Saturday, July 31, 2021

Cucumbers Distributed



Leroy came home from working in the garden one evening. He told me that the cucumber vines had a lot of fruit, but they looked to be dying, I went the next morning and picked them all. It filled my backpack to much that it was a struggle to get it zipped shut and the weight was daunting, not impossible, but definitely noticeable. I walked a ways past a house only to hear some voice. There were two 20 something men on bikes. I went over to see if I could foist, oops I mean share or give some to them. One of them did take one cucumber. It was fairly large so that helped the weight department. They were talking to a woman who lived there so I asked her if she would like any. She took two, yes! “Do you know of anyone else who might like some?” I wondered.


“Yes, I will take two more for my brother.” she said as she thanked me.


Progress is being made. And my load is much lighter now, but still a bit of weight.


I asked another woman who was putting something in her car and she took about four. Her neighbor also took some. Some of these cucumbers did not look so good, but the next neighbor took all of the rest. What a delight it is to share the blessings of the earth.


I preached the gospel of the community garden, hoping some of these people will go there on their own initiative and pick some of the produce. I do not like to pick green beans for others as picking beans requires so much work, but I might have to change my attitude.



Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Weird Happenings



The other morning when Leroy and I went for our early morning walk, we noticed an old baseball style hat on the recycle paper pile on the back enclosed porch. Then I noticed that the small refrigerator out there had been pulled away from the wall at an angle. That seemed a bit unusual but it has leaked in the past and I thought that might have been the case. Our downstairs friends go to bed quite a bit later than we do so who knows what goes on after we are asleep. Later in the morning, I was with one of those friends and she asked me, “Is this Leroy’s hat?”


“No, isn’t it Clark’s?” I wondered.


“It most certainly is not.” and a further question was, “Did you pull the refrigerator away from the wall?”


With that no answer, it was time to see what might be missing. We also learned that something that had been on the refrigerator was moved to the bench. Neither of us could determine that anything was gone, but I think we all felt a bit eerie, with thoughts of who could come into the porch and do such weird things?


I reported going to the bathroom at 2:00 am and noticing that the motion detecting deck light went off and on several time. When I looked out the window I thought something might be back by the garage, but without my glasses it is difficult to say. We all know that animals come up to drink and set that light off frequently. Next time if such a thing happens, I will have to go get my glasses.


We are locking the porch doors at night and making sure the house doors are locked. We had always locked house doors, but now it has a little more seriousness to it. It is so strange to have things moved around like that, but nothing missing.



Sunday, July 25, 2021

Mouse in the house, again?



Yesterday after I got home from work I went to the “office” to work at the table in there. Something smelled funny or maybe rotten. I checked my violet because I had not paid much attention to it in recent days. One violet leave was dead, but surely that would not smell. I removed it anyway, left the room to dispose of it before coming back and noticing the smell again. After some more nose leading search, I looked in the corner where I had left a mouse trap from the last invasion. Oh, no it was turned over. Because that corner is a bit dark I got a flashlight, shined the light so I could gingerly extract the string from the weight holding it in place, took the end and carried the cargo outside where I left it in the back yard close to the gate, but off the traffic pattern.


I checked to see if I could see any other mice even though there were no other traps set. No visible visitors, but those mice have great hiding skills honed to a high degree. The next thing was to open the window to get the smell out. This was done even though it was over 80 degrees F. outside. I had placed a second sprung trap on the attic steps. It still had peanut butter on it from the last time it was used. No mice had visited it so it put it out of sight. At least I figure the mice are not coming from the attic.


When Leroy came around, I wailed and moaned about the mouse in the house. They certainly are not my favorite guest. What I really can not figure out is why we have them come here and our downstairs friends have never had them visit. Do they just like us better? We would be happy to take second place.



Friday, July 23, 2021

Eyes, eyes, eyes



Today I had another eye check because my distance vision has decreased. It would be nice to get new glasses, especially when the new lens is more than a step up. Instead I will have a consultation, in August, with an ophthalmologist who performs cataract surgery. I am disappointed that the recommend person is in an office farther away from my home, but my optometrist said, “I sent my mother to him, that is whom I trusted with her care.”


I will go there, but there are two within walking distance of my house. Not that I would walk there for any surgery, I might not find my way home. I will tell Leroy to drive me. He works the day of the consultation, but I am not to drive as my eyes will be dilated. This appointment will take three hours. Guess that means all possibilities are covered.


If this person decides it is not time yet, I will have to get new glasses, but can wait a while longer for that as I can still drive safely, according to the man I saw this morning.  Apparently my cataracts are about half way there, but because of my extreme nearsightedness they more seriously affect my vision. Certainly I know that Leroy is not bothered as I am, in fact his vision has improved. I am grateful for possibilities, surgery or not, new stronger glasses or not.


