Monday, February 20, 2012

Two Cars

Ely, IA


We now have two cars cluttering up the street in front of the house here. It is good to have taken care of this matter as I think it has been in the back of our minds for almost a month. Leroy wondered if this 1999 model was worth fixing, but I figure that we could not have bought another for the price of repairs. Also at this point it is nice, but not really necessary to have two cars. However if I have a job too, then I need a way to get there; unfortunately in this country my options are fairly limited. What we need is more people living closer together so public transportation becomes more feasible. It does not look so attractive when it is worded that way. An easy answer is not coming to mind.

The Fastnachts were a hit this morning. Only half of the batch went into donuts with the rest becoming cinnamon rolls. It all tasted good.

More good news, we saw Rex. He looks quite different than he did the last time we saw him. He is ready to go home tomorrow. He certainly talked with more vigor than he had in the recent past. Hope this is indeed the path to wellness.

We found the newest pictures of our grandchildren. I have them out so I can enjoy them. That is a treat.


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