Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Gas Station Tales

Hello, It was a perfect sunny day to go to the gas station, buy gas, and get the car washed. I got out, put in my card to pay for the gas, followed the steps including that I wanted a car wash. No separate options were listed for the wash. Back to square one and start again. It was the same result, but I decided to hope for the best and just selected one slot. With gas pump in hand, it was apparent that the car was too far for the hose. Put the nozzle back in place, more the car to the proper spot, get out to start fueling only to find that the order had been canceled. Perhaps going in the store would be best, grabbed my purse and walked in. the person behind the desk was busy arranging cigarettes so I waited a bit, but then said, “Excuse me.” After learning what I wanted, she said, “It is probably better if you pay for it in here.” Then I learned they were having a sale on the car wash with all washes the same low price. After paying, it was back to the car. This time I only had to select the grade of gas I wanted and put it in the car, however the pump stopped working after only a minute amount of gas had gone in. After fussing around with the handle, it worked. To get in the car wash a code was required. I put that in, but it would not take the last digit and announced improper code and quit. I tried again, but could not read the screen to select the wash I wanted. After the next attempt, I backed the car up so I could stand in front of the screen to hopefully read it better. Then I got a notice that the wash was ready and the door came up. I scurred back to the car, started it, slowly moved forward, hoping the door would not come done on my car and stopped when instructed. It is nice to have a clean car. Paula

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Good Old Days

Hello, Some parts of the “good old days” would be nice. That was when I could go to the grocery store and bring home everything I had on my list, even without looking at my list. Today, I forgot my list, forgetting one important thing. Those were the days when almost no one would be able to pass me on the walking trail. It was easy walking too. Now to keep ahead of others, much effort is required. When I read a book I remembered the author, perhaps the author’s middle name, the title and main theme of the book. Now I am feeling pleased if I remember that I read it. Often it is a case of this seems familiar, but did I read it? Names were not especially my strong suit, but now it is more a case of, who is this person? Do I know them and how? Leroy and I switch places at the table each meal. This is to exercise our memory and strengthen it. Mostly it does work, but sometimes we have to discuss the possibilities. Usually, it comes down to what we were eating at the last meal. Paula

Monday, February 26, 2024

First Bike Ride of the Season

Hello, I barely finished the first bike ride that I have taken this year. Between the wind and figuring out how to proceed at all the stop signs, it was a real challenge for me. After we got home, we learned from our downstairs friend, that there was a wind advisory with gusts up to 20 mph. Personally we seemed to have found every one of those gusts. Much of the time going to the library the wind was in our face or at the side. The side is almost worse because of the danger of being blown over. But going forward was so hard it was impossible for me to keep up with Leroy who has more miles on than I do. My “new” bike is still not easy for me because it does not have toe clips on the pedals. That always helped me to have the pedals in the proper position after stopping. Now I have to remember to shift the pedal position as soon as I stop so I can start again. Then there is traffic to pay attention to. Many of them wanted to wait for me, but I could not get it started in a timely fashion so I waved them on. Once I started and my shoe was not in the right position and it hit the pedal crank so I had to stop. This bike is a little small for me so that creates some pedal power issues. I do not have a good extension to my leg. I noticed that my tires were quite low, especially the front one. That also makes it a much harder ride. I suppose I could have used the electric aspect of this bike, but it seemed like a defeat to do that on such a level place. Complain, complain. Hoping the next time will be better with less wind and more air in the tires. Going home was easier than the first direction. Paula