He also told me I have some astigmatism, but it is a “small player” because my nearsightedness is so bad. Perhaps after the surgery it might be more noticeable. He believes that I will no longer need glasses, but will need readers.



Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Organ Crawl



This morning Leroy and I took a tour of the new pipe organ at our church. This included not only a stop at the organ consol with much information about what the stops do and the key action, but we into the back where the pipes are housed. It was quite interesting. There are three levels back there. First we saw the bellows and other mechanical connections from the console to the pipes. Before going up to the level of the pipes we had to walk on a mat that took the dirt off our shoes. Then it was up a narrow ladder to the level where the swell organ pipes are housed. This level has the most voices which are often is used for solos. The last level had the great and pedal pipes. There was not as much room up there so only four people could be up there at a time. I have included a picture of the floor which also looks very fine.


I was so happy to be able to go on this tour. I had never experienced such and do not expect to again as usually this area is out of the sight of the public. Much of the reason for this access is so the organ can be serviced if needed. All pipes were labeled in the supporting wood frame. There was also a general list so a repair person would know what was housed in that area.


Building an organ certainly involves a lot of team work.



Monday, July 19, 2021

Small bird



Leroy and I did not see the small bird yesterday, but this morning I saw a small bird upside down with flies crawling on it. I mourned it a little; however realize that is how life works in the wild.


Leroy and I took an early morning bike ride. Not sure when we left, but it was before 6:00 am. It was cool and refreshing. We went about ten miles. Saw bikers, dog walkers, and runners. We are not the only early risers. If I can get myself organized, I will try to ride to work on Saturday. I do not start work until 9:00 so it gives me enough time to ride the 11-12 miles. I hope the trail is open all the way. They had been doing work on a part of it. If it is raining or will be too hot, I will drive.


I got some more lettuce from our garden. Both Leroy and I think it is good enough to eat in salads. I realize that because we have so little sugar in our diet, we might be more tolerant of bitter than many are. I also cut some arugula leaves on a stem that was flowering; again I think it tastes just fine.


I also checked on the status of books in the little free library. Right now the fastest moving books are for young readers. Picture books are taken, but not so quickly. The same is true of adult books. Must say something about the age of people who pass by.




Sunday, July 18, 2021

Young Bird



Last night after I got home from work it was good to go out for a walk. There was a ball of fluff about the size of a ping pong ball on the sidewalk. On a closer approach, it was revealed as a young bird, surely too small to fly. It stayed very still until we got quite close. It proved it could move by running off under the close bush. It was nice to see it, but we wondered if it would be safe, especially as there are cats out roaming around from time to time.


When we came home the bird was once again back out on the sidewalk as was an adult bird. We stayed well back. Leroy said, “The mom is feeding it.”


This time we walked a ways away in grass, but the adult flew away while the youngster scurried under a bush with dinner dangling from its mouth.


This morning we looked for that interesting creature, but saw no sign of it. Maybe there or maybe gone. Even though we do not know the type of bird we feel sympathy for it. Amazing how that almost personal experience makes our attitude different. Now if we could just apply that to all people we would live in a better world. Seeing individuals is valuable.



Friday, July 16, 2021

That Leroy gets it done



Leroy had seen his general medical doctor who wanted some blood work. He gets blood work done every month because of his disease, but this was for some other things. He could have had it all on the same day, but decided to go ahead this morning. He got to the lab as it opened which was 7:00 am because he could not eat ahead of time. Leroy likes to have breakfast so the earlier the better.


I had my breakfast, washed and hung out two loads of clothes before he was done with breakfast. It was not long after that that we walked to our appointment with a spiritual director who would help us navigate the end of life health care directives. Leroy did find our former copy which we had done in 2002. It was quite succinct and did not include as much as we wanted. We still have not filled this out, but will get that done by August. This person suggested that we put an end date on it so we do get it done.


I was going to the grocery store. Leroy has worn a hole in his garden jeans. We went to two thrift stores and finally found a pair that fits him. Men’s jeans must be worn out rather than given away as they were not in such big supply. We also stopped at a store looking for a particular type of bug repellent for plants. One of Leroy’s library plants has aphids on it. We did not find the bug spray.  On our way to the grocery store Leroy’s phone rang. I answered on the car system. The jewelry store had called to say the insurance appraisal for my engagement ring was ready. Great, we were just a short distance away. We dashed in, picked up the ring and the papers before heading to the grocery store, got groceries, and filed the papers with the insurance agent. Such a full morning, but Leroy commented we got a lot done. So he was happy.



Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wow what sleep



I only woke once last night. In the morning, Leroy got up without waking me and even had a shower before I woke. What a wonderful feeling to get so much sleep and this was without the new bed. Low fluid intake the day before helped that along. Sigh, it is so hard to get everything in sync as more fluid is necessary, but?


With that amount of sleep the day was easier to tackle with grace and verve. I even made four phone calls which require strength for me to get the job done.


Yesterday at work someone brought in a “enormous” broccoli head. Without asking if I wanted it they parked it in my hands and announced, “It is from my garden. It might have some worms on it.” They walked away and left me holding the bag.


In the refrigerator, we already have a large broccoli head from the community garden. Today I soaked this giant head in vinegar water, with the pleasant result of no worms showing themselves. After that I lightly cooked it and froze it. We are blessed with so much garden bounty. Now I wonder, “Why did I buy that last package of frozen vegetables. Our freezer is getting quite full.”


Looking for a good sleep again tonight.



Sunday, July 11, 2021

Book Club “in Person”

July 11, 2021




Today our church book club met in person for the first time for over a year and a half. Good things happen. Two of us were still wearing masks, but all had been vaccinated. I was glad not to have to set up the online meeting, not that it was hard, but sometimes something would get out of order in the email list of recipients. It is so good to see people. We spent some time at the beginning just catching up. That always happens, but this was a little more than usual. I think people speak up more quickly when we are in person discussing the book. It seemed seamless in person and a little stilted on line. On line was not perfect, but a good solution for those conditions.


The book club at the library will also meet in person. It has been about the same amount of time since that has happened. One thing about meeting online two other people had joined us and I am not sure they will be able to or want to drive to the meeting.


I so liked the book I read for the library club. It was by Elizabeth Cobbs, The Hamilton Affair. I certainly learned a lot. I had known just a little about Alexander Hamilton, mostly that he fought a duel. I have a better feel for the times as well as the person by the end of the book. I always did ok as a student in history class, but I really enjoy historical fiction, perhaps because it makes it more real for me.



Saturday, July 10, 2021

Garden Joy



We went out to walk early this morning only to find a mist in the air. The walk was postponed. After breakfast, I did some yoga. Leroy must have gotten tired watching me because he went and took a nap. Finding him asleep, I decided to pick up trash around our block since I have not done that for some time. I use the plastic bags from the grocery store that I get from others who do not need all they get. I bring my own bags to the stores so I do not have any of my own. Anyway, one bag was quite full after passing the alley in back of our house. It was heavy too so I turned in, put that in the city trash collection bag, took another bag and went back out. In a bit Leroy came, I had written a note so he would know where I was and not worry. He then went home and got a bag too. We proceeded to fill two bags on the rest of the block. I thought it would not be so much since once mowing starts, people pick up a lot more. We also pick up what is in the gutter so that might explain that.


When done with that Leroy said, “I am going to the community garden. There might be some tomatoes.”


I thought that was a little crazy, it was, but there were plenty of other things. We picked one cabbage that was badly split, a beautiful large head of broccoli, one nice sized zucchini, a radish, some celery, and a bit of Red Russian Kale. What a feast we will have with all of this bounty.


I posted on social media hoping that others will go there and enjoy the possibilities.



Friday, July 9, 2021

Where is the Rain?



There was a prediction of rain today. We have seen little of it. I tried to tempt it by hanging out clothes, but they are all dry and safely inside. Leroy and I did take a nice long walk even though there was a bit of rain in the air. It stopped almost immediately. We became hopeful when we got closer to home and we could even see spots on the sidewalk. But no rain! We are grateful for the cooler air.


This morning Leroy went and got his DPT shot as well as the first shingles shot. Hopefully he will not feel too bad with any reactions.


We even got some papers off the desk. There are a few more to go, but we will tend to these things. I am happy as I like a clear space.


Mystery in the house! There have been four flies in here. We have almost never had flies in the house. My questions are, why today and where are they getting in. We have managed to get three of them out, or dead. We do not take kindly to fly visits.



Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Cool Temperatures



We know we are getting used to warm when an 80 degree day is pronounced perfect! I certainly felt like getting some watering and hanging out clothes chores done. If it never went over 90 again it was be fine with all of us.


Today I steamed some kohlrabi leaves to eat along with some beans and barley. I topped it all with salsa. Leroy was not home to give his opinion, but I thought it was just fine.


How many things do Americans throw away that could be eaten and provide good nutrition? This year we got all of the cabbage family plants in the garden in good time for them to produce well. Too often they have had to contend with heat. They do now, but they seem to be big enough to deal with it.


Most nights we have opened the windows and I am grateful for the cool evenings. Sometimes that does not happen. It certainly makes the next day more bearable.


