eagles on the river. Paula

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Plant Care and Sarah Coming

Hello, Two violets need to be repotted. Geraniums need to be put in soil. The problem is it is cold outside and plants become a rather messy job for some of us. Sometimes it can be done in the kitchen or bathroom where there is not carpeting to be concerned with. Now the potting soil is in the garage and frozen solid. It would be necessary to let it thaw for at least a day or two. Luckily, the rest of the plants are ok or even looking good. It is disappointing that the amaryllis are all too small to create flowers. Something outdoors ate the largest, at least it could not be found in the fall. Sarah and Natalie are going to visit for a week. They were to come in at noon, but the flight was cancelled. We now expect them after 10:00 this evening. Sarah was so disappointed because the first flight was to be direct. Now they have a connection to make. We are disappointed because we had been looking forward to them being here. I even got some books out of the library for Sarah. Books I know she likes, but cannot easily get at her library. At least snow is not a driving problem now. Paula