Sunday, February 25, 2024

More Cruise Talk

Hello, After we turned out the lights, it was very dark in our room. We often have to get up and it would be difficult to move around in a strange place without a night light. We opened the curtain hoping for some light from the moon or stars. There was quite a nice amount, not too much not too little. At some point I noticed the light moving rhythmically across the ceiling. Upon investigation, we found that it was lights from the ship moving across the wake or waves. I took a video of it, but cannot figure out how to send that one to you so you are just going to have to use your imagination. Our days at sea took on a certain rhythm as we got up early, walked a mile on the promenade deck, ate breakfast, went to tai chi, ate a second breakfast (or snack) with our later rising friends. After that we would look over the possibilities of activities and we always found something to occupy ourselves. Sometimes it was attending some program, reading in our rooms, playing games, talking/laughing or taking a nap. We did not skip any meals. Leroy and I always walked enough to get our ten thousand steps. There was always some entertainment in the evening which we enjoyed. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I relaxed on the days at sea. It was good to be with other people that we like visiting with. Paula

Saturday, February 24, 2024

How slow do we go

Hello, Yesterday some girls in Junior high were walking across the street from us. They kept getting ahead of us. Leroy remarked, “It looks like they put no effort into it, but they are much faster than we are.” That was certainly true. What happened to the “famous Bradway Walk”? Today I was walking by myself and I heard someone talking behind me. It was not long before a younger woman and her dog passed me with a faster walk. I made an effort to walk faster, but not so sure how long I kept up the faster pace. According to my Fitbit, I do have some fat burn minutes in each long walk, not that I want to burn fat, but I like to have my heart work. What fat are these other faster walkers burning off? We hung out sheets today. Again, a bird went poop above one sheet. Wish they would pick a smaller item which would be easier to rewash. When the leaves come out on the tree, the clothes line should be more protected. Paula

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Trash Picked up

Hello, For the first time this year I picked up trash around our block. It seemed harder than it had in the past. Perhaps because there were not so many big things, but lots of small. I generally pick up cigarette pieces however, there were so many that it became overwhelming. I am not fond of smokers and they are going lower, but I suppose not all think it is ok to just throw those butts anywhere. It was warm and I was too warmly dressed with a light jacket. It could have come off, but then it would have to be carried. It came to mind that one of the last times last year a hundred-dollar bill was in the dirt. No such exciting finds today. Once in a while there is a good useable tool. It was just a lot of squatting and getting back up only to do it again and again. Sometimes rules were broken and I did bend over more than squat. At least it all looks better than when I started. Paula

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Getting caught in a Rabbit Hole

Hello, Sometimes when I try to find something on a website it is like getting caught in a rabbit hole. Not that I have ever been in a rabbit hole, but you know that Alice story. It is hard to find my way to the item I want and then it can become hard to find my way out. At least, I can usually just shut down the site and that is the end of that. A computer programmer must not think as I do. My logical places are not their logical places. How can that be? Are we not alike? Looking at the church website to learn if a study would be today or not, I found a list of the worship services, but not that study. Where would it be listed? Finally, an email to the presenter answered the question of was it happening. At the study, I mentioned that I could not find it listed. It was under a different tab than I expected it to be. Two others had found it after some searching. Are they more tech savvy than I or just more persistent in looking around. I will confess that I do not want to spend much time at such a task so I give up rather quickly. At least I still know where I am going when I walk. Today on my way home, a stop at the college flower garden revealed that snowdrops were blooming as well as a small yellow flower. It was nice to see. Are all early flowers low to the ground for protection from the cold? The Red Russian kale is also starting to look robust enough to eat. It will not be so long before this vegetable can be harvested from the garden. The green winter onions are also starting to look good. No rabbit holes here, or maybe rabbits just don’t like kale and onions. Paula

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Is it Spring?

