Friday, October 16, 2009

More time in DC


When I finally did get to the new house I managed to get the door open without difficulty. I was loaded with keys, three for the apartment and two for the house. I was happy to pass any challenge at this point. These keys need to be persuaded to open the door.

I spent a bit of time pulling weeds. I also tried to get the weed eater put together, but the holes would not line up just right and I was afraid that I would break one plastic piece or the other so I set that aside. Then I moved on to washing out the kitchen cupboards. Next it was on to washing the dishes, glasses, and etc. that I found. When they were dry I put the in the cupboards any which way since I did not really know the best place. Unpacking a few more things completed the day and tired me out.

Tuesday I managed the bus like a pro, but I kept my schedule in hand and the map readily available. On almost all of the bus rides I was the only white person. Most of the people were black with a few Hispanics.

Today I was to let in the locksmith and the electrician. The locksmith came first. He looked to be late 20’s or early 30’s. When I explained that I did not own the house he wondered where I was from. I told him a small town in Iowa. He thought he might know it because he had family in Ridgeway which is close to Decorah where I went to college. Small world?

I will continue this story later, but now I am tired as tomorrow we will get up very early to drive to Omaha to catch a plane to SLC to visit Miriam and family.


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