Monday, September 18, 2023

Global Entry

Hello, We went to Brian’s house Sunday and spent a few hours with the family before they all left of work or school this Monday morning. It was great to visit even a short time. Leroy said, “I will drive to the airport.” We were going after the rush hour times so he thought he could handle it. It was a bit hard on him as he seldom drives in much traffic. It all went well with the help of GPS. Amazing what we could do with paper maps. We felt a little unsure about the parking, but picked something that said it was hourly. There were spaces listed, but it was a bit of search for an open place. Leroy parked, stretched, tried to relax , and we set off with our required documents. I did ask a guy who had just parked, “How do you remember where you parked?” at that point I could see no signs. He told us where we were and said he takes a picture of the sign which he pointed out when we had walked that far. Then he asked, “Is this long-term parking?” We had no clue, but knew it was hourly. He then hurried off to the catch his plane. We had to follow more signs to try to find the way across to the airport baggage claim area. We were about twenty minutes early, but someone came out almost right after we got there and took us both in. It was quite fast and simple. What a relief. Then it was a case of following signs to exit this ramp and pay to get out. At the pay place it was not so simple. At the first lane we could not figure out how to make it work. Someone else had the same trouble. They backed out and tried another. We did the same, but still could not make it work. We then tried to find a person, but there was no one around. Finally a truck that seemed to be randomly moving around, appeared, so Leroy drove up and asked that guy. He told us we needed to put in our credit card first. Leroy did that, but it said it was an invalid card even though we had used it to get the ticket for entry. Leroy then tried putting in the ticket. It spit everything back out at least three times before it told us the fee. I have been thinking that we might need another hour just to solve all this and leave. What would they do if we just drove through the bar? Even after the fee came up the bar did not. I have no idea what made it work, but we could have both cried by that time. Leroy could still drive, however it took a lot of thought and concentration especially when GPS seemed to be sending us in a direction we did not want. I said, “Let’s just do what the lady says and see where we go.” It all worked but not before we sweat, prayed, and tried not to swear. By the time we got home we learned that we had been approved for global entry. Paula

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Blame Old Age

Hello, I hear my fellow travelers blame old age for a variety of deficiencies, health wise, that have come into being for them. Would I do that? Of course not! Oh no, felt tired and wanted to take a nap. A voice in my head said, “You must be getting old.” I told my health care provider that I do not handle heat so well anymore and wondered if that was a characteristic of aging. She thought not. Perhaps I did not have enough water, salt or even gator aid. She also learned I do not sweat very much. That also makes heat more difficult for my body to process. I do think some things are related to age. Some joints do not work as well as they used to. Could they wear out? Or they not being used as much so they give up trying? Certainly, some muscles are not controlled as well as they used to be. Exercise more? Paula

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


Hello, This morning I actually remembered to pick up Leroy at the museum and take him to tai chi. We were there in plenty of time, but not as early as usual. There were only two other people there at that point. However, before we started seven more people came including two new members. Had I known there would be so many I would have been wearing a mask. Just hoping for the best of health. When the session was finished, Leroy was anxious to go back to work. We gathered our things. I said, “Leroy, I need to go the bathroom, sorry about not being ready to go.” Before I could get to the bathroom, one of the new members came up and noted that we were wearing the same brand of shoes. She started telling me about how much she liked them. Then she added information about washing or cleaning them. I finally told her, “I need to go the bathroom.” She responded, “That’s ok.” However, immediately, she launched into another long story. Wow, I finally made it and we drove off, but I suspect Leroy was late. At church, when watering I realized that today was the first day of a fall study. Grateful it was in the afternoon so I had time to complete my tasks. I started walking to the downtown library, traversed two blocks before I thought about leaving my wallet in the car. Did I lock the car? So back I went. The car was locked consequently my wallet would have been fine. In all of this I gathered a lot of steps. Paula

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Once it was Rally Day September 10, 2023 Hello, Our day started with choir practice early. The director asked Leroy if he would be giving communion to the group. We had been asked a long time ago but had mostly forgotten about it. She announced to everyone that Leroy would give communion and I would assist. So, it was set. Then just before church started the person who had originally talked to us about it, came up and asked if Leroy and I were giving communion. I said, “Yes.” And tried not to laugh. Right after church, we were to help serve the brunch outside. I went to get some water and go to the bathroom so I was prepared for a long stint. Arriving outside I found that there were enough servers. It seemed prudent to wander around as if I had a purpose and waited to be called to let others take a break. In the meantime, Leroy and got something to eat, only to hear that it was time for the adult choir to sing outside. Oops! We sang, I finished eating, and looked for something to do. In a short time, Leroy and I did take the place of some other servers. It was fine to be in not such a busy time. I am including a picture of three of us working. The shirt Leroy is wearing was a retirement gift from the woman on my right. She immigrated from Liberia. We were to be dressed for the beach, but we do not have much that fits that description. Leroy decided this shirt was his most colorful.