Hello, It keeps getting warmer and warmer. People are talking spring, but usually that does not come until April. I took a nice walk yesterday and again today. It was necessary for me to have on a jacket. The college kids in the area do not feel the need of more than a sweatshirt. There are green plants here and there. We do not have any flowers blooming yet, but I still look, just in case. Leaf buds on the trees are quite visible. Some big snow piles have a little more shrinking to do. I even saw a little snow in a shady spot. I had a book on hold at the Ely Library as well as the Cedar Rapids library. Course I picked up both of them today. If I had thought ahead, I could have gotten the Cedar Rapids book before the library closed on Sunday. With Presidents’ Day Monday, they were not open. I went a day without starting either book. I am reading one that I will put in the little free library when I am finished. Someday e-books might appeal, but not yet. A day without a book is like a day without sunshine, dull, dull, dull. Paula

Sunday, February 18, 2024


Hello, Yesterday, we spent a good number of hours driving. It was a nice sunny day. However, the wind was daunting. It is a good feeling to have a low-profile vehicle on those days. Some trailers were being buffeted off course a bit. We went to the funeral for Jen’s mother. I am glad that we could attend. It had been a long time since I had seen her father, brother’s family, and uncle’s family. When we attended the children’s birthday parties, we got to see Jen’s family twice a year. It was a quick trip in one day with more time on the road than we actually spent there. It was noticeable that there was more and more snow as we went north. Some of it was blowing across the road on one smallerA road. Those spots looked icy when we went home. Luckily that was only spots and just for seven miles. Stephen’s parents have both died so now there is only Jen’s dad and Andy’s parents left. I think of diminishing groups as there are only my sister’s husband and my brother and sister-in law left of the immediate other relatives. I suppose that is a part of aging. Loved ones are not there forever. Paula

Friday, February 16, 2024


Hello, Going back to the podiatrist was both a relief and a little bit touchy. I had waited a long time so my fungus nails had become thicker and tougher. At least they have a tougher tool for clipping and then an electric gizmo for filing and smoothing it off. Leroy looked at my feet this morning and could see where the skin had been nicked a little. So happy that I did not jerk much so they did not get more skin. Before I could take some oral medicine, I had to have blood drawn and examined. Luckily the lab was just two blocks away so I could walk there too. It is so nice to live in an area that is small enough that I can walk to the doctor, lab and pharmacy. At the lab, she applied the tourniquet, stuck the needle in, and soon said, “What is happening here?” I do not look at needles stuck into me so I had no clue. She then said, “I’m sorry!” After some shuffling noise, and pressure on my arm the needle was pulled out. “This needle fell apart. I am not sure we got enough blood. Just wait right here.” she said before heading off to the phlebotomist. The metal needle would not fall apart, would it? I suspect it was the plastic holding it in place. “It was enough blood, you are good to go.” she announced on her return. I was happy to head home. Paula

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Cruise Traveling

Hello, Our cruise traveling has basically been moving reunions with seminary friends. There were seven days at sea on this cruise. I wondered how we would manage on those days. They flew by. We visited, ate, laughed, played games, read books, went to entertainment features, did tai chi, walked the promenade deck where three and a half laps equaled a mile, one of us participated in a table tennis tournament, and took naps. The other two couples had purchased the Wi-Fi. Leroy and I thought we could live 15 days without it. The hardest part was not knowing how to get ahold of the other couples when not by our stateroom phone. They had only purchased one Wi-Fi plan per couple, so they could not contact the other part of the couple. When I talked with Sarah, she told me, the app from the cruise company had a free chat possibility on it so you could contact each other. Why didn’t we know that? Are we too old and they are young or did we just not listen to some instructions? If we go with this company again, we will know the score unless it changes. Going back to the present and Valentine’s Day, Leroy gave me an orchid. I have never had one before. I will hope it survives and thrives. If not, the blooms will lift my spirits while they are here. I have two violets blooming as well as one pink thanksgiving cactus. The white cactus is putting on some buds, but it will be a while before they bloom. The amaryllis was planted after we came home. It is starting to send up a bud shoot. These winter blooms add color and beauty to the days.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Why Can’t We Connect