I am also grateful for air conditioning, but I wish we did not have to use it, as I believe it is not good for the earth. When I have lived without it, I think we adjusted or became accustomed to the heat. At least I can remember people complaining about the heat and I would wonder why? To me that day was fine.



Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Busy Social time



Frequently Leroy and I spent a lot of time by ourselves. We are both somewhat introverted so find that a great time to “do what we want”. Yesterday was not that kind of day.


We had some company in the morning to share a visit and some watermelon since they could not come on Sunday. We do not see much of them in part, because the man goes to the Catholic Church across the street from our church. We had met him before, and found we had a very nice conversation. I visit with his wife quite a lot because of the church book club. The watermelon visit stretched into the afternoon. That was ok.


We called the bed seller to order our bed. Would you believe something was off on their computer and it only listed us as reserving a remote to raise and lower the bed head? We had the papers proving that we had ordered the bed on sale. So we decided to go there with the papers. This place is only about two miles from our house so it was not a problem. Luckily I realized before we left the house that I could not go because I was boiling eggs.


After Leroy came home we got a call from some other friends whom we had planned to also share watermelon with, but the next day. Their plans had changed so they could share with us a day ahead. They had a head of cabbage fresh from their garden as well as some pickled beets. So we went there bringing the watermelon and in the course of an hour or two visit we made the exchange.


After eating we got ready for our last set of guests with whom we do a lot of walking or bike riding. We had planned it for the evening because it has been so hot and uncomfortable during the day. It was not as cool as we had hoped, but we still hiked for at least a mile before coming home to eat some more of that great watermelon.


We were tired and ready for a short time reading books before going to bed.



Sunday, July 4, 2021

Out and About



It was all not necessarily independence activities, but we could participate in some because of our freedom to do so. At church we listened to piano and organ duets. It was nice to hear that new organ and what it could produce with a skilled player.


 We or Leroy watered some of the plants we had just put in this week at the church. They looked a bit thirsty. And of course, it was a lot of time to talk to a lot of people. Leroy and I are still wearing our masks, but we stand out in the crowd. I expect there were less than ten masks to be seen.


Lavender was a gift from a friend who invited us to come get more. We came with a gift of watermelon in exchange for lavender. We have enough to put lavender in several places around the apartment. I like the smell. Hopefully it will not bother Leroy. He also likes the smell, but one never knows.


On the way home from church we stopped at the community garden to harvest one zucchini, a bit of spinach, one large radish and three medium sized beets. On the way home we passed a couple sitting on their porch. In our chat with them we told them about the garden. They seemed quite interested so I hope they go there to pick some things. I like advertizing this to people who are out on those front porches. So happy that someone invented front porches, it is a great way to interact with neighbors.


Someone took the last fall sedum that I had had to give away. Happy, Happy! My downstairs friends made a “free” sign so it can be seen better and longer than my attempts that the dew and wind played with. Thank you, thank you.



Saturday, July 3, 2021

Wild animals



This morning I looked out and saw an animal lumbering around between garages. I told Leroy, “It might be a groundhog or a raccoon, but I think it is the raccoon.”


He looked, without glasses on and had to go fetch to verify that it was indeed a raccoon. I do not mind wild animals, but would prefer that they did not live so close to me and any garden they might decide to get into. We do not plant sweet corn because we figure it would be like an invitation.


At least our compost and garbage are well secured so they cannot get into either. We often see rabbits both by the house and on our walks. We also, on our walks, spot a groundhog from time to time. There is an area where we have seen red foxes, but not this year. One day when we were picking black raspberries a woman who was driving by stopped and asked us if we had seen the fox. Apparently she has seen it just about where we were.


Squirrels are such a common sight that we hardly note when they are around.


We have seen a deer on one of the college campuses that is close to us, but seldom do we see them in the city. Others complain about deer as they eat ornamentals in their yards.


There are a certain number of cats. I suspect some of them are feral. So I suppose that makes them wild too.



Friday, July 2, 2021

Mattress shopping



Mattress shopping is hard work. Or maybe it is the decision making once information has been gathered. Leroy and I went to one store in the morning and another in the afternoon. Unfortunately the one which was the most expensive felt the best for Leroy who has a slight amount of scoliosis. He used the words “good” instead of saying it was “ok” which is how I know that it felt quite fine for him.  I did not notice that much difference, but maybe I am an insensitive person.


After the first store visit, I was all ready to buy their product. After the second store I am ready to buy their product if it makes Leroy feel better even if it costs twice as much. Who knew mattress could be so expensive? It has been years since we last purchased one and there is a bit of sticker shock. No pressure, but the sales are over in three days. Decisions, decisions or wait until next year when prices might be higher yet.


We even missed both our morning and our afternoon snack. Now there is a hardship!