Still watering

Hello, Now it is considered a drought. Still not as serious as some areas, but quite noticeable. I go to church six days a week to water the flowers. Guess that has been my long-term volunteer job this summer. Today I fertilized as well as watered. That is the last of the fertilizer so that will be it for the year. I water at home as well. With the cooler weather, it seemed to me that every other day was adequate. It is getting warm again so doing it everyday again for a while. The rain barrel is empty. I miss that source of water. We also water the community garden, but not so frequently. There are two others who also take a turn. That helps quite a lot. What a wonderful thing that we still have enough water for our use, although we have started to be more careful than we used to be. The city is asking for that care. When we drove over the river, Leroy commented on how low it is. I was driving so did not really look. His word is good. Rain would be a blessing. We just hope that it would be in manageable amounts. Paula

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Life Mysteries

Hello, How can it be hot one day and almost cold the next. I even shut a window where there was too much breeze. It was great to have the oven running to make granola. The warmth felt good. Where has the rain gone? Sometimes it is south of us and sometimes it is north of us. What is happening with the air currents? How can a hacker get into an account much faster than I can when I am supposed to know what I am doing? What was that pin or password? How did we get plane tickets for two trips all on one month’s credit bill? How did that happen? How many types of cucumbers are there? I found two more unusual ones in the community garden. One is apparently a lemon cucumber that has a slight lemon flavor. I am not sure about the other one, my taste buds do not declare any difference. The third one is quite long, but does not get very big around.
How can Leroy remember some of the most obscure trivia, but not know what he is to do next? I, of course, have a great memory for what to do next (although it is fading) but cannot remember such trivia. Paula

Monday, September 4, 2023

Labor Day

Hello, We had no big plans for the day. Leroy had been told about the mayor’s bike ride. I decided to skip that. He checked the time and place, got on his bike and headed out. As he came closer, he wondered what was going on as he saw no one. Even at the designation there was not a person except some golfers he could see a bit away. He checked on his phone to see what was going on. What he learned was that the post was from 2016. Groan! At least it was still in the morning although it was starting to heat up. He got an eight-mile ride, but he was disappointed. I went to church when my friend called to say that she was there. It was earlier than I had anticipated, but I hurried thinking of the heat ahead. It was quite fine when I walked there, but coming home was a bit warm. All flowers got water for the day. We did an early morning walk when it was very nice outside. One neighbor was sitting on his porch. When asked, he said “I will take five cucumbers.” We are pleased. We have a more manageable number now. My friend at church commented, “I delivered breakfast to the homeless shelter and will take lunch. Two out of three meals is not too bad.” I am just so impressed by all the effort that she puts into food for others. Paula

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Garden in the Morning

Hello, Because of the predicted heat, I hopped out of bed, took my bone health pill, and headed to the garden. Leroy was still in bed, but I left a note on the table. However, after walking all the way to the garden I realized I would need to go home to go to the bathroom. When I arrived, Leroy was looking for me around the apartment. I told him what was happening. He said he would join me in the garden even though he had not felt so good yesterday. It was quite fine and cool outside. I picked beans and started watering the tomatoes. Leroy came and helped with picking cucumbers. He managed to find 22 of them. Some quite large and overdone. We gave away three on the way home. Later we gave away four more. It is seductive to think about sneaking out in the night and putting them on people’s steps. We were up too early to see any people out and about. Later we went to church and watered the flowers. This no rain time is very hard on plants, but good for our steps. I have 12,000 steps now. I will admit to being a little tired. We have washed the tomatoes, and cucumbers but not done the green beans yet. Sometimes too much produce becomes a burden especially on a holiday weekend when we cannot find people to give it to. Paula