Hello, Happy Valentine’s Day. Brian was born on this day 47 years ago. The best gift ever! We started our cruise journey in San Diego. Our friends had told us they would pick us up at the airport, just text when we arrived. I texted when we landed, no response. After we picked up our luggage another, text and no response. Called him and it went right to voicemail. Outside another text and no response. Leroy called and texted same lack as I had. I was getting ready to text his wife when I heard our name. He was there ready to go. In the car we talked about how we had texted so many times. He had not gotten them. After a bit of searching and fussing it was discovered that he had blocked us. He claims not to know how that happened. It certainly created a good laugh. I have done a few things on these “new-fangled” instruments and not realized what I had done so it is quite believable. It was wonderful to have that ride and then to stay with their daughter’s family and have a ride to the port in the morning. People who know where they are going do better driving in the city with all the other fast-moving vehicles. How nice to be met and cared for instead of needing to find our own way forward. How did Leroy and I travel so much 20 years ago? We did not even know the language and managed without too much trouble. Are we losing our nerve? Paula

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Mail and Trips

Hello, We had our mail held by the post office while we were gone. It was interesting to note that in our 16-day absence, one of the cruise companies was our most ardent correspondent. It is almost as if I could start replying to them and let them know how my life is going. Do you think they care about me? Or do they just want me to spend more time and money with them? Such a luxury to be so sought after. They have very nice pictures and some nice prices to go along with that. It could all go to my head. Also, while we were gone, we got a number of tax papers. It is a deal to sort through all of those things. Leroy and I spent some time organizing things and now he is doing the bulk of that work. We do have a tax person, but for some reason he would like us to be a little responsible and gather papers. I am also happy to report that I got a letter from Social Security. They are noting that I did earn in the year 2019. Finally, this will be solved. I have contacted them twice about it. Our recycle bin held a lot of paper when we got done looking at all of the mail. I am not sure how many businesses have found us here, but it seems to multiply. Guess we should move and cut off the stream of correspondence. Paula

Thursday, February 8, 2024

First Port on the Cruise

Hello, We started in San Diego and went down the coast to Panama. The first port was Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The tour was not so informative as the guide talked mostly about the Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton who had filmed something there. At least I was old enough to know who they were. The other topic was tequila, both making and selling. She kept talking about us getting drunk which is not my idea of a good time. our value to them in being there was to purchase something to take back with us. Tourists are a big part of the economy. I did hold an iguana that was warm, docile, had reptile skin, and was a bit heavy. Until I looked at the picture, I had forgotten how large it was. Only after I held it did I realize that the owner wanted a tip. We supplied that, and I consider it money well spent. I was thinking of just touching it, but it was thrust into my hands almost immediately and the small one was put on my head. I thought the small one looked like a toy. It is good thing I did not shake my head and knock it off.
I sincerely hoped the next ports would have more of interest to me/us. The tour guide had a strong accent, but not too hard to figure out what was being said. I would like to have more language knowledge. One person did fall getting off the bus. People were quick to help her. Luckly she was not hurt in this fall, but a bit sore and bruised. Paula

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Not at Sea, but Land legs? February 7, 2024 Hello, Even though we came home late Saturday night, I still have to get adjusted to land when I get out of bed in the morning. Once in a while in the course of the day I also have to adjust my mental process to feel absolutely stable. We spent much of Leroy’s birthday in airports and on planes. I even forgot to wish him happy birthday until a few hours had passed. Guess I was more concerned about making all connections. It was not a big deal, but a long day. They transport us from the ship to the airport in Miami. We walked quite a distance and had to read a number of signs to figure out where to go for our gate. We were about six hours early so there was plenty of time. We even saw two birds in the airport.
They seemed to be scavengers, getting dropped morsels off the floor. Our first flight had a bit of turbulence, so we were confined to our seats much of the time. There was also a medical emergency so they did not serve us anything but some water. We had a shorter time in the Chicago airport so we needed to move rather quickly to get on our next flight. Luckily, we had eaten in Miami, because there was no time for such. I was pleased that our checked luggage made it in fine style. Our downstairs friends picked us up at the airport. It was great to be home and go to bed. Not much unpacking, just getting out the toothbrushes. Paula